Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
Had some hernia troubles yesterday, surprised I could go to work.
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So yeah....umm....some random guy was just in my house. Older dude that smelled of alcohol and when I saw him at the top of the steps he went "Oh shit! I'm in the wrong house."
So that just happened.
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
Man this place is dead.
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"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
Except for the excessive amounts of anime I've watched in the past few months.
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
So Don, I haven't really paid attention to Magic in some time, but the next set is a return to Dominaria. Looking at the full card list, and I'm not terribly impressed. Digging the red/white equipment setup though. I would love to read the story of what happens, but the cards, eh. I wanna know who that Capashen pair is, their relation to Gerrard.
Funny you should say that as Dominaria is probably the most exciting set in some time, seems like most would agree with that. Lots of powerful uncommons and rares and mythics seem to be on the lower side of power, which is great for anyone's wallet. Plus Skirk Prospector being around, as a common, is great for Modern. EDH wise the set has a lot of possibilities and promise as well.
As for the story they have about 5 chapters up at the moment and I like where it is going. Seeing Teferi, Jaya, and Karn again is great and with the Guildpact being apart at the moment they are not taking the spotlight constantly and making it seem far less like the Avengers.
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Just watched Justice League and it is an incredibly "EH, but..." kind of movie. There's no real moment(s) that are worth talking about, but do have some small bits of enjoyment,. and there are no terrible moments like Batman v. Superman having half of it be mostly bad, like Lex Luthor, or the entirety of Suicide Squad. I feel like they tried to salvage something out of this thanks to how BvS ended, making it all the more awkward.
-Aquaman felt just slightly off. Not sure if it was all of the modern surfer catch phrases or what, but it was like they almost had him right, but he was done well.
-Cyborg was alright, nothing special. They kept building up him maybe no being in control, and sometimes he wasn't, only for not much to come from it and suddenly at the end it's fine. Also him living in Gotham/Metropolis seemed a little too coincidental.
-Wonder Woman was akin to what she was in her movie, but with slightly more damage.
-Flash was fine. He seemed a little too quirky though, but he was alright.
-Batman was odd. Usually Batman's humor is sarcastically serious but here he was throwing one too many jokes out. Not to mention revealing who he was so easily to everyone felt a little out of character, as he's usually the only person of the Justice League that almost no one knows who he is and he's so untrusting, usually, that he's not normally out searching.
-Superman was Superman. Overpowered and all. It almost feels like he got a power boost after coming back to life. Not really a spoiler since all of the advertisements were showing him.
-Steppinwolf (spelling?) was incredibly boring. Even Kung Fu Panda 3 villain is more memorable and I can't even remember his name, but at least he had the schtick of being forgotten in the movie and wielding memorable weapons.
The CG in this movie was really hit and miss, mostly miss, especially with Superman's CG upper lip being real noticeable.
And did we really need to have another movie based around Superman's death? Three damn movies basically mentions it or has it in there (BvS, Suicide Squad, and now Justice League). Fuck that's annoying. You don't even know how much time has passed and if significant time has passed that means that Suicide Squad happened and there should be some sort of mention of it from anyone in the movie, but nope. It's like SS didn't even happen, not that I blame Warner Bros./DC trying to make it seem like it never took place as it's one of the worst movies ever, but come on you could at least make some mention of it or something.
I feel like taking on some alien threat was too soon. Yes, Avengers had an alien threat in their team up movie, but with the build up of seeing everything happen they needed a threat like that. Before Justice League we only really had three movies with not much build up to anything minus Lex Luthor saying "he's coming and he's hungry". With the Avengers Loki was back and we had a bad guy we knew and why he was doing things, here Steppenwulf (spelling?) is just trying to conquer a world using these "Mother cubes" and having no personality at all.
Overall I'd have to say the movie was just kind of awkward. It had some brief moments that were chuckle worthy, but some others were a real "really?" or "uh...did that character say that". Most of the movie was a bit of a squint and wonder why. There were two end credit scenes and one is a that classic "who would win?" kind of thing and the other is trying to build up something that has no reason to be trying to hype up right now. If they made this cinematic universe better them hyping up Legion of Doom might mean something, but we only have one villain in their cinematic universe so far and them adding Death Stroke right at the end doesn't really count for anything, not to mention not explaining how Lex Luthor got out of prison at all isn't helping.
Again, the movie is awkward. I can't tell if this movie is worse than BvS or not. BvS had a good scene or two and not just periodic moments, but the rest of it was pretty bad, this on the other hand is just average when you put everything together, but not a great average. Like the kind of "you just hit the bottom end of average" kind of thing.
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
Guten Tag Frau Isipon
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866
Look at the cameo that appeared in a recent MLP episode.
Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866