1. #33141
    And BNA finished. Decent show, got that usual Gainax energy like Gurren Lagan. It's basically just anime Zootopia, plus humans, where you have various prejudices from both humans and beastmen and the main character seeing this "paradise" for beastmen not exactly being what she thought it would be.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  2. #33142
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Michiru is great though. Need a season 2, although Trigger doesn't do that.

  3. #33143
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    Michiru is great though. Need a season 2, although Trigger doesn't do that.
    If they did a sequel it would seem like it would be about how they learn you can turn humans into beastmen.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  4. #33144
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    If they did a sequel it would seem like it would be about how they learn you can turn humans into beastmen.
    I would take it, but especially since it seems it turns you into a superpowered version. Although sadly no cute tanooki girl, just still me

  5. #33145
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    I would take it, but especially since it seems it turns you into a superpowered version. Although sadly no cute tanooki girl, just still me
    You gotta wonder if that stuff is like the ooze in TMNT and it turns you into something specifically or if it's random.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Some new translucent figures for G6. Well that's cool, except.......they kinda look like abominations, especially Izzy's with that neck, really all of their necks.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  6. #33146
    "You'll never defeat us, Lich King! Not while we have the power of friendship!"

    Amphibia has been great, and is finally reaching the climax. This scene hurts in context, Equestria isn't the only place where the power of friendship has been waning. Thinking to this and other shows I've been watching makes me notice a trend of forgiveness and the question of what is/isn't forgivable. Interesting stuff!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    You gotta wonder if that stuff is like the ooze in TMNT and it turns you into something specifically or if it's random.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Some new translucent figures for G6. Well that's cool, except.......they kinda look like abominations, especially Izzy's with that neck, really all of their necks.

    [IMG]https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEimQ4wVCx-LA7qJ9j49I46RqYwbsX0IHXvcAhghzg7G7SklhS3vO6KIkkcAjKEy8F_XKCFFCVENNiReHR8ZdtwSyjihQzlln1U4h IDHrdQNwy7sUMTHon1qJbTdqtD-XKhy1C6ddNQv92VrbVrlOKqj_1j-PSlA6DCJZlP2pVjj1yyVKRrbO1oLc7ljzQ/s600/Clipboard01.jpg[IMG]
    Oof, that neck isn't the only thing that looks off about that toy. That horn looks...different. I would've thought 3D animated show --> 3D toys would've been easier.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  7. #33147
    Quote Originally Posted by Powerogue View Post
    Amphibia has been great, and is finally reaching the climax. This scene hurts in context, Equestria isn't the only place where the power of friendship has been waning. Thinking to this and other shows I've been watching makes me notice a trend of forgiveness and the question of what is/isn't forgivable. Interesting stuff!
    My current stream is the new Shaman King and while I barely remember the 90s version, but this modern version just seems like they more or less HD'd the 90s one. With how little I remember I don't know if that was good, and I hear this follows the manga more, but if it does then boy the manga has some issues because it feels like the show is missing context. Stuff is just kinda said like we're supposed to feel emotion, but I got nothing.

    Oof, that neck isn't the only thing that looks off about that toy. That horn looks...different. I would've thought 3D animated show --> 3D toys would've been easier.
    I guess they got passed the old G1 molds at least, not that it means much. I think the horn is weird though based on that they now have a swirl design in them, at that scale they should not have tried to incorporate it, as yes it does look rather phallic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Looks like pseudo alicorn Sunny will be appearing in the show. I'm not a full fan of that moment from the movie and it seems a bit soon to do it again rather than build up to it. Also, potentially a dragon egg.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  8. #33148
    Generations change, but cursed toy designs are forever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  9. #33149
    Quote Originally Posted by Powerogue View Post
    Generations change, but cursed toy designs are forever.


    I'd call the horror's just above him worse, those eyes are spread farther apart than the days I feel good about myself.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  10. #33150

    Still trying to get used to the downward trend in the animation from the movie and all the voice changes. I get that celebrity VAs are expensive but that feels like not planning ahead to me! Still, as always, I'll give it a shot rather than rely on first impressions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  11. #33151
    Quote Originally Posted by Powerogue View Post

    Still trying to get used to the downward trend in the animation from the movie and all the voice changes. I get that celebrity VAs are expensive but that feels like not planning ahead to me! Still, as always, I'll give it a shot rather than rely on first impressions.
    The lower animation and VA cast change was expected. There was little chance we'd get movie quality animation and I won't miss many of the VAs, like for Pip and the villain.

    I will say that even with the cheaper animation it does look alright, my only worry is that it looks stiffer and less fluid than the movie. I'm fine with the CG as long as its not rigid and looks like you can see the animator moving it, but we'll see in a couple weeks.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Watching the trailer something hit me today. Fluttershy is incredibly strange for a pegasi as she's able to do something near magical, speaking to animals, that other pegasi just can't do whatsoever. Sort of lends credence to the trailer, Hitch, and earth ponies having their own magic.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  12. #33152

    Now they're just straight up showing what looks to be the first 3 minutes of the next special with a much better idea of what the animation is like, which I'm gradually getting used to.

    The hardest new voice for me is Izzy; I miss Kimiko Glenn already.

