1. #3361
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Here's the real question though is it worse than rolling her and Moiraine into one and keeping that the same. I mean in Rafe's mind they were both fighting the dark one after all just in different ways.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh geez that would be bad
    I think Moraine and Verin becoming one is more likely and less damaging. They will not be able to do the "I was a DF all along and did it to help", but that is at the end and I doubt anyone there thinks that show will last that long. Verin is similar enough to Moraine for a good portion of the books that they could do that. It is only the people that have read the whole thing and know WHY they are SO VERY different that would have an issue with it.

    Elaida and Verin are nothing alike and serve no similar purpose in the story. HOWEVER, since they skipped Caemlyn and will likely cut out Morgase's story all together, Elaida could be combined with someone else and have it work out alright. Not sure who, but it could happen, maybe Liandrin, she seems likely.

    I would not count on ever meeting Gareth Bryne. With them skipping Caemlyn you could argue that they never actually explore those characters. Elayne will get explored since she will be at the White Tower with the girls, and because she is such a huge part of the story. But her mom and her brothers and anyone associated with them? Expect those to be cut. Gareth Bryne serves nearly no purpose if you cut out alot of the story. Without Morgase, he is totally skippable. You can even sub in someone else to be the general for E later on if they ever get that far.

    ^ All of that made me depressed to write. I'm gonna go read book 2 some more. Rand just found Thom, so I'm getting to the good parts.

  2. #3362
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    Audiobooks take more time than reading the physical book. The only "good" audiobooks are for is for listening to books in the background while doing something else, which lowers retention of the story. It is strictly an inferior way of consuming a book.

    This is my TED Talk on the evil of modernity vis a vis audiobooks, thanks for attending.
    Look, I may agree with you for my personal preference. But none of what you stated above is a fact.

    Not everyone reads as fast as you, or I, do. For some people, audiobooks ARE faster for them than reading themselves. And there is such a thing as "auditory learning preferences" - for some people they remember what they hear, more (or easier) than what they read. Not even getting into the myriad of learning disabilities that effect this type of learning/processing as well that makes audiobooks actually superior, for some people, over reading and retaining "the written word."

    That is my TED talk on understanding people are different. Thanks for attending.
    Last edited by Koriani; 2022-08-18 at 06:10 PM.
    Koriani - Guardians of Forever - BM Huntard on TB; Kharmic - Worgen Druid - TB
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    inactive: Frith-Rae - Horizons/Istaria; Koriani in multiple old MMOs. I been around a long time.

  3. #3363
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    I think Moraine and Verin becoming one is more likely and less damaging. They will not be able to do the "I was a DF all along and did it to help", but that is at the end and I doubt anyone there thinks that show will last that long. Verin is similar enough to Moraine for a good portion of the books that they could do that. It is only the people that have read the whole thing and know WHY they are SO VERY different that would have an issue with it.

    Elaida and Verin are nothing alike and serve no similar purpose in the story. HOWEVER, since they skipped Caemlyn and will likely cut out Morgase's story all together, Elaida could be combined with someone else and have it work out alright. Not sure who, but it could happen, maybe Liandrin, she seems likely.

    I would not count on ever meeting Gareth Bryne. With them skipping Caemlyn you could argue that they never actually explore those characters. Elayne will get explored since she will be at the White Tower with the girls, and because she is such a huge part of the story. But her mom and her brothers and anyone associated with them? Expect those to be cut. Gareth Bryne serves nearly no purpose if you cut out alot of the story. Without Morgase, he is totally skippable. You can even sub in someone else to be the general for E later on if they ever get that far.

    ^ All of that made me depressed to write. I'm gonna go read book 2 some more. Rand just found Thom, so I'm getting to the good parts.
    They could just have Elaida be Amyrlin from the start and skip that arc and Siuan as a character (and thus Bryne as well).

  4. #3364
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Which is an unrealistic thing for a film to accurately cast. There is a reason why descriptors like that work in books. The reader imagines it and is given an ultimatum of how the character looks rather then using visual cues of "attractivness" to reach that conclusion.
    No doubt.

    I mean the standard of casting "the one woman who puts everyone else to shame" is an impossibility. There is no possible way to pick ANY actress and have every man (or woman) who watches the show agree that they are the "most beautiful in the world."

    Every choice would be a failure to someone.

    There are plenty of legit issues with this show. No need to go pick on this one casting choice no matter whether you feel the person they picked is attractive or not. Way better points on the other problems with the show.
    Koriani - Guardians of Forever - BM Huntard on TB; Kharmic - Worgen Druid - TB
    Koriani - none - Dragon of Secret World
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    inactive: Frith-Rae - Horizons/Istaria; Koriani in multiple old MMOs. I been around a long time.

  5. #3365
    Quote Originally Posted by Koriani View Post
    Look, I may agree with you for my personal preference. But none of what you stated above is a fact.

