Their version of a strong woman making difficult choices is just no! It's so bad. Did you see the Moiraine parting with Lan, this is not the Moiraine of the books, it's a far less likeable Moiraine.
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The messaging is strong in this one.
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Did you see Nynaeve's first trial ? THe father who is supposed to be protecting the family, like all other men in this show, is always rescued or in need of the woman for defense. Off course in the book, gender roles aren't swapped at all, Wheel of Time isn't a world where women are men and men are women - this seems to be either an erroneous interpretation or part of the intentional fanfic version of the show writers and possibly runners.
I kept thinking to myself hang on a sec, shouldn't the man be the one with a two rivers long bow.. women don't have the strength to pull one, but Nynaeve's mother does? Even if the Ter'angreal world isn't exactly real, it's a realistic version of what the past could have been. And off course the dad dies first, and the mum keeps fighting till she goes out. And yes, Jordan's version of Nynaeve's first trial wasn't good enough either, it also had to be "fixed" substituted for this darker , all female empowering version that tells the story how it should be and fixes all of his mistakes. Yes we get it, it's the girls' turn, and men suck.
But off course, a man cannot be stronger than a woman even with twice the muscle mass and density - I'm sure audiences love unrealistic and unnatural thigns with no explanation..
Jordan has women powerful in this story, the Aes Sedai and wielding the one power is far more powerful, and the world circumstances shows that women are at the top in the world order, and I'm fine with that, he however did not change gender norms for the rest of his population, he doens't have women doing feats not phsyically possible, at least normal women, women that do have a lore reason why they can - it's called the one power.
The story is a beautifully imagined fantasy, that doesn't seek to degrade men, and role reveres in anyway, it shows different state of the world with political power, a world order that have magicains at the top who only females can safely be..
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I wonder, the whole "grooming of Nynaeve by Liandrin, are they going to make Nynaeve a red - because she don't need no man, and it's perceived as a STRONG role? I wonder, is being a healer considered weak and feminine? I don't know, these people are crazy enough to do things like that because they are so male power obsessed, and their religion wants to make women like those men.
The way they are writing Nynaeve too, it's looking like, she should have been the dragon instead of Rand. All I see is that they think the Nynaeve of the books is too trivial and boring, too petty, always pulling her braid, more like a silly girl than a noble powerful woman that is equal to or even greater than the Dragon.
The way Nynaeve is written in the show works for the show, Robert Jordan's Nynaeve would not work in this retelling. But then, in this reteling Nynaeve is the main character, I'm watching it, I'm feeling like it's a Moiraine and Nynaeve show.
I'm 20 mins into the show now. The last trial of Nynaeve was pretty good though or bad, however you look at it, I was convinced it was the telling of the story.
Re-telling the story of Nynaeve as a red, would be amusing to watch. And the implication that being a healer is too weak.