1. #1301
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    "Unsuccessful" is an assumption, and not really. The Tower knows Whitecloaks kill sisters if given the opportunity and instead of stopping them for whatever reason of logistics or political tension they instead choose to avoid conflict. That's in the books.
    I'm sorry if you're so hellbent on finding reasons to hate the show that you start trashing RJs writing.
    Umm..Can you mention one dead Aes Sedai thanks to White Cloak in books? Its been a while since I read them..so please, who was killed by White Cloaks? And obvious assumption being that WT doesn't eradicate the WCs taking shot at them? If you are asking as to why WT doesn't march to their land and eradicate them, they likely can't. Afterall, WCs don't fight them in open. Easy to paint them as villain. So dealt in secret.

    Name of dead Aes Sedai killed by WCs please!

    - - - Updated - - -

    After watching half of 5th episode, I gave up on show. This show will soon give Legend of Seeker a very thrilling competition. Better to watch arcane, hawkeye or soon to be released Witcher. Or read books. RIP Jordan.
    Last edited by jdbond; 2021-12-06 at 08:04 AM.

  2. #1302
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    "Unsuccessful" is an assumption, and not really. The Tower knows Whitecloaks kill sisters if given the opportunity and instead of stopping them for whatever reason of logistics or political tension they instead choose to avoid conflict. That's in the books.
    I'm sorry if you're so hellbent on finding reasons to hate the show that you start trashing RJs writing.
    That's sort of missing the point though:

    The White Tower knows the Whitecloaks will kill a Sister if given the chance, sure. But knowing it, and PROVING they are doing it in a way that is actionable is a different matter entirely. It's why the Whitecloaks will only jump them while they are vulnerable, in a manner that is easily deniable if they get caught, rather than just camping outside the gates of various cities and murking them as they ride out.

    Both factions are quite obviously hostile to eachother, but the 3 oaths prevent the Aes Sedai from making the first move, and that generally results in an arrow in the back from an ambush when they least expect it, rather than a direct confrontation where the Whitecloaks risk running afoul of the "self defense" clause in the 3rd oath.

    That 3rd oath is the main reason the Aes Sedai "avoid conflict", rather than dealing with the problem as well, because it basically actively prevents them from straight up "dealing" with it.

    That entire dynamic changes if they have literal proof, in the case of Valda actively showing off the rings of dead sisters as a hunting trophy and they catch him in the act. It's why the Whitecloaks basically never outright attack an Aes Sedai in a public setting. Because they know that A: They would get their asses handed to them, and B: the political backlash would outright be the end of them.

  3. #1303
    Quote Originally Posted by jdbond View Post
    Name of dead Aes Sedai killed by WCs please!
    Serenia Latar.

    Quote Originally Posted by jdbond View Post
    And obvious assumption being that WT doesn't eradicate the WCs taking shot at them?
    I don't think you know what assumptions are. Assumptions are ideas taken to be true without evidence, it would be an assumption to conclude that the Tower deals with Whitecloaks who stalk the countryside around Tar Valon, because we are never given any indication this is true. It is however implicit in the books that the Whitecloaks who do stalk around Tar Valon are avoided rather than confronted, which is addressed in New Spring.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    That's sort of missing the point though:

    The White Tower knows the Whitecloaks will kill a Sister if given the chance, sure. But knowing it, and PROVING they are doing it in a way that is actionable is a different matter entirely. It's why the Whitecloaks will only jump them while they are vulnerable, in a manner that is easily deniable if they get caught, rather than just camping outside the gates of various cities and murking them as they ride out.

    Both factions are quite obviously hostile to eachother, but the 3 oaths prevent the Aes Sedai from making the first move, and that generally results in an arrow in the back from an ambush when they least expect it, rather than a direct confrontation where the Whitecloaks risk running afoul of the "self defense" clause in the 3rd oath.

    That 3rd oath is the main reason the Aes Sedai "avoid conflict", rather than dealing with the problem as well, because it basically actively prevents them from straight up "dealing" with it.

