1. #2081
    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusitavia View Post
    I'm also just sitting at my computer drinking water from a 2l bottle, eating peanuts and watching X-Files. I even ordered take away food even though I have some perfectly fine lasagna in the fridge because I just can't be asked to actually do anything productive today.

    Clam chowder? What is that, I've never heard of that before. I looked up a picture of it and it looks delicious though!

    I will go see it after I move too, I can't wait! I promised to go watch it with my RL mate (who is a huge star wars nerd) and then he left the country to celebrate the new year with some brony friends in Ukraine lol that fucking bastard. But he'll be back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow so then we'll rush down and see it after his jetlag is gone And they better, or else they'll have to answer to me! I know I can borrow Isi's whip just for this occation.
    I would soooo like to be doing the same, nothing at all. But alas, the family wants me to visit today, so I gotta drive an hour and have dinner and see some Chinese light festival thing and drive an hour back.

    Be sure you're looking at New England clam chowder, the white kind, since there are other kinds that aren't nearly as good. And yes, Panera Bread's new england clam chowder is amaaaaazing, I try to go get it every Friday, since that's the only day they have it.

    Hah, awesome, you gotta let me know how it is, and how hyped I should be as also a huge star wars nerd. Just this one occasion huh? You sure you wouldn't want to keep it for.. other things?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusitavia View Post
    Also my first and hopefully only time on an airplane.
    Wow you don't even like flying I don't think we can be friends anymore

    If I were a pegasus, all day every day would be like Spitfire's Day Off.

  2. #2082
    Field Marshal Bluesparkks's Avatar
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    My resident Star Wars nerd + friend loved it. I liked it. Enjoyable enough. But as a writer...


    It was okay. The potential for distaster was more or less averted, but...eh. Nothing impressive.

  3. #2083
    Bloodsail Admiral kortin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusitavia View Post
    I dunno, I just assumed that he'll need a day or so to get his bearings and shit. I don't travel I don't know how jetlag works, the furthest I've traveled away from Denmark has been Dublin lol

    Also my first and hopefully only time on an airplane.

    Well, iirc, Jetlag is a thing that occurs with rapid east-west movement. Ukraine is only a single timezone over, I think.
    "Come, face me! Give in to your Pride! Show me your Greatness!"

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  4. #2084
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluesparkks View Post
    My resident Star Wars nerd + friend loved it. I liked it. Enjoyable enough. But as a writer...


    It was okay. The potential for distaster was more or less averted, but...eh. Nothing impressive.
    It was significantly less shit writing than the prequels.

    3DS Friend Code: 0146-9205-4817. Could show as either Chris or Chrysia.

  5. #2085
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluesparkks View Post
    My resident Star Wars nerd + friend loved it. I liked it. Enjoyable enough. But as a writer...


    It was okay. The potential for distaster was more or less averted, but...eh. Nothing impressive.
    That was a very good thing that happened.

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  6. #2086
    Quote Originally Posted by Bluesparkks View Post
    My resident Star Wars nerd + friend loved it. I liked it. Enjoyable enough. But as a writer...


    It was okay. The potential for distaster was more or less averted, but...eh. Nothing impressive.
    Aye, that's what I've heard. Heh, it's a bit depressing when the reaction "well it least it wasn't a disaster" is a GOOD thing for a movie.

  7. #2087

  8. #2088
    Field Marshal Bluesparkks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysia View Post
    It was significantly less shit writing than the prequels.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pvt Hudson View Post
    That was a very good thing that happened.
    "Better than the prequels" isn't saying much, but it was a solid enough movie, nothing particularly disappointing. Just nothing mindblowingly amazing, either.

    Quote Originally Posted by GarGar View Post
    Aye, that's what I've heard. Heh, it's a bit depressing when the reaction "well it least it wasn't a disaster" is a GOOD thing for a movie.
    Don't get me wrong--the friend I went to see it with is a giant Star Wars nerd, and he loved the shit out of it. He's seen it in theatres like six times or something. But I'm a writer, and by nature there's a number of things I can't help but take issue with. If you really want my take (and Daetrin's take, by proxy) on it, come back after you've seen it. I won't spoil anything.

  9. #2089
    goddamnit the other half got 2 mounts from the xmas thing and i got none =(

  10. #2090
    Blademaster Freyera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djoron View Post
    we could have gotten the game earlier!!!
    Stop being crazy DJ

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  11. #2091
    Bloodsail Admiral kortin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djoron View Post
    we could have gotten the game earlier!!!
    These are not good jokes!
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  12. #2092
    Field Marshal Bluesparkks's Avatar
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    Ooo, didn't think of avatar/signatures as Patreon rewards. Hm...

