1. #1321
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    So, is this show any good? I have not read the books and I have no idea about the universe.

    The first season of Witcher, while entertaining, pretty much had no story.

    How is Wheel of Time in comparison? Is this more like the Witcher or more like Game of Thrones in world building and stuff? I'm a sucker for "fantasy" shows, but there hasn't really been a great one since... Game of Thrones most likely.
    I like it a lot so far, there's quite a lot of world building as well as diving into a few deeper ideas to do with the magic system, as well as the book one "mystery" about the Dragon Reborn and their identity. It's a bit too ensemble to easily compare with the Witcher and a lot closer to typical high fantasy than say, Game of Thrones, but looks like it's going to share some political intrigue themes.

  2. #1322
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    So, is this show any good? I have not read the books and I have no idea about the universe.
    It seems made for those that haven't read the books.

  3. #1323
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    I don't agree that Valda showing off his rings consititutes the proof you're implying though, he's only one questioner and could easily change his tune or hide the rings if necessary. I don't think word of mouth really constitutes the proof required for the tower to bring actual hostilities to bear either, hence my position.
    He showed the rings to Moiraine. There is no "word of mouth needed" and a force could have been sent to look for him. As she also heard that he was heading to find the sisters who took Logaine captive.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  4. #1324
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    He showed the rings to Moiraine. There is no "word of mouth needed" and a force could have been sent to look for him. As she also heard that he was heading to find the sisters who took Logaine captive.
    So why didn't the Tower Aes Sedai do so in the books? I'm not sure why you all believe the Whitecloaks (and in particular the Questioners) weren't just as antagonistic. Just because the collection of rings is new does not mean the idea is, the Whitecloaks kill sisters if given the opportunity. This is not news.

  5. #1325
    After how terrible The Shannara Chronicles was I'm scared to even give this one a try.

  6. #1326
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Showing the rings in no way proves how they were obtained.
    Yeah, he probably bought them from wandering merchants /s

    Idk about this last episode, skipping important events for a dive into warder depression and CotL picking up people within running range of the White Tower, I don't like the direction this is heading.
    Last edited by Sorshen; 2021-12-06 at 04:20 PM.

  7. #1327
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Showing the rings in no way proves how they were obtained.
    She is hiding her presence despite not being able to lie under the 3 oaths. She she's a collection of rings on a high ranking questioner. She could have seen the two groups breaking off and going different ways. Would a sister not communicate a potential threat in the area and the Tower be on alert?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    So why didn't the Tower Aes Sedai do so in the books? I'm not sure why you all believe the Whitecloaks (and in particular the Questioners) weren't just as antagonistic. Just because the collection of rings is new does not mean the idea is, the Whitecloaks kill sisters if given the opportunity. This is not news.
    I'm not talking about the books, but the show. She show a Questioner with a collection of rings. She would have saw it break from the other group of white cloaks as they were leaving. It is news that would have been communicated to the other sisters and tower so they can be on the look out for "sister killing/hunting" groups outside of the Tower.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  8. #1328
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    I'm not talking about the books, but the show. She show a Questioner with a collection of rings. She would have saw it break from the other group of white cloaks as they were leaving. It is news that would have been communicated to the other sisters and tower so they can be on the look out for "sister killing/hunting" groups outside of the Tower.
    I feel like this is an offshoot of the point I was making so I'm not really following. Did you want a scene of Moiraine just passing on the message that there's a particularly nutty Questioner walking around that's killed some sisters?

  9. #1329
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kharadin View Post
    I feel like this is an offshoot of the point I was making so I'm not really following. Did you want a scene of Moiraine just passing on the message that there's a particularly nutty Questioner walking around that's killed some sisters?
    You said you didn't think he was a threat to warrant a response from the White Tower. Stopping and searching a sister who remained hidden. Flaunting a collection of rings and breaking off from a group that is hunting shadowspawn, one of the primary goals of the Whitecloaks, is not a big enough threat to warrant a response from the tower or sisters? lol.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  10. #1330
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    You said you didn't think he was a threat to warrant a response from the White Tower. Stopping and searching a sister who remained hidden. Flaunting a collection of rings and breaking off from a group that is hunting shadowspawn, one of the primary goals of the Whitecloaks, is not a big enough threat to warrant a response from the tower or sisters? lol.
    Yes, and via the books I believe that point is addressed and makes perfect sense.

    Just considering a viewer of the show though, I can see how that might look scuffed, so fair play.

  11. #1331
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    It seems made for those that haven't read the books.
    This seems to be the big thing to take home. Stop looking to the books for any expectation or understanding of the show. Stop hoping the show is any kind of direct translation of the books. All you'll find is some matching names, a few matching plot points, but it seems like it's mostly going to be its own story.

  12. #1332
    Quote Originally Posted by Pratt View Post
    After how terrible The Shannara Chronicles was I'm scared to even give this one a try.
    If you are backing on it being exactly like the book, you'd be very disapopinted. Enough creative liberties taken to annoy any who wanted things just like the book.

    if you canwrap your head round that this is an alternate version, it's a nice show that shows a visualisation of your favourite places in the story while loosely telling a similar tale, but one that roughly follows the same plot.

