A committee writes those changes.
By the time they’ve all buddied up. Especially as a man he doesn’t want to look like a mysoginist or chaivenist so goes out of his way to change more to please his peers and be part of the inn crowd.
There are strategic reasons why pushing Moiraine was taken , but wow how so much mystery and charm is just removed.
There was so much mystery in the novels and breadcrumbs to lead. Sigh
And more odd choices for changes in the latest ep.
The Eye of the World is the DO's prison in this version, or where the Dragon tried to reseal him.
Oh, and the Ways requiring channeling to work. Kind of defeats the purpose of what they were designed for - to allow the ogier a means to travel between steddings where channeling couldn't happen.
Last edited by Corvus; 2021-12-10 at 03:51 AM.
I like the show, but I hate what they are doing, the book is excellent, you shouldn't make a show of the same name and change so much, recast so much. It's just wrong, and rude too.
CAll it something else, but if you cal lit Wheel of time, you expect a faithful adaptation of an excellent book.
Show is good as a thing of it's own, but it's a let down from a much book, it's not in the same class story wise. Staying faithful would have been much much better.
This episode was pretty good but it definitely ensures that nothing can be predicted or assumed by the books. It sucks but I do understand why they might not have done so since it would spoil any drama if you've known the books. It does make me wonder what the cliffhanger at the season finale will be given the episode text and it could be interesting to see that implication play out in the world setting.
Still wish it was more faithful to the books and no one can say Amazon wants their version of Game of Thrones when they have fuzzy nudity and a off screen sex scene. It will be interesting to see when season 2 releases since the LotR series comes out September 2022. They might release the next season prior to then so this series is more a "fantasy" hook then a GoT rival.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
I personally can not fathom the logic of doing it that way though.
Like, as a fan of the books, who the fuck cares if I know what is going to happen. I WANTED you to present what I know is going to happen, because that is what I loved about the books. There is absolutely no need to introduced pointless drama that fucks with my expectations, because all it does is piss me off.
And if I am not a fan of the books, and have never read them, fucking with the books gains you nothing anyway, because I have no prior expectations going in.
So either way you slice it, there really is no good reason to fuck with the books, unless it comes down to something like a scene or something being exceptionally difficult to translate / adapt to film. Of which there are basically zero that I can possibly imagine in almost the entire goddamned series.
Like, I don't go watch a stage presentation of Romeo and Juliette with the expectation that the showrunner is going to spend half the play fucking with the audience trying to create artificial tension regarding if Romeo and Juliette are really, TRUELY in love, or if Romeo will drink the poison, maybe he won't, OH NO, GATCHA HE REALLY DRANK IT! GASP.
Like, fuck that noise. I came to watch Romeo and Juliette because I KNOW what is supposed to happen, and I am expecting to see a quality performance of that specific set of events. Unless it is specifically advertised as an Avant-garde interpretation of Romeo and Juliette, there are very clear expectations as to what you are going to get out of a performance.
I wanted to see "Wheel of Time". I was EXPECTING to see "Wheel of Time". Instead, I got: "Some shit that is vaguely pretending to be Wheel of Time".
LOL..Do you realize these "episodic" shows are not even planned for entire season, let alone 18. They are created on fly. Someone drops the contract and they have to wing in. Someone gets pregnant, and they have push that in. This is subpar episodic writing. Just because you like the show doesn't make the story cohesive.
You can't do the same with a story that is already laid out, all of it.
If they followed the book, they can suck at delivery but story would retain its sense. You are confusing the delivery with piss poor writing. Thank god, people like you made the show to sink it.
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Because they are rewriting the story. Perrin is not going to return to Two rivers through Way. He may not even return.
Except it wouldn't if their delivery sucks. Because it would still be subpar and not cohesive. I am not confusing anything here. I am saying that even if they followed the books the writers would be the same. So if the suck when not following the books, and denigrated as popular medical drama writers, then they wouldn't suddenly gain talent by changing the story. It would still be the same writers you just insulted lol.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
It is entirely justifiable to be upset that it isn't what was expected and that they did not do a good job conveying it being a different turning of the wheel then the books. But it is silly to call it vaguely the Wheel of Time when it clearly is not. You even stated, " Another turning of the Wheel isn't going to produce a "nearly identical but with slight changes" version of the previous iteration.", in a previous post.
So it is both vague and not vague depending on what variety of petulance you are currently showing about the show.
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I'm not saying that. But that is what you stated but somehow think they would be 100% awesome writers if they only told a novel in 8 episodes exactly like the books laid out. The writers are perfectly fine if they always intended to not do a faithful adaptation. Not award winning by any means but far from trash. See the New Spring pilot episode for that.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Different turning of wheel where there is no city between Baerlon and Tar Valon? Gotcha!
