By that logic Uno, Masema and Ingtar don't look Borderlanders.
By that logic Uno, Masema and Ingtar don't look Borderlanders.
The bastardization rolls on.
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They look more like borderlanders than the joke of a casting for Lan tbh. Seems like the instant this director hears a name that could have vague asian roots they immediately ignore all book descriptions and use the character for a checkbox. It's kind of insanely racist honestly. Feels very white savior type of bs.
Last edited by Xath; 2021-12-10 at 10:28 AM.
Can someone do a list of ALL the things they changed in the series and left out
He does, I'm sure they will, even with all the deviations so far you'd really have to put effort into mischaracterising a dude that, for the most part, is just a dutiful, protective Borderlander that swears all the flaming time.
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Moiraine is too tall.
Moiraine is too tall.
Moiraine is too tall.
There's others too but this is what really tilts me.
Also, was it just me or did you guys get the impresion from the books that Tear people were far east asian racially? not black
None of these changes are improvements to me, but they're not terrible or anything, but when you make a product worse by your changes, it tells me the change isn't fuelled by genuine desire to improve - it's either to slap your own vision instead and/or bend it to some agenda. Still it's a good show, the book's just way better.
So Moiraine is lesbian..that was possible I guess.. with Siuan too? Interesting choice.
Matt doesn't enter the gate - also interesting choice.
Caemlyn, Elaine, Gawyn, Galad all cut from the series ..wich probably means they will use Liadrin instead of Elaida as the tyrant Red Amyrlin if the series gets that far.
It's a shame, you can't do this series justice in 10 episodes - but it's nice to see a visualisation of a lot of things.. I'm not sure I am a fan of the white tower, the book seems to paint a grander picture than the series shown, although it has nice graphics.. they should get the wow team that did Suramar to have done something for the show.
I remember once seeing an artist impression of Tar Valon.. it was incredible.
Just did a quick google search for images, here are some interesting ones, though none as amazing as the one I saw years ago.
What we got:
Last edited by Beloren; 2021-12-10 at 11:58 AM.
Oh they will find a way don't worry. That said I am being completely serious here Bran being skinny was a really bad sign. Innkeepers weight is actually used throughout the books. The good trustworthy ones heavily indulge in their inn's cooking. Others such as the one in Four Kings do not and are decidedly not trustworthy individuals. Not even going to talk about what they did to Four Kings in the show just ugh because of what they did to Rand and Mat's characters with that conversation.
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Elayne is supposedly cast for next season (aka last season) Moiraine and Siuan are heavily implied to have been together in New Spring or at least experimented but it does cause a question of whether certain things will happen later but given how this show is skipping around I highly doubt Gareth will play in heavily at all before the mercy stroke prior to s3 dropping.
Has anyone heard from Robert Jordan's wife and what she thinks?
She must be moritifed by the changes... at least that other company was far more faithful to the book than amazon was.
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It's the charm that's gutted out in the series, this is what makes the show a vanilla fantasy, nothing special, where the book nailed everything.
This is heavily implied in the books, and it might even be stated explicitly (in New Spring, but I haven't reread that one in a while so I might be off) that Moiraine and Suian were pillowfriends during their time as novices. It's not a stretch to say they were likely in a romantic relationship, especially given they were fellow consipirers for such a long time.
Funny, I never read it like that, I interpreted it similar to my sisters and some of their friends, on their sleep overs, or boarding school experience, and none of them were lesbian - but I guess it could be interpreted that way. It just surprised me.
Also a bit annoyed I didn't pick it up when i was looking for who they could make gay in the show of the major characters.. but then i kept thinking of the 5 Eamon fielders and wouldn't change any of their romantic affliations.. could make min a trans female, and Rand seems a little bit bi so far.
It kind of is a stretch at this point though because they purposefully avoided each other after rising to the shawl due to the task given to them by Tamra after they were present for Gitara's foretelling although that may very well not exist in Rafe presents a Bastardization of Wheel of Time. Also events that happen later pretty much confirm there isn't a current relationship and that Siuan is at the very least Bi. Pillowfriends are heavily implied to be experimental relationships no doubt and some continue but at least in the books they ended theirs partially in order to attempt to drive a wedge between themselves in the minds of others so that their mission wouldn't be suspected.
they were definitely in a relationship at the end of New Spring. There are numerous little hints. I think its TGS, where Siuan reflects how much the search for the dragon has cost her. She never had time for relationships etc. I doubt that her and Moiraine would have stayed together outside of that. Although the romantic in me wants them to have had some time together. I always got the impression their friendship/relationship went deeper than sex.
Last edited by Smallfruitbat; 2021-12-10 at 01:18 PM.