1. #1281
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    The tower guard isn't an organised army that could stand up to the Children.
    Not sure why trolling but I guess warders in yours and rafe's fanfiction are completely incompetent.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Because they skipped Caemlyn and didn't bother to consider the consequences of that
    Yeah it's not like skipping a huge set piece will have consequences down the line.

  2. #1282
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragedaug View Post
    I suspect the 'writers' are part selfish and part just not that great at writing compelling original fantasy. So instead of making their own story, which no one would watch, they convince someone to give them the rights to their story so the 'writers' can make their own story which is "inspired by" or "based on", at least to the point of using all the proper nouns from the original story, so the 'writer' can get that giant boost of views from fans of the original material.
    that shit happened to Percy Jackson, Dark Tower, His Dark Materials and Eragon. With eragon they killed completely the possibility of a sequence with how godamn awful the first one was

    With Percy jackson they did a sequel, but ended the five book story there, knowing full well they already ruined it by trying to make the story as an adolescent bullcrap to compete with the late harry potter movies.

    with the golden compass, they did the same mistake twice.
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2021-12-05 at 02:25 AM.

  3. #1283
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Percy Jackson IS adolescent bullcrap, as you put it. And they’re doing a D+ series.
    Hmm...I didn't think that first movie was bad. (The 2nd movie was embarrassing.)

    The book however was aimed for pre-adolescents...and it read as just that.

  4. #1284
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Percy Jackson IS adolescent bullcrap, as you put it. And they’re doing a D+ series.
    the movie was, the books, the early ones, targeted a younger audience with the group being kids with their 11-12 years.

    The series pretty much worked like Harry Poter, with they starting as kids and growing up with the books/movies, the guys who did the movie wanted to jump directly when they were adolescents( because it was the time HP was making a fuss) with "adult humor" and sexual innuendos.

    Hell, hey cast a what, 30 years old woman to play the role of a 12 years old kid. Im ware of the upcoming series, but who knows, if they try to be a bit more faithful will be good overall.

  5. #1285
    Stood in the Fire
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    This latest episode was... weird? I dunno, it started off strong, but the middle section in Tar Valon was rife with amateurish cut after cut. From Loial suddenly appearing out of nowhere to a library we had no introduction to, to a cut from Nynaeve in the tower immediately to her and Loial finding Rand, the whole thing was just choppy and put together in what felt like a random order.

  6. #1286
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    New one is read by Rosemund Pike instead of the duo who does every other audio book. Not sure if you can still get it or not. The audio books at least the ones I have are unabridged so if you consider the series good they are good.
    Thank you.. i shall have a l ook around for it, if you spot it anywhere, please let me know.

    I guess the Rosamund Pike version is abridged... i can't see an actress like that reading allowed a 14 volume series of an 800 page average per book.. it would cost them a fortune for her.

  7. #1287
    Mechagnome Mazza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Advo View Post
    This latest episode was... weird? I dunno, it started off strong, but the middle section in Tar Valon was rife with amateurish cut after cut. From Loial suddenly appearing out of nowhere to a library we had no introduction to, to a cut from Nynaeve in the tower immediately to her and Loial finding Rand, the whole thing was just choppy and put together in what felt like a random order.
    I said this before in this thread, but IMO this is caused by allocating a lot of screentime on stuff that should not get as much screentime. As a result they have to rush other - more important - elements making it look like a semi improvised school play.

  8. #1288
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Not sure why trolling but I guess warders in yours and rafe's fanfiction are completely incompetent..
    So they warders and tower guard didn't let the children fuck around outside the tower in new spring and take potshots at sisters?

  9. #1289
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    So they warders and tower guard didn't let the children fuck around outside the tower in new spring and take potshots at sisters?
    Just feels odd at this stage of the story that you would have a random inquisitor hunting down and killing sisters, and the Aes Sedai, with the power of nations behind them, would just sit back and do nothing about it.

    "Take the time to sit down and talk with your adversaries. You will learn something, and they will learn something from you. When two enemies are talking, they are not fighting. It's when the talking ceases that the ground becomes fertile for violence. So keep the conversation going."
    ~ Daryl Davis

  10. #1290
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragedaug View Post
    Just feels odd at this stage of the story that you would have a random inquisitor hunting down and killing sisters, and the Aes Sedai, with the power of nations behind them, would just sit back and do nothing about it.
    I mean, that's just to be expected when you have a showrunner go rogue and completely abandon the plot crafted by the writer over a decade plus of work. Things aren't going to make sense. Remember the teleporting in Game of Thrones?

