1. #2041
    High Overlord W1shm4ster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Dragon View Post
    dat thumbnail
    You're currently wondering: "What could i do with 6 arms?" and it's probably something Frey doesn't approve of.....so is the thumbnail.
    Sig by Thor

  2. #2042
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    Imagine, if you will, a game with both location based preorder bonuses and system based exclusive content.
    You can only use this crystal Mario Amiibo on the XBox, and no other console, and you can only get it at Wal-Mart.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  3. #2043
    Quote Originally Posted by W1shm4ster View Post
    You're currently wondering: "What could i do with 6 arms?" and it's probably something Frey doesn't approve of.....so is the thumbnail.
    Frey doesn't approve of most things

  4. #2044
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Dragon View Post
    Frey doesn't approve of most things
    Maybe most of the things we do just happen to be the things Frey doesn't approve of!

  5. #2045
    High Overlord W1shm4ster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowstormen View Post
    Maybe most of the things we do just happen to be the things Frey doesn't approve of!
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Dragon View Post
    Frey doesn't approve of most things
    O-Or maybe we're just a bunch of really perverted people.
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  6. #2046
    Quote Originally Posted by W1shm4ster View Post
    O-Or maybe we're just a bunch of really perverted people.
    i'm an innocent arrowling!

  7. #2047
    Stood in the Fire Azmaria's Avatar
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    Oh joy my hard drive took a crap and the external with the backup ;_;
    Sadly I must use the ssd I had set aside for the new build and the os I had as well ;_;
    Life doesn’t get easier, we just grow stronger.

  8. #2048
    Quote Originally Posted by W1shm4ster View Post
    O-Or maybe we're just a bunch of really perverted people.
    all dragons are perverted
    *sage nod*

  9. #2049
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Watched the new Star Wars movie

    Someone owes me my money back

    It was awful

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  10. #2050
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyera View Post
    Watched the new Star Wars movie

    Someone owes me my money back

    It was awful
    it was great!

  11. #2051
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Dragon View Post
    it was great!
    It was the worse movie I've seen in a long time

    The list of complaints is long and tiring and it had only one saving value which didn't show up often enough to save the movie

    Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best

  12. #2052
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyera View Post
    It was the worse movie I've seen in a long time

    The list of complaints is long and tiring and it had only one saving value which didn't show up often enough to save the movie
    Jar-Jar Binks?

  13. #2053
    High Overlord W1shm4ster's Avatar
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    I want inervate
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  14. #2054
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaedris View Post
    Jar-Jar Binks?
    Jar Jar was more tolerable than this entire movie was

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  15. #2055
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Preorder bonuses were enjoyable back in the day, and some still are, but the good ones are usually getting a statue, or some piece of bling.
    I really don't get the ones that add a bunch of powerful items right at the start. They can be kinda fun, but I feel like they ultimately detract from the experience.
    Quote Originally Posted by W1shm4ster View Post
    O-Or maybe we're just a bunch of really perverted people.
    Maybe you're just projecting your own pervertedness onto everyone else!

  16. #2056
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyera View Post
    Jar Jar was more tolerable than this entire movie was
    Sorry Frey, but the movie was entertaining and fun. Is it perfect? No, but it is a good Star Wars movie and saying Jar Jar is better is over exaggerating.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by yeast View Post
    I really don't get the ones that add a bunch of powerful items right at the start. They can be kinda fun, but I feel like they ultimately detract from the experience.
    That's something that is annoying as well. "Order now and get a gun in game." Sorry, but that doesn't sound interesting in the slightest.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  17. #2057
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Sorry Frey, but the movie was entertaining and fun. Is it perfect? No, but it is a good Star Wars movie and saying Jar Jar is better is over exaggerating.
    I guess that's your opinion, then.

    Mine is that it was terrible and disgusting and insulting

    Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best

  18. #2058
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyera View Post
    I guess that's your opinion, then.

