1. #13161
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    I think everyone knows responding to me is a bad idea, also you've learned that lesson a few times, you know I'm shit.

    Also, yes, I will blame it, this is just another nail in the coffin to this place and just another place I will lose to talk to people, so sorry if I feel like blaming it for personal reasons, but I guess I can't have those.
    But you're not really losing people to talk to. You can join Discord or add them on steam or talk to them however you feel like. By chosing to do none of those things, they are losing you, not the other way around. It's not a blame you can put on other than yourself. We didn't leave, we just moved to another room, and we still come back here and post every now and again.

    You can have all the personal reasons you desire, but if you chose to voice them then you have to be ready for someone to come and go 'err, I don't think that's right...'. No reason to get so defensive over it, what you wanna do and not do is entirely your choice to make. I'm just trying to tell you that I think your blame is misplaced.

  2. #13162
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Seriously, 5 years of this place and none of you feel the least bit down that this place is more and more rapidly dying? Suddenly those people you met out of your life like that. I know I'm very nostalgic and sentimental, but damn, absolutely nothing from any of you, wanting to see this place last as long as possible? I suppose I'm the only one that feels that way.
    no, its a shame that its slow and dying

  3. #13163
    High Overlord W1shm4ster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Seriously, 5 years of this place and none of you feel the least bit down that this place is more and more rapidly dying? Suddenly those people you met out of your life like that. I know I'm very nostalgic and sentimental, but damn, absolutely nothing from any of you, wanting to see this place last as long as possible? I suppose I'm the only one that feels that way.
    I guess im not long enough in here to have that strong attachment and personally, i sometimes found myself rather lonely in here and still do, specially yesterday, but i do say, i kinda stopped posting or talking to people more on Steam, but just write in Discord (is that even a possible that this name is just like..similar?), might be a reason, but i have some other reasons for posting less and stuff too, i don't like to go deeper into it right now.
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  4. #13164
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Seriously, 5 years of this place and none of you feel the least bit down that this place is more and more rapidly dying? Suddenly those people you met out of your life like that. I know I'm very nostalgic and sentimental, but damn, absolutely nothing from any of you, wanting to see this place last as long as possible? I suppose I'm the only one that feels that way.
    Yeah I'm sad that this place is dying. But as you said, it's dying rapidly, slowly, and it has been doing so over the past two years. It's not like it suddenly got the killing blow now. The sadness I have about this place dying has faded away as the years went by and I understand the reasons people left. I might not agree with them, but I understand them and respect them. After all, this thread was about love and tolerance, right? I guess I still carry that philosophy with me.

    But it's not like we can force them back or anything, nor would I want to if I could. In the end all we can do is stay together and keep the community alive, inside and outside the thread. And I think that's exactly what we're doing.

  5. #13165
    Field Marshal Bluesparkks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Seriously, 5 years of this place and none of you feel the least bit down that this place is more and more rapidly dying? Suddenly those people you met out of your life like that. I know I'm very nostalgic and sentimental, but damn, absolutely nothing from any of you, wanting to see this place last as long as possible? I suppose I'm the only one that feels that way.
    If this place dies, I'll miss it, but I won't lose sleep over it. Honestly, what I miss are the days when this place was a haven for people feeling down or having a bad day. The general atmosphere was frankly almost exactly what I imagine Equestria's culture is like; everyone's here to help everyone else, have a good laugh, and generally lend a helping hand, give a word of encouragement, or offer a shoulder to lean on. I suspect that atmosphere's gone because some people took advantage of it (or looked like they were), or put more effort into whining about things and siphoning positivity than fixing the cause of the whining in the first place.

    Now it's just a bunch of separate conversations that just happen to take place in the same forum thread. There's relatively little sense of community and comradery anymore. That's what I'll miss.

  6. #13166
    I think we all agree this has been our home for as many years as we are here, but at some point in everyones life there is something that makes you get other goals then talking on the internet. It can be anything, it can be nothing, but at one point you just be there less and less and there will be a point where you dont even remember when your last post was.

    Nothing can last forever, no matter how much we want it to unfortunatly

  7. #13167
    Warchief Shroud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenora View Post
    I think we all agree this has been our home for as many years as we are here, but at some point in everyones life there is something that makes you get other goals then talking on the internet. It can be anything, it can be nothing, but at one point you just be there less and less and there will be a point where you dont even remember when your last post was.

    Nothing can last forever, no matter how much we want it to unfortunatly
    Unfortunately for me it is my art and job which I want to be one in the same some time in the future.This means I have very little time to talk on the thread.

    yes we are all born from the flames of passion that stirred in the loins of our four fathers![Friend Code: 3325-2545-2595]

  8. #13168
    Quote Originally Posted by Shroud View Post
    Unfortunately for me it is my art and job which I want to be one in the same some time in the future.This means I have very little time to talk on the thread.
    for me its stuff in general, im trying to get a job and that will get me away from the thread aswell

  9. #13169
    Bloodsail Admiral kortin's Avatar
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  10. #13170
    im quite bored

  11. #13171

  12. #13172
    I'm going to have to say that it did kinda hurt the thread a lot. Discord app is neat for chatting, sure and short talk. But as far as it goes for having long involved conversations about certain subjects, its just not as good as a thread with the quote feature, and all the things. Whatever you post in discord is gone in 10 minutes to never be seen again. That and some people are really abandoned the Thread entirely for it. So, pfft.

  13. #13173
    High Overlord W1shm4ster's Avatar
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  14. #13174
    Quote Originally Posted by Daginni View Post
    I'm going to have to say that it did kinda hurt the thread a lot. Discord app is neat for chatting, sure and short talk. But as far as it goes for having long involved conversations about certain subjects, its just not as good as a thread with the quote feature, and all the things. Whatever you post in discord is gone in 10 minutes to never be seen again. That and some people are really abandoned the Thread entirely for it. So, pfft.
    this place needs more hugs ^^

  15. #13175
    Bloodsail Admiral kortin's Avatar
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  16. #13176
    Warchief Shroud's Avatar
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    yes we are all born from the flames of passion that stirred in the loins of our four fathers![Friend Code: 3325-2545-2595]

  17. #13177
    damn now i have to get my bandage off my foot to shower and then reapply it

  18. #13178
    Hugs not drugs

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  19. #13179
    Quote Originally Posted by Pvt Hudson View Post
    Hugs not drugs
    i did not choose the hug life.
    the hug life chose me.
    I like my coffe like my mages.

  20. #13180
    Quote Originally Posted by Fus Ro Yay View Post
    i did not choose the hug life.
    the hug life chose me.
    Its just basic Huganomics

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

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