wubba lubba dub dub
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
* Counts ceiling tiles
So much hate, so little reason!
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My laptop is dying. She's had a good run. Lasted a solid 4 years now. She needs replacing. Anyone have any thoughts on that matter?
This one caught my eye, but it's 2014 old. Dunno how good of a deal that is.
Mythic Xavius down. Now onto mythic Odyn, got do I hate that fight.
Problem is finding one that would work with my schedule I only get weekend nights off and the occasional Monday due to trainings and meetings.
It's sad that we have to tell people not to pickup when we are short to show we actually need people. 5 full time positions open on my shift alone and they tell people that want to switch that there is nothing and we're good.
I wish I knew more about computers to make an informed decision about a new laptop