I've always wanted to make a Legacy deck with all of those cards like Lava Blister and Vexing Devil, just to see if anyone kills themselves. Oh and have things like Stifle or Shadow of Doubt to mess with them.
It is amazing though what random cards get bought out.
I shall check it out. Control decks are awesome.It's pretty sweet and really good.
There's even a rather recent vid on it by CFB.
That's okay, I always feel bad.
Did you see Thing in the Ice? The Kraken half of it looks like it came from Theros, and that card went from $1 to $12 in the course of half a day. I mean it looks good, but not $12 good.
But I wanna watch people spend 6 life on Lava Blister!
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Good thing he has a real live black friend else that might sound a little racist :>
What's all this hoopla about swamp decks? If it isn't plains only we don't talk about it!
"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?
just popped out to the mall and the super market
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"Would you please let me join your p-p-party?