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  1. #21
    The Insane Revi's Avatar
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    Been seeing this everywhere today.. I had no idea people where so concerned about the quality of the Miss Universe hosting.

    Is everyone secretly a big fan of this?

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by StayTuned View Post
    My guess is that he had his fingers on top of the winner, and mistakenly read "first runner up" as "winner"

    Dude has huge hands
    Whatever the reason, your avatar perfectly reflects my reaction when I've watched it the first time. Really awkward to watch.
    Last edited by Mehrunes; 2015-12-21 at 07:14 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kangodo View Post
    Does the CIA pay you for your bullshit or are you just bootlicking in your free time?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post
    I'm quite tired of people who dislike something/disagree with something while attacking/insulting anyone that disagrees. Its as if at some point, people forgot how opinions work.

  3. #23
    These things we care about...

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Revi View Post
    Been seeing this everywhere today.. I had no idea people where so concerned about the quality of the Miss Universe hosting.

    Is everyone secretly a big fan of this?
    The only reason I know personally is because of people at work, I'm a bit surprised by the reaction myself.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Tinykong View Post
    How does this even happen?

    Tell Steve Harvey through his ear piece: THE WINNER IS PHILIPPINES. Repeat it like 15 times.

    Wording the card "The first runner up is Colombia" without letting him read the card in advance is just asking for this to happen, since people can easily misread something if they are rushed or nervous.
    I always hated the wording on that anyway. Call it SECOND PLACE like most other things do and you would never have this problem. Also I find it funny since it draws to that age old "first loser" as second place even more since they call you first runner up.

    I do love how sweet the USA girl seemed to be when the camera showed her trying to tell the Philippines girl that she had won. Like she seemed genuinely excited for her.

    Also, I don't blame Steve, honest mistake. Honestly I really like him as a person anyway and he's what Bill Cosby tried to be(sans the whole sexual assault accusations although I think he's had one before) as a wholesome black comedian.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Jester Joe View Post
    The only reason I know personally is because of people at work, I'm a bit surprised by the reaction myself.
    I don't watch it or really care about it but I think its definitely a big deal for the people involved.

    I know im not into it but imagine being miss Columbia. You grew up doing beauty pageants and this is your life. You work hard to promote yourself and get named miss Columbia. You get into the miss universe competition and make it through a few rounds (I have no idea how the pageant goes or even if there are rounds but whatever). You are in the final 3. They just announced the 2nd runner up. Its just you and one other girl. the moment you have been waiting your whole life is finally here, and holy shit, you just got named miss universe. You are so happy you are crying and then steve Harvey comes back out. He looks upset and says he made a mistake. What is he talking about? Oh, they take the crown off your head and give it to someone else as its announced that you aren't miss universe, just the first runner up...

    While I think the whole thing is ridiculous, I can empathize with how she feels and I think that's why its such a popular story atm.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by purebalance View Post
    I always hated the wording on that anyway. Call it SECOND PLACE like most other things do and you would never have this problem. Also I find it funny since it draws to that age old "first loser" as second place even more since they call you first runner up.

    I do love how sweet the USA girl seemed to be when the camera showed her trying to tell the Philippines girl that she had won. Like she seemed genuinely excited for her.

    Also, I don't blame Steve, honest mistake. Honestly I really like him as a person anyway and he's what Bill Cosby tried to be(sans the whole sexual assault accusations although I think he's had one before) as a wholesome black comedian.
    I like steve Harvey but I cant help but to think hes somewhat of a racist. Every family feud is a white/Hispanic family vs a black family. Idk about you, but black families aren't 50% of the population. Also every commercial I see him in is 100% or at least 99% black people. I get that hes trying to be a "wholesome black comedian" but I think hes too focused on the "black" part.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by ellieg View Post
    I don't watch it or really care about it but I think its definitely a big deal for the people involved.

    I know im not into it but imagine being miss Columbia. You grew up doing beauty pageants and this is your life. You work hard to promote yourself and get named miss Columbia. You get into the miss universe competition and make it through a few rounds (I have no idea how the pageant goes or even if there are rounds but whatever). You are in the final 3. They just announced the 2nd runner up. Its just you and one other girl. the moment you have been waiting your whole life is finally here, and holy shit, you just got named miss universe. You are so happy you are crying and then steve Harvey comes back out. He looks upset and says he made a mistake. What is he talking about? Oh, they take the crown off your head and give it to someone else as its announced that you aren't miss universe, just the first runner up...

