I'm also just sitting at my computer drinking water from a 2l bottle, eating peanuts and watching X-Files. I even ordered take away food even though I have some perfectly fine lasagna in the fridge because I just can't be asked to actually do
anything productive today.
Clam chowder? What is that, I've never heard of that before. I looked up a picture of it and it looks delicious though!
I will go see it after I move too, I can't wait! I promised to go watch it with my RL mate (who is a huge star wars nerd) and then he left the country to celebrate the new year with some brony friends in Ukraine lol that fucking bastard. But he'll be back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow so then we'll rush down and see it after his jetlag is gone

And they better, or else they'll have to answer to
me! I know I can borrow Isi's whip just for this occation.