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  1. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    My expectations are low. I am not at all excited for this. I love the Wheel of Time series the best I can do is see the TV series as an inspiration not an adaption. I just have an awful feeing.
    I'm more worried that it'll get the same treatment other established IP's have been getting lately, which has resulted in some pretty piss poor products. I don't even care about the cast, I just care about how the focus is likely not going to be on the main cast, even though throughout the whole series of books, character focus is pretty evenly split across several characters. Especially with the He-man reboot getting absolutely slammed by fans today, I'm concerned that it'll be shit.

  2. #162
    Scarab Lord Skizzit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    I'm more worried that it'll get the same treatment other established IP's have been getting lately, which has resulted in some pretty piss poor products. I don't even care about the cast, I just care about how the focus is likely not going to be on the main cast, even though throughout the whole series of books, character focus is pretty evenly split across several characters. Especially with the He-man reboot getting absolutely slammed by fans today, I'm concerned that it'll be shit.
    People love to be negative. I say wait until it is actually out before doomsaying. And if does end up being terrible, meh. The books still exists.

    Also, the He-man adaptation was Netflix. And I only need one try to guess why the man-children didn't like the new He-Man...

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skizzit View Post
    People love to be negative. I say wait until it is actually out before doomsaying. And if does end up being terrible, meh. The books still exists.

    Also, the He-man adaptation was Netflix. And I only need one try to guess why the man-children didn't like the new He-Man...
    The thing is that a lot of people have been hoping for a WoT adaptation to film or TV for a long time, longer than I've been a fan of the series certainly. This is likely the only opportunity the series will ever see an adaptation, because I doubt any other studio would pick it up if it bombs. So you'll have to forgive people for having high expectations.

    Also, people are shitting on He-man because it was marketed as one thing and turns out to be another. Killing off the franchise character in the first episode very much deserves to be met with criticism by the fans, as is making the other characters insufferably shit.

  4. #164
    I really hope the Wheel of time show plans out. if it doesn't land then yeah, it'll be at least another 10-15 years, or more, before another attempt is made.

    Also, She-Ra remake was fantastic, This He-Man remake... misses the mark. Characters just aren't very consistent, or are underdeveloped. Most of the fight scenes have no tension or story so they are boring to watch, even if they are well animated. They just seem to happen because "we need some action now, so hit make something to hit show up!"

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    The thing is that a lot of people have been hoping for a WoT adaptation to film or TV for a long time, longer than I've been a fan of the series certainly. This is likely the only opportunity the series will ever see an adaptation, because I doubt any other studio would pick it up if it bombs. So you'll have to forgive people for having high expectations.
    "..having high expectations?" No. I wanted to have high expectations. I wanted to hear nothing but good things about how production was going. ...
    At this point I have no expectations of anything good.

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    "..having high expectations?" No. I wanted to have high expectations. I wanted to hear nothing but good things about how production was going. ...
    At this point I have no expectations of anything good.
    Yeah, I've just stopped having any expectations now. I want it to be good but that's a hard ask. Considering there's been almost nothing as far as trailers for the show and the first season is dropping in November, that doesn't really bode well to me.

  7. #167
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    The screenshots have been getting a lot of mixed reactions... I am still on the fence, but I would be lying if I didn't say I am getting some Sword of Shannara adapatations vibes from the clothing style... Not a huge fan. Also the Avengers/Guardians shot of them walking together looks like it is done for promotion so I doubt that shot is something going to be featured in the show...

    What does everyone else thing...

    I am still nervous and anxious about it...
    Last edited by Orby; 2021-08-20 at 09:38 PM.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  8. #168
    The fact that I can't readily recognize who is which character doesn't lend well to bettering my expectations.

  9. #169
    Scarab Lord Skizzit's Avatar
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    Looks fine to me. One small thing that did stick out is Mat having a beard. I am guessing they aged up the characters a bit (I don't really remember how old they are at the start, but they tend to age up characters for these kinds of things) but I feel like only Perrin should have a beard. Can't say exactly why, but it just feels like wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    The fact that I can't readily recognize who is which character doesn't lend well to bettering my expectations.
    Really? Seems pretty obvious to me and I am not really a fan of the books. I don't even remember all of the character's actual names (had to look up Perrin's) and yet I still could point out which is which. Well, at least the main group in the first picture. No clue on the others outside of the dude in the cage is most likely that dude the magic ladies capture.
    Last edited by Skizzit; 2021-08-20 at 07:10 PM.

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    The fact that I can't readily recognize who is which character doesn't lend well to bettering my expectations.
    Look pretty clear to me. Nynaeve is far left, Mat is the scruffy-looking guy next to her, obviously Lan is the guy with the hadori, and Moiraine is beside him (why isn't she wearing her trademark kesiara?). The generic-looking girl next to her has to be Egwene, and Perrin is beside her. Rand is obviously the red-haired guy on the far-right (why isn't he taller than even Perrin? he's supposed to be. For that matter, Moiraine is supposed to be really short).

    They're not good character designs, but put together they're at least identifiable. If, y'know, you know what you're looking for. But they really could be doing a better job.

    Where's Thom
    Last edited by Arikara; 2021-08-20 at 07:34 PM.

  11. #171
    That was a woman?
    ...nevermind. I expected something near the mark but...appearances are too far off. The only one not too off is Rand. And I wasn't expecting them to find anyone near 6 and a half feet tall so I can roll with that since he has the much mentioned "pretty face.".

