"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
Happy New Year.
Also the classic wow thread finally got shut down so even more reason to party.
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
Happy New Year
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
It's still 2016 here you goofs
time for this dragon to retire to his cave
g'nite everypony
No one can handle Symmetra right now
No one
It is probably the most obnoxious thing about the game right now
Last edited by Freyera; 2017-01-01 at 05:25 AM.
One of my cats doesn't know when to stop, and I'm not sure she can. For what seems like a year, but really been about two weeks now, she takes a milk ring and plays with it at the top of the stairs for what feels like a never ending amount of time. I don't know how she can keep that up.
So all I hear is thumps on the stairs for hours upon hours.
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NSFF, still funny though.
Nowacking nails her performance in the newest Hellsing Ultimate Abridged
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Here you go Frey. Attacking Hamamura. Get point A easily. Point B gets defended the whole time, because they have a Symettra destroying, and so cocky that her shield generator is in plain sight and nobody but me goes after it. Of course, I can't do that when there's a Torb and her guarding it and I'm fucking Mei, but of course I'm expected to.
I honestly think Symettra's left click should lose some power when switching targets, but that's just me. I also think Mie's should have some work done to her, either her ice block/wall should have a second longer cd or how fast and often she can keep a single target frozen.
When getting hit by a hammer is just too good for me.
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?