I'd be $600+ closer to my car right now if my boss paid me right. I can't wait another 18 months to get this $415 he owes me down to $50.
It's honesty not that hard. Floor staff have the least responsibilities. All they have to do is work with the residents and document their day. I have to do all that plus transcribe their chicken scratch, train the staff and supervise them. Even that's easy just more stressful as I have to deal with the retarded people in administration.
For Honor is holding at 58% positive. Darn. We were well on our way to 50 for a while there
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Is lever pronounced with the le like 'lead' or 'lee'?
My head can feel the air after my haircut, it's weird.
Oh good, going to have more work starting next week, but will that mean more pay and being paid back faster? Probably not.
Another trip of donating for my youngest brother's stuff, only another dozen trips or so and that should do it.
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And my step-brother is moving more stuff in after 5 months of being here. He is just going to be here longer and longer, never get a job, and this hell won't end.
So how is everyone doing today?
My legs still hurt. I must remember to stop hitting them against solid metal objects at work