    Zero expectations with the script.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hmf...the only "cage" I recall being prominent is the one holding an aiel...(Gaul)

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arikara View Post
    Look pretty clear to me. Nynaeve is far left, Mat is the scruffy-looking guy next to her, obviously Lan is the guy with the hadori, and Moiraine is beside him (why isn't she wearing her trademark kesiara?). The generic-looking girl next to her has to be Egwene, and Perrin is beside her. Rand is obviously the red-haired guy on the far-right (why isn't he taller than even Perrin? he's supposed to be. For that matter, Moiraine is supposed to be really short).

    They're not good character designs, but put together they're at least identifiable. If, y'know, you know what you're looking for. But they really could be doing a better job.

    Where's Thom
    It could be the camera angle, to be fair. But yeah, they kinda goofed up the scale of the cast and definitely needed to cast someone as Perrin who is more beefcake. I mean, I expected him to be smaller in build early in the series though, I always felt like his physique and size were presented as if he was bulkier later in the series. Especially around Winters Heart and into Towers of Midnight. Lan and Rand are supposed to be much taller, pretty sure Lan is at least a hand span taller than Moiraine, and Daniel Henney isn't overly tall at 6'2, Rosamund Pike is 5'8, so close but not by much.

    I wonder how they are going to pull off Loial, because he's supposed to be like 8 feet tall or something and the size of a brick shithouse

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    That was a woman?
    ...nevermind. I expected something near the mark but...appearances are too far off. The only one not too off is Rand. And I wasn't expecting them to find anyone near 6 and a half feet tall so I can roll with that since he has the much mentioned "pretty face.".

    Zero expectations with the script.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hmf...the only "cage" I recall being prominent is the one holding an aiel...(Gaul)
    I'm pretty sure either Mazrim Taim or Logain was caged. Those are definitely Reds on the horses in the back, the cloaks give it away. I would assume this is from when Taim was captured. They better start stuffing that boy Rand with steak diets and weight lifting because he's bony as hell for a farm boy and he'll need to put on some muscle for the later parts of the series. Especially as he learns the sword.

  13. #173
    Taim...and reds behind him...okay.

  14. #174
    Scarab Lord Skizzit's Avatar
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    People are way to caught up on a character's looks. To me, getting an actor who connects with the character on a personality is more important. Wolverine is the example I always think about. Hugh Jackman nailed that role I just don't see someone else being better just because they are 5'3"

    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    I'm pretty sure either Mazrim Taim or Logain was caged. Those are definitely Reds on the horses in the back, the cloaks give it away. I would assume this is from when Taim was captured. They better start stuffing that boy Rand with steak diets and weight lifting because he's bony as hell for a farm boy and he'll need to put on some muscle for the later parts of the series. Especially as he learns the sword.
    Logain. That's who I was thinking about. He was caged are paraded through a city or something on his way to have his music removed, whatever that called.

  15. #175
    If you didn't already know it was WoT you could mistake it for generic fantasy #452. It doesn't jump out and say wheel of time.

    Lan doesn't have his colour shifting cloak and he is meant to be 6'4" to moraines 5'2". He is meant to tower over her. Matt is meant to be a pretty boy, not some scruffy bearded type. Rand is also meant to be much taller than his friends, not shorter than Perrin. And Perrin is meant to be short but absolutely built.

    And where is Thom? He was with them from the start until the party split up.

  16. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skizzit View Post
    People are way to caught up on a character's looks. To me, getting an actor who connects with the character on a personality is more important. Wolverine is the example I always think about. Hugh Jackman nailed that role I just don't see someone else being better just because they are 5'3"

    Logain. That's who I was thinking about. He was caged are paraded through a city or something on his way to have his music removed, whatever that called.
    A lot of what sets characters apart in WoT is their appearance and their presentation. All of these characters you'd swear were pulled out of an episode of Game of Thrones.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    A lot of what sets characters apart in WoT is their appearance and their presentation. All of these characters you'd swear were pulled out of an episode of Game of Thrones.
    Yeah see, we know exactly how they look because Jordan was extremely meticulous about it, it's kind of a whole thing

    Hell, he was so detailed that I'd be miffed if they got Bela wrong (you know, the farmhorse? Egwene rides her initially, and when Rand is worried that she's falling behind, that's the first time he channels). Kind of needs to stand out beside Mandarb and Moiraine's horse

    It's kind of a problem if the writers don't care enough to at least cast someone who actually fits what's written, or have them wear their prominently-described accessories

  18. #178
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    With the bold assumption this show doesn't die on the vine, I wonder which of the Forsaken they'll keep and cut. Ishy and Lanfear are probably safe, and I imagine Graendal is in for sex appeal. Moghedien is a darling and I sympathised greatly with her war against Nynaeve, so I hope she's in. Demandred feels like a sure bet too, and everyone loves Asmodean.

    It's that clump of bad guys who dominate books 5-9 I worry for.
    Last edited by Zaelsino; 2021-08-22 at 11:07 PM.

  19. #179
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Please don;t be another sword of shannara tv show, please dear god...
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    Please don;t be another sword of shannara tv show, please dear god...
    Pfft... I'm reading comments from the dragonmount forum...seems mixed.
    So...that's supposed to be Shadar Logoth...and the group pic is after that point. A scruffy Mat might make sense since he'll have that damned nasty dagger.

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