It's less "go back and forth" and more when the uncle got isekai'd by the truck he was in a coma for years before waking up, and once doing so he still has the magic he had in that world, and then reveals to his nephew what he went through. Seeing him being treated as an orc (as he's quite average looking, even ugly in some areas) the humor abounds thanks to that and more. Of course there's the usual anime trappings, but it's written in such a way that it elevates them rather than being eye rolling.
I'll have to look into the show you mentioned. I've been burning through a bunch of random series like Cagister of the Insect Cage, Drifting Dragons, Dragon Pilot, Evangelion (boy did the anime have a not ending), Revisions, Jojo's 6 (most of Jojo's is bad, #6 started promising, but ended the same as they all do; not good), Great Pretender (great show, and
more so that it actually has a Freddy Mercury song as its ending), Super Crooks (good time), Children of Whales, Way of the House Husband, Shaman King (that new one is not great), Violet Evergarden (all of it is a slow, good time) and more.