    While I think the whole thing is ridiculous, I can empathize with how she feels and I think that's why its such a popular story atm.
    Oh no, I definitely 100% get that. I would be devastated if I was in her position, I was just surprised about so many people care about it, BUT, I guess when you put it that way at the end, it makes sense. Empathy is a strong motivator after all!

  8. #28
    Dreadlord Cuzzin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ellieg View Post
    I don't watch it or really care about it but I think its definitely a big deal for the people involved.

    I know im not into it but imagine being miss Columbia. You grew up doing beauty pageants and this is your life. You work hard to promote yourself and get named miss Columbia. You get into the miss universe competition and make it through a few rounds (I have no idea how the pageant goes or even if there are rounds but whatever). You are in the final 3. They just announced the 2nd runner up. Its just you and one other girl. the moment you have been waiting your whole life is finally here, and holy shit, you just got named miss universe. You are so happy you are crying and then steve Harvey comes back out. He looks upset and says he made a mistake. What is he talking about? Oh, they take the crown off your head and give it to someone else as its announced that you aren't miss universe, just the first runner up...

    While I think the whole thing is ridiculous, I can empathize with how she feels and I think that's why its such a popular story atm.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I like steve Harvey but I cant help but to think hes somewhat of a racist. Every family feud is a white/Hispanic family vs a black family. Idk about you, but black families aren't 50% of the population. Also every commercial I see him in is 100% or at least 99% black people. I get that hes trying to be a "wholesome black comedian" but I think hes too focused on the "black" part.
    If you think he personally picks out the families...your an idiot
    Semper Fi

  9. #29
    Moderator chazus's Avatar
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    "Runner-up" is used instead of placing because they didn't place. Just like in politics, the losing candidate in a bi-partisan system is not "Second Place". They didn't win, period.

    2nd/3rd place either get something, or rank in another system (such as sports), or other various things. Runner-ups are simply being 'noted', but are effectively 'the loser'.
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  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Dugraka View Post
    Steve Harvey is a jackass anyways so whatever
    More than a jackass, he's a bigot...

  11. #31
    spending tons of money on women who happen to be lucky enough to be born looking a certain way, while at the same time paying tons of ppl less then they need to live to work for them...stay classy, USA

  12. #32
    Banned cubby's Avatar
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    It was bound to happen sometime. The fact that this is getting headline news is yet another of the thousands of indictments on how idiotic our "news" media acts.

  13. #33
    Brewmaster Darkrulerxxx's Avatar
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    good ol steve harvey making everyone laugh.

  14. #34
    I am Murloc! Selastan's Avatar
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    That was pretty terrible wording on the card. Sorry Steve, honest mistake, but one the world will never let you live down.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuzzin View Post
    If you think he personally picks out the families...your an idiot
    You think that there is a black family every episode is a coincidence? I don't think its 100% up to him but I have to imagine that he has a say in it.

  16. #36
    Damn it, Steve, you had ONE JOB.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by HomeHoney View Post
    spending tons of money on women who happen to be lucky enough to be born looking a certain way, while at the same time paying tons of ppl less then they need to live to work for them...stay classy, USA
    Being this mad that youre ugly lol. You know the contestants do more than just looking good right? They do community service and are involved in other things. They aren't just your basic bimbo at the club.

  18. #38
    I am Murloc!
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    Quote Originally Posted by StayTuned View Post
    Anyway, Philippines definitely > Colombia. Well deserved win
    They chose....wisely.

  19. #39
    Why couldn't they have written :

    Third place: ____
    Second place: ____

    Winner: _____

  20. #40
    Merely a Setback breadisfunny's Avatar
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    i find this awfully arrogant to assume that we are the only race in the universe. miss earth would be a more appropriate title.
    r.i.p. alleria. 1997-2017. blizzard ruined alleria forever. blizz assassinated alleria's character and appearance.
    i will never forgive you for this blizzard.

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