1. #3521
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    How? Why? Whaa? He was in it so very little that he had almost no personality outside of raging jealousy at being just slightly "less" than Lews Therin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    Egwene who I remember because I absolutely can’t stand her.
    My girl! What could you possibly dislike about Egwene????

    Nah, I understand she is a super divisive character. I love her, but she is basically like every woman in my family so I relate to her alot. Outside of Moiraine, she is one of the few female characters that I feel has a balanced character and doesn't drift into stereotypes. One of the ONLY things I liked about the show was that they recognized that Egwene's story makes 100000000x more sense if you simply say "She is a ta'veren". Now, basically everything people dislike about her makes sense and you can enjoy the story.

    Besides, who doesn't like a badass B hanging out of a broken tower shooting lightning at dinosaurs?

  2. #3522
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    How? Why? Whaa? He was in it so very little that he had almost no personality outside of raging jealousy at being just slightly "less" than Lews Therin.
    honestly I just think him fighting Gawyn Galad and then Lann at the end was really cool, though it’s likely that it’s more so that I like those three a ton with Lan being my second favourite character.

    My girl! What could you possibly dislike about Egwene????

    Nah, I understand she is a super divisive character. I love her, but she is basically like every woman in my family so I relate to her alot. Outside of Moiraine, she is one of the few female characters that I feel has a balanced character and doesn't drift into stereotypes. One of the ONLY things I liked about the show was that they recognized that Egwene's story makes 100000000x more sense if you simply say "She is a ta'veren". Now, basically everything people dislike about her makes sense and you can enjoy the story.

    Besides, who doesn't like a badass B hanging out of a broken tower shooting lightning at dinosaurs?
    ah my bad that’s my dyslexia kicking in and me not double checking.

    Egwene is great I’m thinking of the princess/queen Elayne. There names always mess with me verbally vs in writing.
    Last edited by Lorgar Aurelian; 2023-05-10 at 09:04 PM.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  3. #3523
    Oh boy, it is sad just how far Elayne fell. Her first appearance is one of the very best bits in The Eye of the World - can't believe they cut that bit from the show. Seriously, Rand's adventured in Caemlyn were great, right down to his meeting with the Queen, which is when you first find out just how major a heron-marked blade was.

  4. #3524
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Oh boy, it is sad just how far Elayne fell. Her first appearance is one of the very best bits in The Eye of the World - can't believe they cut that bit from the show. Seriously, Rand's adventured in Caemlyn were great, right down to his meeting with the Queen, which is when you first find out just how major a heron-marked blade was.
    Well the show cut the heron-marking stuff out completely. As far as any viewers who aren't readers are concerned, its just a sword.

    Given the pictures we've seen of the girl they cast as Elayne...... man.... I could say I'm expecting too much, but I know Amazon is capable of casting people that look like the character they are supposed to be playing. Elayne (for all her faults) is supposed to be exceptionally beautiful with red-gold curls. This is who they think Elayne is....

    I didn't even try that hard and came up with someone that looks more like how she is described:

    I understand the CW has rarely been a place for impressive television, but Amazon could at least try to cast some people that are both A) attractive and B) look like the character they are cast as.

    And its not like they can pretend they can't do it with Amazon money..... I mean Jack Reacher:

  5. #3525
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    I want to say the balefire happened first so if that counted it would likely be then though I can’t say I remember if they ever address balefire undoing stuff and magical links like with the horn.
    Balefire literally burns your thread completely out of the pattern. Everything your thread was responsible for just no longer "is" once you are burned out by balefire. It's why even the forsaken are scared of it.

    However, I am pretty sure that it is mentioned that people are aware of the ripples caused by removing a thread from the pattern this way, in a sort of dejavu like way where they subconsciously know something is not quite how it used to be.

    The thing with Matt is the question of if undoing his "death" from the Darkhound poison means he is treated as never having died in the first place in which case, the horn would still be bound to him, or if it counts as changing something that did happen, in which case the link to the horn is broken because he was dead and now isn't.

