There is a WoT reditt. That place is surreal. These people really live in different world. For a show with such poor ratings, and no buzz, that reditt makes it sound like nothing this good was ever created.
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Jordan grounded his magic through rules because there was too much of it in books. Show creators have decided to go for wow factor over logic. Battle in very first episode was done to dazzle and they are continuously using magic as a bludgeon to hide shortcomings.
No logic, just random magic. This will allow Rafe to do whatever.
See the stupidity of Moiraine opening waygate and yet, an "Ogier" was invite for god knows what! Some people on "reditt" claimed that this is because "signs" inside are all in Ogier tongue. Imagine that, they can't open the gate but only they can give directions! And that is our expectation.
Nah, it's pretty clear the "multiverse" concept is applied as a post justification to make all the changes okay rather than built into the story from the ground up. This isn't the Spiderverse, or Earth 606, it's "none of this makes sense, how do we make it make sense? oh I know!"
If someone wants to do different turnings of the Wheel, that's cool, but actually do it. If this is supposed to be that it sure is a shitty attempt at it, or why is Rand, Rand, and not renamed Lews Therin? Since names and places don't change, apparently.
A better way to think about Casual v Hardcore:
That's because there isn't much good on amazon prime that is "original" and it was already renewed for S2 before it launched. Now on the other hand when a bunch of people don't even bother to watch S2 who are book fans good luck getting an S3 renewal. Right now it's like a car crash that you can't help skimming the "highlights" of.
If the turning of the wheel has an infinite possibilities then things can repeat. Things like this have been shown in the book with the portal worlds when a group travels and sees a hundred flashbacks of different lives. They are doing a different turning and still be attacked because it is different. But now it isn't different enough lmao.
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There are Christmas movies in the top 10. It has nothing to do with original programming. Just maybe you should set aside the hate and realize that there are plenty that actually like the show.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
A better way to think about Casual v Hardcore:
That's just another cop out to justify the concept. "Infinite possibilities means stuff can be the same too! See, it works guys. Anything changed is legit now!" Only thing I'm attacking here is attempting to use turnings of the Wheel as a post justification. It's not; just own up to the fact that they made changes to the original story and that some will think that's okay and some won't.
Attempting to throw on multiverse crap after screenwriting is done is just dumb. Even Brandon Sanderson is clearly using it as a cope "It's not quite the same story as the books...I like to think of it as a different turning of the wheel."
It isn't multiverse crap. It is a different turning of the wheel. So it is the past or future when looking at it from the perspective of the books. If you don't like it then you also hate the books. Because it is the core concept of the books lol. That the wheel repeats and the pattern weaves out things to keep that cycle going.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
This subversive toxic feminist wet dream of a message should die and never get a second season.
Siuan forces Moiraine to swear loyalty? One of the despicable things Elaida tried to do in the books. But Siuan, who is a good character does it is an indication that the writers think this sort of behaviour is good.
You know who thinks so too? Far left commu man hating lesbians. (no, not all lesbians and certainly not all lefties, just this crazy extremist toxic feminist group of people )
They are writing the show and “improving” it with their horrible very unequal and male disparaging, female essentially being men power wet dreams.
After episode 6, the show has lost all recognition and credibility too with a vastly inferior substitution.
That they didn’t have enough budget or money to do the whole book properly is bullshit. They wanted to “fix” the authors work with their opinions.
Oh the arrogance. This turned into a messaging platform for the type of toxic feminism an extreme section of the left subscribe to.
And the mask is off.
Once again every male role was rubbish, weak and pathetic.
Good women were turned into tyrants that made no sense
Stupid nonsensical lines and plots in their fanfic inserts for cheap drama.
The book, is vastly superior. What an insult
To the author’s work.
Who deserves credit here?
The actors do a superb job
They act out the story being told very well, shame it’s a crap story that doesn’t hold a candle on the books.
The Tar Valon set was done well.
Visuals are good.
This tries ti be the Game of Thrones when it should have tried to be the Wheel of Time, a different story, that was more likeable, charming and very well written and I surmise overall better and more enjoyable than the cleverer Game of Thrones.
Despite Martin’s clever writing. Jordan’s work had a bigger breadth and depth to his world and was equally as good a page turner that would have worked better on screen for all ages, not just mature audiences.
Last edited by Mace; 2021-12-13 at 05:32 PM.
Amazon's goal was never to adapt Wheel of Time for the sake of the breadth or depth of the world.
