How? Why? Whaa? He was in it so very little that he had almost no personality outside of raging jealousy at being just slightly "less" than Lews Therin.
My girl! What could you possibly dislike about Egwene????
Nah, I understand she is a super divisive character. I love her, but she is basically like every woman in my family so I relate to her alot. Outside of Moiraine, she is one of the few female characters that I feel has a balanced character and doesn't drift into stereotypes. One of the ONLY things I liked about the show was that they recognized that Egwene's story makes 100000000x more sense if you simply say "She is a ta'veren". Now, basically everything people dislike about her makes sense and you can enjoy the story.
Besides, who doesn't like a badass B hanging out of a broken tower shooting lightning at dinosaurs?