    I would lean more towards the latter given the as mentioned subconscious feeling that he knows something was changed.
    Last edited by Surfd; 2023-05-11 at 01:14 AM.

  6. #3526
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Oh boy, it is sad just how far Elayne fell. Her first appearance is one of the very best bits in The Eye of the World - can't believe they cut that bit from the show. Seriously, Rand's adventured in Caemlyn were great, right down to his meeting with the Queen, which is when you first find out just how major a heron-marked blade was.
    Nah man we gotta have a warder funeral can't show holy crap Tam was a badass

  7. #3527
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    Balefire literally burns your thread completely out of the pattern. Everything your thread was responsible for just no longer "is" once you are burned out by balefire. It's why even the forsaken are scared of it.
    It is proportional to the power used. So only the stuff up to a certain point are erased from the pattern.

    As for his death and when the horn was broken in was when his death from the prophecy was fullfilled (The death by Rahvin undone by Rand). The below quote is taken from theoryland

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013
    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)
    Shillster ()
    Why did Mat's death break the bond with the Horn when his death was reversed with balefire? Wouldn't it also reverse the breaking of the bond?
    Brandon Sanderson
    This is one where I just let Team Jordan lead. They told me why the bond had been broken, and that the other death didn't count. It was straight from RJ's mouth, but was not included in the notes, so we just had to work with what we had.
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    There's a great theory online called Taimandred where people speculate that Taim was supposed to be Demandred and Jordan changed it because too many fans were guessing it.
    That seems unlikely and just copium from those who couldn't handle an author saying that theory wasn't true.

    Interview: Sep 3rd, 2005
    DragonCon Report - Isabel (Verbatim)
    Was Taimandred a deliberate ruse to lead your readers astray, or were you surprised (by the all of the theories connecting Taim to Demandred)?
    Robert Jordan
    I was surprised but I wasn't going to disabuse you of it for a while, I like to watch you squirm.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  8. #3528
    Isn't the second picture Isla Fischer? Like....it would be insanely expensive to cast an actual movie star for one character?

  9. #3529
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    Isn't the second picture Isla Fischer? Like....it would be insanely expensive to cast an actual movie star for one character?
    We'll find ourselves a bootleg Isla Fischer on the cheap somewhere :P

    Also I think people hold beauty to high standards these days. I think the actor playing Elayne is very beautiful, like WTF.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  10. #3530
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    Isn't the second picture Isla Fischer? Like....it would be insanely expensive to cast an actual movie star for one character?
    Katherine McNamara.

  11. #3531
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Oh boy, it is sad just how far Elayne fell. Her first appearance is one of the very best bits in The Eye of the World - can't believe they cut that bit from the show. Seriously, Rand's adventured in Caemlyn were great, right down to his meeting with the Queen, which is when you first find out just how major a heron-marked blade was.
    Elayne suffered from the same issue that Perrin did. She got stuck in a plot that moved at a glacial pace during the slowest books of the series. At least Perrin got his redemption in the Sanderson books when he mastered his ability as a Dreamer and frankly became stronger than anyone but Rand. Meanwhile Elayne just didn't have much value to the plot past a point and fell behind the original three women of the plot (Moirane after returning, Egwene and Nynaeve were all just amazing in the last few books); heck even Aviendha got her time in the spotlight in the last few books when she crosses the arches to become a Wise One and gave us a glimpse at a very grim future.

    But yeah Caemlyn was great. It was a refreshing change of pace after the very dark chapters with Mat and Rand that preceded it, it gave Rand a much better chance to shine and set him up in the plot much better. As did Perrin and Egwene's Whitecloak/Wolfbrother adventure.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2023-05-11 at 10:38 AM.