It was always to be their answer to 'Game of Thrones'. That they choose Wheel of Time to be that series is just a conflict of interest for most book readers who expected the show to be a much closer adaptation. The changes they did are akin to how fast food takes the classic Burger recipe and makes it easy to produce and palatable for the masses, but no where near in quality to an original good ol' fashioned gourmet burger. It's still a burger, it's just a burger of a different standard for a different type of customer.
And the comparison rings true to the consumers. Book Readers are the ones who enjoy a gourmet burger for its taste and quality. A Book Reader can also enjoy fast food burgers, or they could turn up their noses in disgust. Prime Video patrons care for the ease and convenience of fast food, caring not particularly for the quality when all they're looking for is to satisfy their hunger. And of course Prime Video patron can also become acquainted to gourmet burgers, though they wouldn't necessarily pit fast food quality against gourmet burgers in comparison cuz they know exactly what they're getting, and it's not gourmet. There's no real right or wrong that should be attached to it, since they're two different products for two different consumers that have different needs.
Again, I don't think Amazon really cares whether this goes over well with the book readers or not. What matters more to them is whether the wider, casual market is as accepting. This show is intended to draw people to Prime Video, that's about it. And if it doesn't do well and gets cancelled, then it's really all there is to it. It's not like they don't have another fantasy epic series right around the corner *cough* LOTR prequel *Cough*
Last edited by Triceron; 2021-12-13 at 06:01 PM.
Is their actually proof for this? Because everything I have seen it is just people trying make that true. And the way they are doing the show indicates they are not trying to be anything like Game of Thrones. Not to mention the LOTR series is clearly Amazon's "epic fantasy" choice.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Just watch the show and see how little Wheel of Time it's been and how they've made certain decisions to involve more skin and sex appeal into the show for the sake of it.
Like, first episode, Rand and Egwene have sex, when they really never do that at all in the books. You can say 'oh well that makes sense since teenagers and hormones' but as I've said, that's a concious choice to insert stuff that makes the whole series more appealing for a different audience than what is expected to be true Wheel of Time's story. It may not be as raunchy as GoT, but the change is there and it's not there by accident.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Oh yeah, different turning where :
1) Dark One is a guy who was beaten badly by "last dragon" (one of many many) to the point he fell asleep and he is now waking up, weak and all.
2) Our "all seeing Amyrlin" senses that DO is "weak" and decides to send 5 "headed" dragon to kill this "DO". 5 headed dragon with no ability but "named" Dragon since there have been many and DO wets his pant seeing one. Not an army of trained Aes Sedai but children.
3) There is an "Ogier" who is also coming with them for bizzare reason coz he wants to travel, WAY STYLE! Could he be secret dragon? One can imagine!
4) Our "useless" 5 were taken from their "very knowledgeable" village because DO was after them. They were meant to travel to TV. They run for a "month" to reach this place of safety and bam, in next scene they are running towards same DO because they are mecha dragon with NO POWER!
5) Wait no, Mat is not coming! This is grey's anatomy. Apparently last dragon will "connect" over WoT internet to give a beatdown!
I can go on and on. This was from one episode. And none of this has anything to do with "rewrite". This show is DUMB. Like no thought has been put into actual story-line.
Or as this guy, this is new age, Dumber by Dozen it is called.
All of that stuff is implied in the books as well. Have you actually read them? Lmao.
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Right. A different turning of the wheel has different things then the one in the book. Why is that concept so hard for you to understand? lol.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Yes, and when you consider that out of all the screen time available and what things end up being cut and what are kept, they decide to keep the sex-and-skin stuff that would appeal more towards a Game of Thrones audience that expects some measure of that in fantasy genre shows like this.
I mean, what are you exactly trying to defend here? You really think Wheel of Time is being made without any consideration to the Game of Thrones demographic? Cuz there's some pretty obvious reasons why so many of these changes are being made here, and it's not just because 'All that stuff is implied in the books as well'. It's taking up screentime over other more important things in the book, let's put that into perspective as well.
The difference is WoT wasn't written with as much explicitness as GoT was, and the maturity rating isn't as high as GoT so it's not like they're gonna go with outright nudity and sex scenes.
Last edited by Triceron; 2021-12-13 at 06:15 PM.
It's not the orgies that bother me, its the fact that show "morons" think they are more important that character building of "gasp" MCs! Outside of Nynaeve, all other look so fake. No chemistry, no development. If Rand gets killed in next episode, no one will notice. Listen to him, in this turning, Moiraine is the lead! So leds add more "sex scenes" because new turning...stuff.
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WOW... Did you understand that my points were about plotholes? You can't be this clueless. Like the scene with Oath Rod. Moiraine can't lie. So a strong oath would have done it. But they added oath rod because it is so cool! I guess I need to lower my IQ to "enjoy" this illogical show.