  13. #2093
    yay doggy is coming home sunday <3

  14. #2094
    Bloodsail Admiral kortin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djoron View Post
    but, early deus ex?!
    and all sorts of swag, and you can even freely decide what you want and what not!

    either never claimed either
    These jokes injure me!
    "Come, face me! Give in to your Pride! Show me your Greatness!"

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  15. #2095

  16. #2096
    Quote Originally Posted by GarGar View Post
    Wow you don't even like flying I don't think we can be friends anymore

    If I were a pegasus, all day every day would be like Spitfire's Day Off.
    I hate flying

    But I also hate riding trains. I generally really do not like speed. I'm a chill dude, guy. I prefer a bike over a motorcycle and a bus ride over a car ride. Plus I am not that good with heights... so basically traveling at high speeds in a metal box up in the sky is pure nighmare fuel for me.

    I would much rather swim~

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluesparkks View Post
    My resident Star Wars nerd + friend loved it. I liked it. Enjoyable enough. But as a writer...


    It was okay. The potential for distaster was more or less averted, but...eh. Nothing impressive.
    You gotta watch out though. Judging the story of a movie as if it was a book leaves you not only blind to the other story telling elements the genre offers (camera movement, acting, editing etc) but can also make you misjudge the intent of certain scenes or events. Like, if you were to analyse the story of The Big Lebowski as a literature piece it would end up as not that great, nothing much happens, there's very little action and many scenes of casual talking that doesn't even go out of its way to tell the viewer about the characters. But if you look at how the lines of the actors and the overall plot mixes in with the camera angles, what is in focus and when, what details are left out and what details are left in and how the actors visually respond to situations and dialog it suddenly becomes so much more.

    I mean I'm not saying your analysis is false, and don't get me wrong I also think this kind of movie analysis is really hard to do and I don't expect people to just be able to do it on a whim, I'm just saying that you can't judge a movie like you would judge a book or a short story, and doing just that might prove destructive towards your own view and opinion of the content.

    EDIT: English is apparently harder than I thought lol
    Last edited by mmoce7ae13e85c; 2016-01-01 at 10:36 PM.

  17. #2097
    Field Marshal Bluesparkks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zirusitavia View Post
    You gotta watch out though. Judging the story of a movie as if it was a book leaves you not only blind to the other story telling elements the genre offers (camera movement, acting, editing etc) but can also make you misjudge the intent of certain scenes or events. Like, if you were to analyse the story of The Big Lebowski as a literature piece it would end up as not that great, nothing much happens, there's very little action and many scenes of casual talking that doesn't even go out of its way to tell the viewer about the characters. But if you look at how the lines of the actors and the overall plot mixes in with the camera angles, what is in focus and when, what details are left out and what details are left in and how the actors visually respond to situations and dialog it suddenly becomes so much more.

    I mean I'm not saying your analysis is wrong, I'm just saying that you can't judge a movie like you would judge a book or a short story, and doing just that might prove destructive towards your own view and opinion of the content.
    I'm...fairly certain I'm not. I'm not at all an avid moviegoer, so I'm more or less as blind to cinematographic techniques as the average moviegoer, but I still maintain that writing is the purest form of storytelling, and from a strictly writing standpoint, the movie was pretty meh.

    The thing with writing is, it's the core of any storytelling medium. Video games, movies, comics, books (durh)--writing's at the heart of all of them. I'm not denouncing the importance of all the other aspects--lighting, gameplay, camera angles, [voice] acting, depth of field--but I am saying all those things enhance the writing; they can compensate for bad writing to some degree (pitchforks down, I'm talking storytelling in general, not TFA specifically), but they can't make up for it completely. Bearing in mind writing encompasses pretty much every aspect of the story--not just dialogue, but actions, expressions, emotions--and that writing is what I'm looking at when I'm saying TFA wasn't impressive.

    I'm just saying--to me, TFA was fine as a movie and perfectly enjoyable, but the writing was...average and not at all impressive.

  18. #2098

  19. #2099
    High Overlord W1shm4ster's Avatar
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    Are we doing fun stuff tonight?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Djoron View Post
    that's what I get for shitposting while playing league

    deserves me right
    That Talon i had today deserved all kind of punishment for troll pick, feeding and then insulting me after the game, yo.
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  20. #2100

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

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