You stink Rokom! Four tributes burgle Koe while his back is turned! Bubbles tools up for war! The infamous rake field claims Zealo!
You stink Rokom! Four tributes burgle Koe while his back is turned! Bubbles tools up for war! The infamous rake field claims Zealo!
broken avatars return!
May pisses herself in terror when confronted by a fearsome murder-bird! Yeti goes looking for mischief! Icedwarrior should know better by now! More bombs mean more fun!
Stop being so lewd Dyra! Gemini receives what she hopes is fresh water! Vanyali is thwarted by fucking brambles! Three tributes team up to hunt for stragglers!
Lol, will Val ever learn the secret of fire? Reek never was too bright! Joe spots smoke in the distance but wisely decides to stay away. Algy you scrub!
Algy we expect better
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What is it with Val and fire?
Mello, you could have prevented the apocalypse! Well spotted Ripster!
I think Mello is just being a typical cat and wants to watch the world burn.