  11. #1291
    Quote Originally Posted by Coniferous View Post
    I mean, that's just to be expected when you have a showrunner go rogue and completely abandon the plot crafted by the writer over a decade plus of work. Things aren't going to make sense. Remember the teleporting in Game of Thrones?
    It's entirely consistent with the source material, Whitecloaks camp around Tar Valon and try to kill off sisters, it's stated in New Spring.

  12. #1292
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    It's entirely consistent with the source material, Whitecloaks camp around Tar Valon and try to kill off sisters, it's stated in New Spring.
    Taking potshots is different from what is happening in this bastardization of an adaptation.

  13. #1293
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    The worst part is that you'd think anyone who could wield a force of magic would defend themselves from those who would do harm to them. Even though the Three Oaths forbids them from using the power against anyone who isn't shadowspawn, you'd think there would be some form of leniency towards self defense. And then you get later into the books and learn that the Whitecloaks ARE actually being manipulated to serve the enemy.

  14. #1294
    I distinctly recall Alanna Sedai remonstrating Perrin about her and Verin's position in defending against the White Cloaks when they meet them in Emond's Field. Something along the lines of being in front of the force, since they then can freely use the One Power when attacked...and being put in the back of the lines is useless.

  15. #1295
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Taking potshots is different from what is happening in this bastardization of an adaptation.
    Agreed - a guy who has killed 7 Aes Sedai would certainly be dealt with. Also, in the early books the Aes Sedai are this extremely powerful group that most don’t mess with, not ripe for the pickings by a white cloak.

  16. #1296
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    The worst part is that you'd think anyone who could wield a force of magic would defend themselves from those who would do harm to them. Even though the Three Oaths forbids them from using the power against anyone who isn't shadowspawn, you'd think there would be some form of leniency towards self defense. And then you get later into the books and learn that the Whitecloaks ARE actually being manipulated to serve the enemy.
    Never to use the One Power as a weapon except against in the last extreme defense of her life, the life of her Warder, or another Aes Sedai. That is the third oath so they can use the one power in defense. They just need to believe that they are at great enough risk in order for the "magic" to allow them. The show drops the part about dark friend and shadowspawn. So technically in the show universe they can't even use it against those unless they are first attacked.

    While some questions surround the purpose of the oaths later on in the books it was the partly the political landscape that caused the sisters to use them. As they wanted to be seen as "neutral" rather then a real threat. How the TV show will deal with all that is not something that can be predicted given all the changes already.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  17. #1297
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Taking potshots is different from what is happening in this bastardization of an adaptation.
    Idk, murdering sisters is murdering sisters. It's not like there's any more proof and any more or less information to act upon compared to Whitecloaks hiding in bushes and shooting at them.

  18. #1298
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    Idk, murdering sisters is murdering sisters. It's not like there's any more proof and any more or less information to act upon compared to Whitecloaks hiding in bushes and shooting at them.
    Taking unsuccessful potshots is different than a dude who walks around with the rings of sisters he has killed

  19. #1299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flurryfang View Post
    See those passages is what they should have based his characters on, because not only is it an interesting story, but its a really unique setup for a character. A man doomed to fight the shadow to his death, cause he is the last of his kind and of a dead line.
    Yeah, ere he was gone, the Junior James Rigney really made some great strides of uniqueness with al'Lan Mandragoran, a singular and unique elf-jewel of a character, without precedent in fantasy fiction, and at the same time, a mere token of what he was trying to accomplish with the first part of The Eye of the World.

    You wouldn't happen to have any miruvor on you, would you? Because I could really use a drink.

    I was going to work in something about throngs, but figured that would just be gilding the lily.

    I'll just show myself to the liquor cabinet, now.
    Last edited by Sterling Archer; 2021-12-06 at 03:47 AM.
    For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God.
    Bloody Mary, full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails.
    Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon.

  20. #1300
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Taking unsuccessful potshots is different than a dude who walks around with the rings of sisters he has killed
    "Unsuccessful" is an assumption, and not really. The Tower knows Whitecloaks kill sisters if given the opportunity and instead of stopping them for whatever reason of logistics or political tension they instead choose to avoid conflict. That's in the books.
    I'm sorry if you're so hellbent on finding reasons to hate the show that you start trashing RJs writing.

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