    And a reminder as to why: (2:28 on)

    Last edited by Powerogue; 2022-05-14 at 03:42 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  13. #33153
    Quote Originally Posted by Powerogue View Post

    Now they're just straight up showing what looks to be the first 3 minutes of the next special with a much better idea of what the animation is like, which I'm gradually getting used to.
    The animation is definitely alright, especially for a CG show, but boy does it look stiff. Izzy is likely the biggest evidence of some of the issues with it. Before Zipp appears she looks incredibly tired or depressed and then the moment she smiles it almost feels like her model changed and the little hop she does is ill timed and kinda robotic.

    I'll wait for the special, but the animation of G4 shows how much more expressive they could get with the characters and, and I'm not seeing that possibility here all that much, at least at the moment, the lack of it could be a detriment over G5's run.

    The hardest new voice for me is Izzy; I miss Kimiko Glenn already.

    And a reminder as to why: (2:28 on)


    That is definitely the one VA that I could use more of here.

    Also, they just kinda spilled that person's groceries and Izzy stole like four of them, three disappeared, and one is on her head. That's an odd little moment.
    Last edited by Dontrike; 2022-05-15 at 07:52 AM.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  14. #33154
    They updated those terrible CG models of the ponies in the Chip and Dale movie.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  15. #33155
    Another preview of the special.

    So the animation is looking a tad better, but it still has this robotic feeling when all they're doing is sitting there and talking. The small movements like a <If talking = Done then move head> kind of thing. The new character Pozy (spelling maybe) oddly works well with the animation and she has fluid movement that I would come to expect here.

    Izzy's jump just before the song has a weightless feeling to it, and while that would be alright in G4 where Pinkie's jumping had some airtime, but they haven't represented that here. Something about her lower eye lids, and a few other ponies have this too, have a weird shading issue that makes her look depressed. Her dialogue almost feels like she's talking slow or they digitally slowed her words down, it's off.

    The song is alright and with it so short you don't need a lot of flare, but even with that the lack of movement almost made it feel like I'm watching an animatronic show.

    The story presented is a bit strange, at least with how the characters reacted. I don't quite get how they would question the crystals reacting to negative emotions when they kind of know that's why they were apart to begin with.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  16. #33156
    Watched Make Your Mark and it's........fine.

    The animation could still use some work. I find this really strange it needs to since they had a framework from the movie for how characters should move. The issues weren't too noticeable sometimes, but others there was this....dead air when it came to body movements. I did notice a lot of blank space in the backgrounds of the town, didn't make the space feel as lived in when the only ones on screen usually were the ones talking, even when in town.

    The writing could use a bit more work too. A few lines were strange like when Sunny felt like she needed to apologize to Zip for near no reason, making popcorn "ponycorn" for a reason I can't even fathom, and the general plot of this episode was not the strongest start to a series. Hitch also has a weird moment half way through where he wants to leave from doing his job as others argue, which doesn't seem like him.

    The new villain seems a little plain, but with them knowing somewhat about magic that could lead to G5 really expanding on the mystery of what happened between G4 and now, so that might be interesting.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  17. #33157
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Watched Make Your Mark and it's........fine.

    The animation could still use some work. I find this really strange it needs to since they had a framework from the movie for how characters should move. The issues weren't too noticeable sometimes, but others there was this....dead air when it came to body movements. I did notice a lot of blank space in the backgrounds of the town, didn't make the space feel as lived in when the only ones on screen usually were the ones talking, even when in town.

    The writing could use a bit more work too. A few lines were strange like when Sunny felt like she needed to apologize to Zip for near no reason, making popcorn "ponycorn" for a reason I can't even fathom, and the general plot of this episode was not the strongest start to a series. Hitch also has a weird moment half way through where he wants to leave from doing his job as others argue, which doesn't seem like him.

    The new villain seems a little plain, but with them knowing somewhat about magic that could lead to G5 really expanding on the mystery of what happened between G4 and now, so that might be interesting.
    Likewise finally got around to it, putting it off because I couldn't get over the new VAs but really it just doesn't feel like it has the writing chops to carry the lower animation budget, I wasn't invested.

    So far I'm at 2 out of 3 "meh"s with the shorts and the Make Your Mark special but I will see what they do with the comics. I saw a familiar face on one which has me intrigued.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  18. #33158
    Quote Originally Posted by Powerogue View Post
    Likewise finally got around to it, putting it off because I couldn't get over the new VAs but really it just doesn't feel like it has the writing chops to carry the lower animation budget, I wasn't invested.

    So far I'm at 2 out of 3 "meh"s with the shorts and the Make Your Mark special but I will see what they do with the comics. I saw a familiar face on one which has me intrigued.
    It is strange that this is so average when the movie was actually pretty damn good. Now of course when it comes to MLP movies that's not that hard to be the best of them, which it is, but it showed some real promise for a series. Guess we'll see how this goes, but it wasn't the strongest start.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  19. #33159

    Happy 10 year Gravity Falls anniversary, with this magnificent reminder of all the censorship that goes on behind the scenes.

    While it probably happened less with MLP, I can only imagine there was some fainting studio execs when this scene was proposed:

    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  20. #33160
    Quote Originally Posted by Powerogue View Post

    Happy 10 year Gravity Falls anniversary, with this magnificent reminder of all the censorship that goes on behind the scenes.

    While it probably happened less with MLP, I can only imagine there was some fainting studio execs when this scene was proposed:

    That kind of censorship is quite common when it comes to children shows, that's why you can come up with other ways to represent that and know they meant otherwise. Regular Show I know was censored down a bit when it showed promise.

    They went from saying "What the H" in the first few episodes and then never again.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

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