Where people don't know who Tinkers are but they sure do know about Aes Sedai oaths!
Entire show has such gems.
The very first few line of show claims that "men" failed to "cage" the beast. So beast is free but previous dragon clubbed it so hard, it feel asleep for convenient time?
This turning is mighty indeed!
Well, when you accept the fact that writers are stupid, this is very good!
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I made no such claim. Stop talking stupid. Just because story is cohesive doesn't mean show is watchable. The show fails at almost everything. Acting, sets, costume, casting, pacing..changing story is just icing on top. More than writers, they hired an awful director.
That's not hte point of adaptations, do you change Harry potter or lord of the rings to keep people guessing? It's a clear bastardization of the author's work and it's not telling the same story.
to make matters worse, if you've ever read the books, teh show is definitely inferior - plot not as good, worse decisions everyway, it reduces the Wheel of Time to a standard 21st century fantasy, not particularly remarkable, some cool stuff, but pretty much the same as everything around its time period.
I enjoyed the episode, can't for the life of me understand why the dragon can now be in 5 people and I suspect that is how they are going to run, because they would have made the Dragon reborn female, but felt it was a step too far, so instead they make the Dragon 5 people. What is wrong with the conapt of Ta'veren? It's not hard to understand it's not difficult to process, it just needs to be explained once, by a line or two, to realise that some people are exceptionally important to the pattern and are designed such, and not being Tav'veren doesn't mean you won't have an extraordinary role in things and that you also don't bend the pattern.
Is it me or is anything that actually was written that made the male characters important has been either diluted, removed or swapped to a female character instead.
What they should have done was a gender swap, basically, it's Saidar that is poisoned, and it's men that rule from the white tower, and actually Nynaeve, Egwene and Rana are the Ta'veren of which one is the Dragoness reborn. I'm curious how that would have gone.
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I agree. I like the show, but the story isn't cohesive, it's about a 6/10 for me at this point. Cool stuff, hot actors, some cool action scenes and scenery a bit of mystery, but nothing really or truly remarkable
Have they even touched on what it actually means to be Ta'veren in the TV series? Like, other than some kind of offhand mention that it makes you "important" or something else equally inane?
Like, have they even vaguely mentioned that it makes you a literal living Nexus point that attracts change and instigates happenings simply by existing? Have they even hinted at how a strong enough one can literally warp chance and influence events around them. Like, the book series was littered with the little flavor references regarding how simply being AROUND Rand could alter your destiny, even for average, every day people. There is an entire sub-plot in the bit where they are chasing him in the third book, and they basically track him partly by just looking for odd events in the villages he has traveled through. Every non married individual in a town of 300 people suddenly got married on the same day? Rand was here. Whole town burns to the ground, but not a single person gets so much as heat rash? Rand was there.
It was bad enough when they had three of them in the same place for more than a day or two. Don't even want to imagine what it would be like if we are supposed to believe there are five of them now.
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I am not sure if you simply don't get it, or if you do, and are just being willfully obtuse, but again: That's not how the Wheel works.
The Wheel does not re-tell the story of "Rand Al-Thor, Dragon Reborn, from the Two Rivers and the very specific story of his confrontation of the Dark One in the Last Battle" over and over again with minor variations each time. A full turning of the Wheel tells "The Conflict between Light and Dark" over and over again. And in general, that is about as specific as any particular turning would ever get. Individual turnings would be, on the whole, as different as night and day concerning pretty much literally every conceivable element. Characters, Settings, Plot, everything would be completely and utterly different, not simply repeating with minor variations. Only the overall abstract Theme is consistent.
Like, if one turning of the Wheel was the plot of the book series "The Wheel of Time", the next turning might very well be the plot of Star Wars, and the previous turning might have been the story of Momotarō and his battle against the Demons of Ogre Island.
Attempting to justify this as "just another turning of the Wheel" is literally the act of desperately grasping at metaphysical straws in the worst kind of low effort attempt to validate your position I can imagine, simply based on "cause infinite turnings probability wankery". It's a shitty, weakass argument that pisses on everything the books stood for.
And no, it's not silly to call it "vaguely the Wheel of Time", when that is exactly what it is: An incredibly shitty adaptation that borrows Names, Themes, Places, Events and Characters from the very specific story that is "Wheel of Time" and then brutally murders them in an attempt to bring something Vaguely similar to the Books to the TV screen and failing miserably at it.
Last edited by Surfd; 2021-12-10 at 08:14 AM.
Other than a criminal lack of lines for my boy Loial ep 6 was pretty sick. More overt Moiraine + Siuan romance and some very set up for the ways and the eye of the world in the next two episodes? Lets fuckin' go.
And best girl Min should be introduced soon, that's gonna be sick.