I hate being bored
I hate being bored
More wurk wurk tomorrow.
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"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
how is everypony this fine evening?
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My youngest brother needs to learn when to add bleach to his laundry. It was like smelling five months of rotten eggs. It's amazing.
Had an incident on a boat one time. Not here. They accidentally busted a valve loose on a black water tank (Sewage), and the space began to flood. They immediately evacuated to main deck, but realized they had left their hard hats down there, and didn't want to get caught on main deck without them. When the first guy entered the room, he immediately fell into the sewage and stopped moving. The second guy thought better about going in.
It took 30 minutes to get the first guy out of the room safely. The autopsy later showed no liquid in his lungs. He was dead before he hit the water.
woo, and Mythic Nythendra dead too
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and now is time for this dragon to retire to his cave
g'nite everypony
Where does the bleach come in? Because I never use bleach. I just wash my colors and whites together, because quarters.
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Yeah, way too many broken hooks, too much OP as fuck Symmetra, too much "hey someone deal with Tracer" and no-fucking-body does. Back to FFX.
Bleach comes in to to remove the odors in the clothes even more, the washer we have has a place specifically to put bleach in with it. After 5 months of just sitting in dirt a splash of bleach will help keep them clean a little longer and so the basement doesn't smell like a level of hell.
People fighting, mother in the hospital, the need to apparently not tell me till almost a day after it happens, which I'm glad they at least did that. Last time I wasn't told till almost a week after she had a stroke. I have a phone for these very kind of things, sure I'm almost always working or sleeping but that doesn't mean I won't answer.