As for as changes are concerned. Consider the "treatment" of Dragon. Dragon was most hated character after DO. Worse than forsaken. He broke the world. Surely he worked for the shadow. Discussing him was as bad as discussing Dark One. Him being a "man" was just incidental. Now imagine the turmoil of our Mcs if someone told you that you might be Dragon Reborn.
In books, there seem to be no indication that Dragon has any reputation. Moraine says 3 lines and that's it. Moraine openly calls our team potential DRs and there is not one gasp. In fact, Mat is only concerned that he would go mad (if DR was even he). This is how Aes Sedai would think but not our MCs who grew in a remote village greatly fearing dragon. Mat even claims he was most popular male channeler. Not only this is incorrect (he was most powerful channeler), how would Mat even know such a thing? Even current Aes Sedai don't know such things. Sounded more like Mat was praising him!
Entire atmosphere of story is wrong. There is no menace of fade, shadow or DO, let alone Dragon. WCs have done more "threatening" than Trollocs. These things are not discussed. Story is so rushed where it matters.
Sense of scale is missing from world. There is no map! Some country bumpkins walked from their home to TV in a month or so, mostly through empty lands being roamed by WCs! They just threw in couple of names here and there but world is mostly empty! Might as well be Kingdom of North from GoT!
A simple map would have done wonders to ground the story but then, they couldn't have make such a jump. Now where exactly is Camelyn really? Where is TRs located. Is there even a ruler?
This is Witcher level of story telling except Witcher is fun.