    But not everyone reads as fast as you, or I, do. For some people, audiobooks ARE faster for them than reading themselves. And there is such a thing as "auditory learning preferences" - for some people they remember what they hear, more (or easier) than what they read. Not even getting into the myriad of learning disabilities that effect this type of learning/processing as well that makes audiobooks actually superior, for some people, over reading and retaining "the written word."

    That is my TED talk on understanding people are different. Thanks for attending.
    The first time I read Dostoevsky, it was 800-900 pages. I did it in 10 hours. I am a fast reader, but assume you're a slow reader - and it takes you 50 pages an hour for 16-18 hours.

    The audiobook is 37 hours long. You'd have to read at a snail's pace to take that long to read this book. 25 pages an hour, which is hilariously slow.

    And I'm sure that some people learn better with audio. I have no problem with that. What I take issue with is the idea that people are sitting around for 37 hours listening a book and solely focusing on the book - like when you physically read it. I'm sure if aural learners do that, it may indeed be better. But that's not how 99% of audiobooks are consumed, even by those who learn better aurally.

    I've never known someone who uses audiobooks to behave in that fashion. It's always a background thing, going on while driving, or doing something else on a different monitor, or while on an exercise bike. This is a strictly worse method of retention, no matter how good your multi-tasking is, or how you manage your ADHD. This has been studied. People who "read" a book via audiobook retain less of the book that those who physically read it.

  6. #3366
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    The first time I read Dostoevsky, it was 800-900 pages. I did it in 10 hours. I am a fast reader, but assume you're a slow reader - and it takes you 50 pages an hour for 16-18 hours.

    The audiobook is 37 hours long. You'd have to read at a snail's pace to take that long to read this book. 25 pages an hour, which is hilariously slow.

    And I'm sure that some people learn better with audio. I have no problem with that. What I take issue with is the idea that people are sitting around for 37 hours listening a book and solely focusing on the book - like when you physically read it. I'm sure if aural learners do that, it may indeed be better. But that's not how 99% of audiobooks are consumed, even by those who learn better aurally.

    I've never known someone who uses audiobooks to behave in that fashion. It's always a background thing, going on while driving, or doing something else on a different monitor, or while on an exercise bike. This is a strictly worse method of retention, no matter how good your multi-tasking is, or how you manage your ADHD. This has been studied. People who "read" a book via audiobook retain less of the book that those who physically read it.
    And I agree with all of what you said, of the above.

    But your first post was coming off with a much more "Audiobooks suck and there's no reason for anyone to listen to a book over reading it - they are inferior" type of judgment with it. And that's why I wanted to point out what I pointed out. I work with people with these issues on a daily basis - so I felt a need to speak up and defend the 'other side'.

    But I do acknowledge that, yes, those who learn better through audiobooks (or auditory anything) and those who DO sit and ONLY listen to the audiobook ARE a minority. My point was that minority doesn't deserve to feel 'inferior' because they appreciate, or enjoy, the "evil modernization" (paraphrasing you) that are audiobooks. If anything, people who are pro-books (or pro-reading) should rejoice and encourage the consumption of books in any form that allows a person to be able to enjoy that book, when they otherwise would not.

    And absolutely, totally, agree - ANYTHING one is doing while multitasking is being done worse than if they were focused on only the one thing at a time. Because yes, no matter what we humans tell ourselves, our brains aren't capable of true "multi-tasking."
    Koriani - Guardians of Forever - BM Huntard on TB; Kharmic - Worgen Druid - TB
    Koriani - none - Dragon of Secret World
    Karmic - Moirae - SWTOR
    inactive: Frith-Rae - Horizons/Istaria; Koriani in multiple old MMOs. I been around a long time.

  7. #3367
    I'd also assume most people listening to audiobooks are not listening to "In Search of Lost Time". It's probably mostly used for light "reading"?

  8. #3368
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    The first time I read Dostoevsky, it was 800-900 pages. I did it in 10 hours. I am a fast reader, but assume you're a slow reader - and it takes you 50 pages an hour for 16-18 hours.

    The audiobook is 37 hours long. You'd have to read at a snail's pace to take that long to read this book. 25 pages an hour, which is hilariously slow.

    And I'm sure that some people learn better with audio. I have no problem with that. What I take issue with is the idea that people are sitting around for 37 hours listening a book and solely focusing on the book - like when you physically read it. I'm sure if aural learners do that, it may indeed be better. But that's not how 99% of audiobooks are consumed, even by those who learn better aurally.

    I've never known someone who uses audiobooks to behave in that fashion. It's always a background thing, going on while driving, or doing something else on a different monitor, or while on an exercise bike. This is a strictly worse method of retention, no matter how good your multi-tasking is, or how you manage your ADHD. This has been studied. People who "read" a book via audiobook retain less of the book that those who physically read it.
    that may be so, but when you do not have time to sit down and solely focus on a physical book which is the case for a LOT of people, some retention is better then NO retention. or if you have a variety of eyesight etc issues that make it difficult to hold a book whether paper or digital. Audio books are not an inferior mode, they are an accessibility aid. (not to mention reading books out loud to young children is how you instill the love of reading among other things to begin with)

  9. #3369
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    And literally no one cares because season 1 was a disaster class in how not to adapt a beloved fantasy series.

