Pip, pip, cheerio, I'm bailing because I need to be drawing, not typing out text walls of characters in storytelling and overly verbose ranty bullshit. Someone call me when y'all are done.
Pip, pip, cheerio, I'm bailing because I need to be drawing, not typing out text walls of characters in storytelling and overly verbose ranty bullshit. Someone call me when y'all are done.
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
Uh, i watched the movie too a few days ago and what i found was that they added some sort of "insight" jokes about the last movies, like the one with the garbage machine, but it is far from a bad movie. What kind of character development are you talking about? That movie was also just a entry into 2 new movies, you see our storm trooper friend here deflecting because of moral conflicts he has (there is a book that is before the movie, which also talks about him that leads to this point in the movie) and he pretty much shows what he was or is. Which emo archetype are you talking about? Kylo? He is supposed to be like that, you should look up what drives them to the dark side again and how he behaves, angry, immature, conflicted, thinks himself too weak and wants more power to fix all that, he is exactly what he is supposed to be, no one there did a real 180C° turn on how they're.
hey all back from my nap ^^
Yeah and if people complain about him using a light saber, well...he is trained since a child in combat and as we could see in the movie, they had a special weapon to fight people with a light saber, so he kinda knew his way around it, but you could also clearly see that he lacks the training with it as he was rather losing every battle with it.
They did pretty well with the movie so far, the question is how it will expand on it now, in the old star wars movies you saw real character development almost towards the end of the second movie and in 3 they truly have shown that the characters have grown, i kinda think this will be the case here too, Rey will most likely become a pretty strong force user and Finn might also get training, i think he might fit the Leia role in that one, the force might be weak in him, i mean Kylo noticed him, either because he felt him being watched or that there was something else about him.
- - - Updated - - -
The style was kinda because of that tumblr.
He has some pretty kewl stuff.
My head, it hurts
But my body is quite okay, it seems you know who you are <3
Star Wars talk, oh dear, I've not seen it yet! Shielding my eyes!
[Spider Dance - Toby Fox] [♫] [t] [Splinterfox | MW/BM | Tanaris-NA]
[OSaS A1 ~ 80% Completion] ~ [Thank You, MLP] ~ [ ??? ]
Oh, and happy 2016 everyone!
Right now, this cold water I have is literally the most delicious thing I have ever tasted in my life. And it is Friday so now I go out to get the best clam chowder anywhere. That's good hangover food I think. You ain't the only one :3
I think I'll go see it after I move, sooo like a week from now. Think people will still be using spoiler tags at that point?
I'm also just sitting at my computer drinking water from a 2l bottle, eating peanuts and watching X-Files. I even ordered take away food even though I have some perfectly fine lasagna in the fridge because I just can't be asked to actually do anything productive today.
Clam chowder? What is that, I've never heard of that before. I looked up a picture of it and it looks delicious though!
I will go see it after I move too, I can't wait! I promised to go watch it with my RL mate (who is a huge star wars nerd) and then he left the country to celebrate the new year with some brony friends in Ukraine lol that fucking bastard. But he'll be back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow so then we'll rush down and see it after his jetlag is goneAnd they better, or else they'll have to answer to me! I know I can borrow Isi's whip just for this occation.