    That entire dynamic changes if they have literal proof, in the case of Valda actively showing off the rings of dead sisters as a hunting trophy and they catch him in the act. It's why the Whitecloaks basically never outright attack an Aes Sedai in a public setting. Because they know that A: They would get their asses handed to them, and B: the political backlash would outright be the end of them.
    Indeed, thank you for expanding on and clarifying my point.

    I don't agree that Valda showing off his rings consititutes the proof you're implying though, he's only one questioner and could easily change his tune or hide the rings if necessary. I don't think word of mouth really constitutes the proof required for the tower to bring actual hostilities to bear either, hence my position.

  4. #1304
    Bloodsail Admiral Smallfruitbat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logwyn View Post
    Some people can't wear contacts. Maybe this is just how the wheel spun things out this time around. So far WoT has been a good show and I will continue to watch it.
    Mostly, I don't have an issue with eye colour being different. I do hope they're going to settle down with Perrin and not bring in the golden eyes every time he goes hulk smash.

    I'd settle for some actors in the lead roles that can keep a consistent accent. This isn't live theatre, where things go wrong. The guy playing Rand is awful vocally and Egwene is marginally better -to be honest, they are such a big roles they should have held out for someone with some consistency. Given the money they have apparently thrown at this thing, you really shouldn't need subtitles to understand what certain characters are saying -looking at you Mat, Perrin.

  5. #1305
    Quote Originally Posted by Smallfruitbat View Post
    Mostly, I don't have an issue with eye colour being different. I do hope they're going to settle down with Perrin and not bring in the golden eyes every time he goes hulk smash.
    Meanwhile, I'm hoping they go full time golden eyes with Perrin (also known as "Perrin Goldeneyes").

    "Take the time to sit down and talk with your adversaries. You will learn something, and they will learn something from you. When two enemies are talking, they are not fighting. It's when the talking ceases that the ground becomes fertile for violence. So keep the conversation going."
    ~ Daryl Davis

  6. #1306
    Quote Originally Posted by Smallfruitbat View Post
    Mostly, I don't have an issue with eye colour being different. I do hope they're going to settle down with Perrin and not bring in the golden eyes every time he goes hulk smash.
    His eyes should be golden all the time fam.

  7. #1307
    Bloodsail Admiral Smallfruitbat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    His eyes should be golden all the time fam.
    That was my point I'm hoping that they change and stay golden. I'm guessing they are trying to show a transition -but it doesn't make sense to me. They changed when he started communicating.

  8. #1308
    Quote Originally Posted by Smallfruitbat View Post
    That was my point I'm hoping that they change and stay golden. I'm guessing they are trying to show a transition -but it doesn't make sense to me. They changed when he started communicating.
    Had this impression they were going for a werewolf theme.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    Serenia Latar.
    They hung her corpse. No details suggesting otherwise beyond a questioner's wishful thinking.

  9. #1309
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    They hung her corpse. No details suggesting otherwise beyond a questioner's wishful thinking.
    "The Whitecloaks, who killed her, hanged her body after her death. Serenia is the only Amyrlin to have been murdered by Whitecloaks, despite the ever-present animosity between the Children of the Light and the Aes Sedai."


  10. #1310
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    "The Whitecloaks, who killed her, hanged her body after her death. Serenia is the only Amyrlin to have been murdered by Whitecloaks, despite the ever-present animosity between the Children of the Light and the Aes Sedai." https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Serenia_Latar
    Like I said...a questioner's wishful thinking.

  11. #1311
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Like I said...a questioner's wishful thinking.
    "The Whitecloaks, who killed her"

  12. #1312
    I really liked them showing more of Lan and Nynaeve's relationship developing. But Lan spazzing out and losing it like that at the end of episode 5 did not sit well with me, he's supposed to be basically Geralt from the Witcher show but without the "douchey" attitude.

    Nynaeve telling him it'll hurt when she treated Moiraine and him taking it like a stone was perfect. Then they go and make him emotionally lose it like that in ep.5, hnnng...

