It's definitely feminist. It's one thing to put more focus on Moiraine, it's another thing to strip the male characters of any thing that makes them either look good, strong, or cool. It's so one sided it's astonishing .
I've been listening to the audio books as well recently, and all the male centred stuff is cut from the show, completely. Knowing how the story develops and how cool Egwene, the Aes Sedai, Moiraine and all the female character are and get... their changes do not make sense. Worse, they twist them into horrible i don't want to like or follow.. they lose touch with many of the more real aspects of the narrative (which is so important in a fantasy story that has so many unreal things) for a poor substitute.. and I thought to myself, who on earth would like this or think this behaviour cool? And I realised, the militant male hating ultra feminist group, that basically want to be men and replace men, and revel in the most destructive and disgusting attributes males exhibit because it's powerful.. and worse every ounce of tenderneess, compassion, kindness is stripped from the female characters because these charlatan militant extreme fanatics think this sort of thing is weak and resent it. Fools! They take the view of ignorant men, and put it on a pedestal, hating the gender while basically trying to emulate the worse characteristics of them. The irony and hypocrisy is incredible.
There is no balance , iti s lopsided.. Tell you their is the stench of ultra feminism in this, don't let statements like "trying to be Game of Thrones" fool you. This might be what motivates the male showrunners and writers, but the narrative has been re-writtne as an ultra feminisht male hating wet dream.
Such a shame.