Eh, I'm just going to give up now. Finding a new laptop isn't working. I'll just run this one until it won't boot any longer and then go back to counting ceiling tiles I guess
Never heard of Micro Center. Must be a crazy Yankee store :D
But sadly, no. The last time I went into a Best Buy down here, the person whom I asked for help had no idea what the difference between Nvidia and Radeon was. I didn't feel like asking many questions after that
MMO-C has computer builds. I don't know how good they are, but they seem pretty decent from the little I've read about them. Although I guess that's only if you want a home computer.
What do you want the laptop for? I'm sure someone in this thread could help you if they know enough.
Starts to fall behind on work because we are understaffed and get yelled at. Try to come up with solutions every one of them get shot down. Just say fine I'm coming in on my days off to get it done, told I'll be fired if I do yet I need to get it done somehow. The urge to hit these people upside the head is getting harder and harder to resist.
Thanks for your help Donners. Problem is on my end. Nothing I can do about it
Sounds like typical idiotic management who have no idea how to do something or how long that something takes, they just expect it to get done but heaven forbid they help get it there.
Dumb ass business. Have to get it done on time, but can't do it for extra work, will get fired because of legal issues. Honestly at this point it would probably just be smarter to see if you can get work elsewhere. Nor reason to continue with that bullshit.
- - - Updated - - -
Nothing like having to clean up after my step-brother three different times in the four hours since he has been home today. Fucking 31 years old, that one, and he can't be bothered to do simple fucking cleaning. He's been here three months and the most he has done is put in a toilet, although not well, and did the dishes a few times. Hasn't had a job in weeks, no job held longer than a few weeks, and just taking advantage of the hospitality of his dad.
There goes my boss trying to over complicate things, thank god I was able to talk him out of it.