  12. #3532
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Seriously, Rand's adventured in Caemlyn were great, right down to his meeting with the Queen, which is when you first find out just how major a heron-marked blade was.
    You should've gotten that bit about the blade when white cloaks visited the inn earlier, and backed way off. (Or did that happen later? Time for a reread...)

  13. #3533
    Quote Originally Posted by VinceVega View Post
    For the porn parody maybe. Jesus that bottom girl is 99% makeup and fake eyelashes.

    I rather have realisticly beautiful people in my tv shows than them making everything look like every cahracter spends 3 hours every morning putting on makeup and grooming.
    Those fantasy tv shows in the 90s and earlie 2000s had that problem. Every women looked like she just walked out of a photoshoot where 5 people put her in 2 tons of makeup and every male was clean shaven everywhere but the head.
    There is space in WoT for people that just look unreal anyway. Lanfear should look unreal. Graendal's circus should be people that look photoshoped. Heck Rand turns heads everywhere in the books even before people know who he is. But yeah, Elayne could absolutely be the first girl. Just . . .with a better wig.

  14. #3534
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    We'll find ourselves a bootleg Isla Fischer on the cheap somewhere :P

    Also I think people hold beauty to high standards these days. I think the actor playing Elayne is very beautiful, like WTF.
    Isn't the girl from the Dare Devil show a red head? Feel like she wouldn't be too pricy and could do the part. Though damn guess that was a few years ago and she will have aged a bit since then.
    Last edited by bledgor; 2023-05-11 at 02:18 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  15. #3535
    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    Isn't the girl from the Dare Devil show a red head? Feel like she wouldn't be too pricy and could do the part. Though damn guess that was a few years ago and she will have aged a bit since then.
    She's near 40yrs old. (Deborah Ann Woll)

    Elaine was described as a younger version of her mother, who is described as drop dead gorgeous with a lush figure.

  16. #3536
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    She's near 40yrs old. (Deborah Ann Woll)

    Elaine was described as a younger version of her mother, who is described as drop dead gorgeous with a lush figure.
    Crazy to me that show started almost 10 years ago now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  17. #3537
    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    Crazy to me that show started almost 10 years ago now.
    The chemistry between Karen Page and Frank Castle was quite poignant to me.

  18. #3538
    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    Crazy to me that show started almost 10 years ago now.
    I mean Deborah Ann Woll was in True Blood like a decade before Daredevil too. That's when she was actually young.

  19. #3539
    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    Isn't the second picture Isla Fischer? Like....it would be insanely expensive to cast an actual movie star for one character?
    Nah, this girl (literally the first one I picked off "pretty CW actress red gold curls" google search) was in Arrow as his daughter (seasons I didn't get to, but she is still quite attractive)

    For those saying that picture was too much makeup, do a google search of her on your own.

    ^ I could see that for Elayne no problem.

    ^ Or if you wanted her blonder

    However, the point is that even the CW, that BASTION OF TV EXCELLENCE ...... can manage to find attractive people to play in shows watched by a tiny fraction of people. How is it that Amazon finds people that are 5s and 6s at best to play characters that are supposed to be amazingly attractive.

    And, understand, I am by no means saying they should have cast THAT actress. She is just an example of someone who is easily in their price range (the CW is bankrupt and could afford her) and blows everyone out of the water in their entire show. I mean I assume they WANT people to watch it, and shocker, people like seeing attractive people on the screen, especially when they character is described as stunningly attractive.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    She's near 40yrs old. (Deborah Ann Woll)

    Elaine was described as a younger version of her mother, who is described as drop dead gorgeous with a lush figure.

    I always saw Morgase as Christina Hendricks (once I knew who she was)..... not that she'd likely be in reach for a show like this....

  20. #3540
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumble View Post
    However, the point is that even the CW, that BASTION OF TV EXCELLENCE ...... can manage to find attractive people to play in shows watched by a tiny fraction of people. How is it that Amazon finds people that are 5s and 6s at best to play characters that are supposed to be amazingly attractive.
    CW pretty much survives on hot people showing skin.

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