    Mine is that it was terrible and disgusting and insulting
    Okay, but you have to actually say what those issues are. I look at it from a movie stand point and in no way is that movie any of those things. The way I look at it is a little more factual than just saying you don't like it. More than enough professional critics place the movie quite highly, and not just because it is Star Wars, there is a small majority that don't agree with this, but we are talking 90% to 10%.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  19. #2059
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Okay, but you have to actually say what those issues are. I look at it from a movie stand point and in no way is that movie any of those things. The way I look at it is a little more factual than just saying you don't like it. More than enough professional critics place the movie quite highly, and not just because it is Star Wars, there is a small majority that don't agree with this, but we are talking 90% to 10%.
    Yea, those positive reviews are rose tinted glasses watching a movie that's basically a reenactment of Episode 4 with prettier graphics, worse story line, even further far fetched situations, convenient situations at every turn where the right thing was at the right place at the right time with no explanation, no continuity or transition between point A and point B, the All-Purpose-Plot-Hole-Filler tool called The Force which is just squirted into every gaping hole without any effort put behind it, unexplained and rapid character development or no character development at all, most characters being typical emo archetype taking self loathing actions and then flipping 180 degrees on that instantly because the plot requires it, pitiful attempts at recalling scenes in previous movies for comedic value.

    I have another couple pages of these.

    Sig: Elyssia | DJoron is the Best

  20. #2060
    Quote Originally Posted by Freyera View Post
    Yea, those positive reviews are rose tinted glasses watching a movie that's basically a reenactment of Episode 4 with prettier graphics, worse story line, even further far fetched situations, convenient situations at every turn where the right thing was at the right place at the right time with no explanation, no continuity or transition between point A and point B, the All-Purpose-Plot-Hole-Filler tool called The Force which is just squirted into every gaping hole without any effort put behind it, unexplained and rapid character development or no character development at all, most characters being typical emo archetype taking self loathing actions and then flipping 180 degrees on that instantly because the plot requires it, pitiful attempts at recalling scenes in previous movies for comedic value.

    I have another couple pages of these.
    Yes, we all know it is practically the 1st Star Wars, I'm not calling it A New Hope. I think this was necessary to prove that Abrams, and Disney, could do a Star Wars movie correctly before bringing in anything new. Honestly if it is just the 1st one then that means it hits the same beats and can't have a worse story if it is "basically a reenactment".

    What far fetched situations? Gotta expand on that.

    Convenient situations? You mean how almost every movie has that exact same thing?

    What do you mean "no continuity" they clearly spell out where they are and where they are going and then they go to those places. What more do you need? Lord of the Rings walking montages?

    Where was the force used to fill in a plot hole? Gonna have to explain this more.

    Rapid and no character development I can see that issue and it was an issue, but you have to admit that it wasn't with all the characters. You learn about Finn really quickly and learn his motivation and his character quickly. Rey isn't as fleshed out, but the rest of the characters don't need as much seeing as they are either side characters or characters we already know a lot about. Han showed he was pretty much the same but has a lot of scars from the past and his family has been destroyed because of past events, and Leia wasn't around enough to get much character anyways. Kylo (spelling) Ren could have been explained more, but he definitely wasn't hardly explained.

    What characters are emo besides Kylo Ren? Come on Frey, this is just pure complaining for complaining sake because at the very least he is leagues more interesting than Anakin ever was and Anakin was the pinnacle of emo bullshit.

    What characters flip flop 180 degrees? When did this happen? If you are talking about Kylo he was never truly anything and you saw him struggle with not wanting to be good, and you could tell he was going to be evil from the get go and no flip flopping took place.

    And seriously? You had to know there were going to be some callbacks to the 1st trilogy, that isn't surprising, in the least. They did it in the prequels too, but at least the ones in this are a bit more subtle. If you expected them to not be in the movie, just shows you had a very different set of standards because it was obvious to everyone that was going to happen.

    Finally critics are not paid to look back on nostalgia. Some might have, but if they are truly professional they would have looked at this movie as a standalone movie and even then most agree that this movie is a fun and enjoyable time. It is a good movie and a great Star Wars movie.
    Last edited by Dontrike; 2016-01-01 at 05:18 PM.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

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