how is everypony this fine evening?
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
NOthing like waking up every morning and having to pick up after three other "grown adults".
Oh great and a nosebleed in an hour after waking up.
Mythic Ursoc down!
- - - Updated - - -
time for this dragon to retire to his cave
g'nite everypony
Well first raid group was fine the first night but the second showed how disorganized it was. Second group on an off day managed to grab enough people just to do a trial run for me. It was night and day with these groups and my only issue was with myself as I feel I was underperforming.
Wubba lubba dub dub
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
Amazing how when you have an extra person at work you don't get out any sooner.
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?