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  1. #81
    if McRee wasnt as op as he is in close range situations i think that Soldier 76 would be by far the best hero in the game..

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Craaazyyy View Post
    if McRee wasnt as op as he is in close range situations i think that Soldier 76 would be by far the best hero in the game..
    Nah, but it would open up the game a bit for Soldier and Pharah. But then i think the bigger effect would be even more tracers. To be honest parts of me feels soldier ult is kinda weak, since it does not increase damage. So stacking it with Zarya for example really doesent do as much as youd think, because you arent gona miss people standing still. The only increase in damage is less missed shots, but if your accuracy is already decent, its not a big enough increase. Hell sometime the ult is detrimental because of enemy positioning.
    Last edited by minteK917; 2016-05-23 at 01:44 PM.

  3. #83
    What's funny about McCree is that people know how strong he is up close, but people playing other offense still think they can 1v1 him at point blank range.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelendria View Post
    What's funny about McCree is that people know how strong he is up close, but people playing other offense still think they can 1v1 him at point blank range.
    Sometime you have no choice but to get close to him in some form. in pubs people are kinda dumb thought and yes other offensive character, beside genji if he see thye flash on cooldown, should probably stay away. But some character do no ranged damage, while McCree does. Example Reaper, Reaper needs to be almost point blank to do damage, McCree still beats him point blank, McCree also beats him long and medium range. Same for Tracer. You are walking a fine line while facing McCree as close range orriented heroes, sometimes you just gotta do it on offense, carts, points, objectives etc, funnels you into locations.

    Its likely McCree and Lucio will see some nerfs, its pretty much garantee, even if McCree is my favorite. He has the best utility out of the offense heroes, which turns him into the current best defensive hero as well lol. And the best close range damage in the game, and decent medium and even long range damage. Something will probably have to give. Lucio is just ridiculous, i dont think anybody has to even say why. Hell everybody that played him more then 5 minutes knows why.

    Wanna fix McCree, just make it so roll doesent reload. Now he cant kill tanks in 2 seconds. Less recovery if he mess up vs others either.
    Last edited by minteK917; 2016-05-23 at 02:02 PM.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Ouch View Post
    You can add Zaraya and mei in their respective roles and its pretty much what pros used the most in most situations. Double McCree was a thing. In pubs everyones just fine.

    In competitive the problem is that McCree has the best crowd control and counters every close range offensive heroes, hence none of them are picked.

    Turret style heroes are just terrible against good players.

    Zenyatta has no mobility and is as squishy as mercy.

    Symmetra is the only character considered pure garbage since the sentry nerf and her ultimate only charging when the portal is not active making her useless in most gametypes.

    Lucio is the support and most team ran double healer, which was lucio + mercy.

    Reindhart was the go to tank, Winston has situations where he is better thought, map with pits, when you need pushes on offense.

    Zaraya is usually played as a secondary tank, because she has damage dealer damage when used correctly and she has the best setup ultimate for Phara and McCree.

    Windowmaker is better then Hanzo in both long range and short range in the hand of better players and while dragon is good with setup from Zaraya, wallhack is overall stronger in competitive.

    Genji was played, but is somewhat situational, its good to dispatch a strong windowmaker.
    Complete BS, MEI is rightfully considered trash tier in high lvl, and symmetras teleport is exremely strong and was often used

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    I'm pretty sure that absolutely no one (or close to no one) played Symmetra in the last couple professional level tournaments.
    If any hero can be countered easily by the current top tier selection of heros then they are not going to see play. Symmetra used to be good on defense and now she is garbage at that as well. Dont get me wrong.. her teleport is super useful but charges really slowly and her turret nests get destroyed in seconds by winston. She also requires to be at close range to do decent dmg and with all the reindharts and mccrees that is simply not happening.

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