  10. #3370
    Lol they can't even make the Aiel look homogenous at least not with the supposed Aviendah casting what a joke. Didn't know the Aiel were super open to tons of people joining them.

  11. #3371
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Lol they can't even make the Aiel look homogenous at least not with the supposed Aviendah casting what a joke. Didn't know the Aiel were super open to tons of people joining them.
    I don't know why you act surprised when it has already been established that the show is more diverse then the books. There really is no reason to rehash diversity-based arguments.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  12. #3372
    Meh. More rafing of the story people loved.

    At least they didn't waste as much money ruining this property as they did with LOTR.

  13. #3373
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    Meh. More rafing of the story people loved.

    At least they didn't waste as much money ruining this property as they did with LOTR.
    Those showrunners are ruining the semblance of TV career they thought they had. And all that for that sweet Amazon cash.

    I suppose they will do just so they can finish the series with as much money as they can, cause it will be difficult for those people to find jobs again, unless heavily connected.

  14. #3374
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fabinas View Post
    Those showrunners are ruining the semblance of TV career they thought they had. And all that for that sweet Amazon cash.

    I suppose they will do just so they can finish the series with as much money as they can, cause it will be difficult for those people to find jobs again, unless heavily connected.
    Hollywood is all about failing upwards these days. Doesn't help that Amazon Studios is run by someone who has clearly herself, failed upwards. Because any company that cares about success and profitability wouldn't let these talentless hacks piss away money on things that aren't drawing an audience that exceeds their programs budget.

  15. #3375
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    Hollywood is all about failing upwards these days. Doesn't help that Amazon Studios is run by someone who has clearly herself, failed upwards. Because any company that cares about success and profitability wouldn't let these talentless hacks piss away money on things that aren't drawing an audience that exceeds their programs budget.
    How did she fail upward? It is crazy the things people concoct to try and justify their silly hate of a show, studio, or "leader".

    Over the past two decades, Salke has established herself as one of the most prolific executives in the industry, being a major force behind some of television's most successful comedy and drama series, including This Is Us, Modern Family, The Blacklist, Superstore, and The Good Place, as well as Dick Wolf's hugely successful Chicago franchise.

    Prior to joining Amazon, Salke was President of NBC Entertainment for seven consecutive years, where she was responsible for comedy and drama development, current programming, casting and diversity programming initiatives, as well as the entirety of Universal Television operations. Salke served as Executive Vice President of Creative Affairs at Twentieth Century Fox Television, after joining Twentieth Century Fox as Senior Vice President of Drama Development in 2002. Salke began her career at Aaron Spelling Productions in the early 1990s.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  16. #3376
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And I guess they're on book 4 in season 2?
    Season 2 covers plot from The Great Hunt (book 2) and The Dragon Reborn (Book 3).
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  17. #3377
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And I guess they're on book 4 in season 2?

    Increasing the pace and mashing the big scenes together is a sign of showrunners who aren't confident in their series. You need some small stakes episodes to let the characters grow and the plot to build. If it's done well it can be the some of the best parts of the series, like the Hound and Arya moments in Game of Thrones. These guys are going to have Rand taking tear (climax of the third book) happen sometime in the middle of season 2, after the Seanchan invasion and before the giant battle with Asmodean in Rhuidean (or else they're just skipping huge swaths of plot).
    I think they are legit going to entirely skip Egwene being leashed the only people they have defending them now would start absolutely spitting venom at seeing a young black woman collared and leashed. We already know that those still defending this trash don't have a clue about the actual source material.

  18. #3378
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    I think they are legit going to entirely skip Egwene being leashed the only people they have defending them now would start absolutely spitting venom at seeing a young black woman collared and leashed. We already know that those still defending this trash don't have a clue about the actual source material.
    I won’t defend it as a good direct adaptation but I’ll defend it as an decent not great fantasy show or a very loose/based on adaption and I’m all for seeing every moment of Egwene leashes and even extending it a bit given that Matt likely wont be as big as he was in the second book given that they pretty much just wrote him off in the first season.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  19. #3379
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    I think they are legit going to entirely skip Egwene being leashed the only people they have defending them now would start absolutely spitting venom at seeing a young black woman collared and leashed. We already know that those still defending this trash don't have a clue about the actual source material.
    They have already changed them to a gag and gorget. There is no reason to start inventing an argument about people you don't like just so you have something to rage about. Just move on from the show instead of going out of your way to get angry.
    Last edited by rhorle; 2023-05-01 at 01:58 AM.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  20. #3380
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    I don't know why you act surprised when it has already been established that the show is more diverse then the books. There really is no reason to rehash diversity-based arguments.
    The books were plenty diverse. The whole point about the Aiel was that they stood out due to their appearance so much so that Rand kept on being mistaken for one. Remove that and the whole thing about Rand might as well not exist.

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