    On it's own, it is good, but knowing what the book is like, it will disappoint - not that it isn't good, it's just the same level.

  13. #1333
    I get the feeling they severely nerfed the White Tower in the show. I like how in the books Aes Sedai and the White Tower are portrayed as nigh divine in how gargantuan a presence it has in global politics, and how Aes Sedai are feared and thought to be near-godlike in power. Then as you progress and get to observe main casts interact with them you learn they're just humans that mask their emotions and "fake it til they make it".

    Here they get Aes Sedai ganked by randoms in s1 and have Whitecloaks openly gathering rings. In the books the Whitecloaks are mostly loud and obnoxious without daring to actually push against the White Tower because it would end in political disaster for them. So yeah they'll kill Aes Sedai but only in ambushes or in ways where they have plausible deniability, not openly burning them and brandishing trophies.

    Aes Sedai might not be able to directly confront them in combat, but the White Tower was never about war power, they would basically turn every kingdom bar Amadicia against the Whitecloaks, effectively killing the little influence they had left and then pressure Amadicia to kick them out too.

    I expected the Aes Sedai to be humanised in the show as well, but not this early tbh. Why are the general population so scared of them if randoms just kill them with bow and arrow?

  14. #1334
    Quote Originally Posted by Pratt View Post
    After how terrible The Shannara Chronicles was I'm scared to even give this one a try.
    Others have said it's on par with Elegon.

    Hollywood Reporter Review

    What follows is a monotonous and fairly predictable series of jaunts from one town to the next, from one encounter with threatening strangers to the next, from one contrived separation of the group’s members to the next. I never felt like I was watching an unfolding story, but I absolutely felt like I was watching the whiteboard in a writers room, more the pushing of note cards toward a destination than an adventure.


    That last bit hits hard. Because the story isn’t the destination. The story is the path taken to the destination.
    Last edited by Shadowferal; 2021-12-06 at 05:05 PM.

  15. #1335
    I grew up with the books, started reading in high school, and would read all the books again after the new one came out. Never finished them, but I am reading them again and I will finish this time.

    The show really hurt, I was really hoping it would be good. It feels like the show runners don't respect the books, and I really wonder how Jordan's family feels about this.

  16. #1336
    Quote Originally Posted by loppy88 View Post
    I really wonder how Jordan's family feels about this.
    We've tried to reach them, but they're lost somewhere in the swimming pool full of money this has likely generated for them.

  17. #1337
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    We've tried to reach them, but they're lost somewhere in the swimming pool full of money this has likely generated for them.
    hahaha yeah

  18. #1338
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Others have said it's on par with Elegon.

    Hollywood Reporter Review

    What follows is a monotonous and fairly predictable series of jaunts from one town to the next, from one encounter with threatening strangers to the next, from one contrived separation of the group’s members to the next. I never felt like I was watching an unfolding story, but I absolutely felt like I was watching the whiteboard in a writers room, more the pushing of note cards toward a destination than an adventure.


    That last bit hits hard. Because the story isn’t the destination. The story is the path taken to the destination.
    Wow that review is brutal.

  19. #1339
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    So, is this show any good? I have not read the books and I have no idea about the universe.

    The first season of Witcher, while entertaining, pretty much had no story.

    How is Wheel of Time in comparison? Is this more like the Witcher or more like Game of Thrones in world building and stuff? I'm a sucker for "fantasy" shows, but there hasn't really been a great one since... Game of Thrones most likely.
    Wheel of Time is considered one of the best written series of the fantasy genre a lot of the stuff that now considered tropes came from it. This show isn't Wheel of Time.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pratt View Post
    After how terrible The Shannara Chronicles was I'm scared to even give this one a try.
    Check the casting notice where one of the mains actors acted before a tour de force in power rangers then run far far far away

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Beloren View Post
    If you are backing on it being exactly like the book, you'd be very disapopinted. Enough creative liberties taken to annoy any who wanted things just like the book.

    if you canwrap your head round that this is an alternate version, it's a nice show that shows a visualisation of your favourite places in the story while loosely telling a similar tale, but one that roughly follows the same plot.

    On it's own, it is good, but knowing what the book is like, it will disappoint - not that it isn't good, it's just the same level.
    Weird the images in my head never had such awful color grading or ren faire level costuming. It is that it isn't good.

  20. #1340
    [i]Lan hesitated, then spoke in a loud voice. "Why do we mourn?"

    The soldiers nearby turned toward him.

    "Is this not what we have trained for?" Lan shouted. "Is this not our purpose, our very lives? This war is not a thing to mourn. Other men may have been lax, but we have not been. We are prepared, and so this is a time of glory."

    "Let their be laughter! Let there be joy! Let us cheer the fallen and drink to our forefathers, who taught us well. If you die on the morrow, awaiting your rebirth, be proud. The Last Battle is upon us, and we are ready!"[/i]

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