“But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart
Oh, I've seen it. We can only hope whoever is producing/writing for this show are replaced. They have excellent source material to work with, but it seems they are choosing not to make use of that. They definitely have to make some hard decisions if they want to turn this boat around.
It's such a shame. I've become a huge fan of this universe and I really want the show to become better, but then my friend broke the news that they may(?) be skipping the next book completely. This seems odd to me.
It not only isn't odd, it's inevitable.
There's no way to realistically bring this to screen and NOT skip some stuff. WoT is notoriously drawn-out and overstuffed, the book series itself is already several books longer than it should have been. They're necessarily course-correcting in the adaptation because it would be unwatchable if you stuck to everything in the books.
That being said, whether they'll do this well is an entirely different question...
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."