    I'm really trying to let the show convince me to like it, but each episode makes it unfortunately harder..

  13. #1313
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    "The Whitecloaks, who killed her"
    You're making my point.

  14. #1314
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    Never read the books, the show took a few episodes to hook me in, loving everything about it now.
    Every patch is the worst until the next one arrives, then it's nostalgia and suddenly the best while the new patch takes over being the worst.

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  15. #1315
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    You're making my point.
    Your point is unclear, Serenia Latar was my example of an Aes Sedai killed by Whitecloaks either you're contesting or you're changing the subject. Feel free to explain.

  16. #1316
    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    Your point is unclear, Serenia Latar was my example of an Aes Sedai killed by Whitecloaks either you're contesting or you're changing the subject. Feel free to explain.
    The point is that the source for that claim is coming from an unreliable narrator namely Valda

    "Serenia Latar being raised on the scaffold, the only Amyrlin the Children had ever managed to hang. She had been dead already, of course, live witches being somewhat hard to hang, but that was beside the point. Six hundred and ninety-three years ago, justice had been done according to the law."
    —Musings of Eamon Valda in the Dome of Truth[2]

    She died in Altara after negotiating the end of a civil war there. Somehow her corpse was seized by Whitecloaks that hanged it as final affront

  17. #1317
    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    The point is that the source for that claim is coming from an unreliable narrator namely Valda

    "Serenia Latar being raised on the scaffold, the only Amyrlin the Children had ever managed to hang. She had been dead already, of course, live witches being somewhat hard to hang, but that was beside the point. Six hundred and ninety-three years ago, justice had been done according to the law."
    —Musings of Eamon Valda in the Dome of Truth[2]

    She died in Altara after negotiating the end of a civil war there. Somehow her corpse was seized by Whitecloaks that hanged it as final affront
    Okay so which of the POVs am I allowed to trawl to make a point that Whitecloaks kill sisters when given the chance?

    You'd think anyone who's read the books wouldn't need the citation, but here we are.

  18. #1318
    So, is this show any good? I have not read the books and I have no idea about the universe.

    The first season of Witcher, while entertaining, pretty much had no story.

    How is Wheel of Time in comparison? Is this more like the Witcher or more like Game of Thrones in world building and stuff? I'm a sucker for "fantasy" shows, but there hasn't really been a great one since... Game of Thrones most likely.
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  19. #1319
    Bloodsail Admiral Smallfruitbat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    So, is this show any good? I have not read the books and I have no idea about the universe.

    The first season of Witcher, while entertaining, pretty much had no story.

    How is Wheel of Time in comparison? Is this more like the Witcher or more like Game of Thrones in world building and stuff? I'm a sucker for "fantasy" shows, but there hasn't really been a great one since... Game of Thrones most likely.
    Personally, I think its an OK fantasy show. I have issues with some of the casting and the pacing of the story, also episode 1 feels very much like a 90s show -I suggest pushing past it. It doesn't have the comic relief that the Witcher has. Knowing where the story is heading and where they've started from, it seems to me they're trying to go a bit grim dark. A lot of the negativity you will see if from fans who have waited years for this only to be presented with a complete bastardisation of the story. It's worth a watch but I wouldn't call it great.

  20. #1320
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    So, is this show any good? I have not read the books and I have no idea about the universe.

    The first season of Witcher, while entertaining, pretty much had no story.

    How is Wheel of Time in comparison? Is this more like the Witcher or more like Game of Thrones in world building and stuff? I'm a sucker for "fantasy" shows, but there hasn't really been a great one since... Game of Thrones most likely.
    It's actually quite good, but the book is a whole other level.

    This is an A grade show, or at least B+/A - but if they had brought the book better to life, it would have been a global number 1, like GoT was.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The books are one of the greatest fantasy stories ever told, the show is not one of the greatest fantasy shows ever made. But it's a well done show. you'd love it if you lvoe fantasy..just know the books bring it to life in a whole other level it would have been nice for the show to capture.

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