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  1. #81
    Some people prefer these to their own. And thus they are able to do it and feel good about it.

    I, for one, don't enjoy it's sight. So I'll continue to judge them, appearance wise, based on it.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    Yes, the thicker ones seem to be in right now because they give off the appearance of being more youthful, since thicker, more natural eyebrows are associated with being younger.
    I've noticed that, and just speaking for myself, I find it just as repellent as the painted on ones. It's terrible, I know, but I'm just not a fan of caterpillars on the face.

    That said, to each their own. There are plenty of fads I don't find attractive, and I'm certainly not offended when a woman doesn't like, say, my short-trimmed beard. I'm not going to change it to please them, and I wouldn't expect anyone to change to please me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Nah nah, see... I live by one simple creed: You might catch more flies with honey, but to catch honeys you gotta be fly.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Witchblade77 View Post
    wow... yeah, I have no words. I really don't know how to explain this to someone like you.

    do you ever do anything because you, yourself enjoy it regardless of what anyone else thinks about it? or does your life revolve around impressing other people and expecting them to impress you in return?
    If i do something for my own enjoyment, it would be things that are related to values that i myself can place on it ; As in, i wear a jacket for myself, if it's comfortable - I'd wear it, if it looks good, to impress others - And myself.

    The distinction is pretty simple. Things that can only affect myself, are things that i do for myself ; Things that can involve others, are inheritly social.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by PvPHeroLulz View Post
    If i do something for my own enjoyment, it would be things that are related to values that i myself can place on it ; As in, i wear a jacket for myself, if it's comfortable - I'd wear it, if it looks good, to impress others - And myself.

    The distinction is pretty simple. Things that can only affect myself, are things that i do for myself ; Things that can involve others, are inheritly social.
    ok. consider this.

    1. appearance is NOT inherently social (here - lets go with bed sheets example. when you chose bedsheets, color, feel - while if you chose to bring someone home with you it may affect them as well, but primarily - you chose them becasue they are nice for you to sleep on and look at when not sleeping. in other words - its only social if you intend for it to be social)
    2. different people place different value on different things from you.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Witchblade77 View Post
    ok. consider this.

    1. appearance is NOT inherently social (here - lets go with bed sheets example. when you chose bedsheets, color, feel - while if you chose to bring someone home with you it may affect them as well, but primarily - you chose them becasue they are nice for you to sleep on and look at when not sleeping. in other words - its only social if you intend for it to be social)
    2. different people place different value on different things from you.
    1) The distinction being that this is an object that people will not always see, and it is inheritly something that is not part of your social interactions. Lest you spend your social time in your bed, which, i somehow doubt.

    You might choose some bed sheets, because they feel nice or look good ; Sure. But would you consider to not brush your teeth, cause you will it - Without being crossed by the thought of being repeled, in social situations, for having bad breath and dirty looking teeth?

    Whilst you may control things that are social within your home, i.e, a place that you ultimately reign a lot of control over ; That does not apply to social situations out in real life. You do not control what the purpose or imposed value, that you yield upon your items - is to others.

    Thus, it's obvious, that having something that is visible to others ; WILL, send SOME piece of information. Wether you intend for that or not, is irrelevant - Lest you are so self-centered, that you absolutely do not care for others considerations, to such an extent - That you'd do and will whatever the hell you want. Including indecent things.

    You could wear a shirt where it says "Shoot all Swedish people" ; cause, it's just your self-imposed values, right? It's not like you'd ALLOW for it to be social, right? Except, it would be - And it would be very inappropiate.

  6. #86
    Natural, good looking eyebrows might be the thing I find most important in a woman's looks. A pity there are some who don't appreciate what nature has given to them. To me those painted eyebrows don't look at all, but hey, they can do as they please. There will surely be people who find that pretty.

  7. #87
    Legendary! The One Percent's Avatar
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    They have bushy ass eyebrows and don't want to take the time to maintain them, so they go scorched earth policy on their brows.

    Looks like shit to me, but apparently they do make up for themselves, not other people.
    You're getting exactly what you deserve.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Twen View Post
    What pain?
    Not actual pain... How its a pia dealing with thin eyebrows with hair growing around it. It will take time for the hairs that have been plucked/waxed to grow back, so you will have to deal with looking stupid till they are around the same length.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by The One Percent View Post
    They have bushy ass eyebrows and don't want to take the time to maintain them, so they go scorched earth policy on their brows.

    Looks like shit to me, but apparently they do make up for themselves, not other people.
    well if they were worried about other people they would go with what's en vogue (thick brows), instead of what they prefer...

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by darenyon View Post
    well if they were worried about other people they would go with what's en vogue (thick brows), instead of what they prefer...
    Bushy vs full are different things. Even full brows are plucked meticulously and managed. If you just let them grow as natural. you end up looking like Bert.
    You're getting exactly what you deserve.

  11. #91
    Can't say I've seen an example of this that doesn't look fake (even microblading, eyebrows aren't flat) and most I've seen, either on the Internet (I suppose those could have been cherry-picked examples for comedic effect, at least in some cases) or IRL (I doubt the same applies here though), went straight through the fake territory and into the Chernobyl survivor/Area 51 escapee zone. But whatever floats their eyebrows I suppose.

    On unrelated note, did Axelhander get banned within a day of getting unbanned once again?
    Quote Originally Posted by Kangodo View Post
    Does the CIA pay you for your bullshit or are you just bootlicking in your free time?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post
    I'm quite tired of people who dislike something/disagree with something while attacking/insulting anyone that disagrees. Its as if at some point, people forgot how opinions work.

  12. #92
    Herald of the Titans Aoyi's Avatar
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    Sometimes its because their natural eyebrows are not the shape that they'd like or might be a bit uneven. If they are undergoing chemo treatment, their eyebrows can fall out from the chemicals. They also may have just messed up when plucking their eyebrows and decide to get rid of it all and draw them on. There are several reasons women might do this.

  13. #93
    because they are women, and they are a strange and mythical creation that is not meant to be understood by mere mortal males.

  14. #94
    So they look like one of their Japanese animes.

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Witchblade77 View Post
    I actualy wear more makeup when I'm home on my own than when I go out.
    That sounds like a good way to have the skin of a 40y old before you're even 30.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xirrohon View Post
    so you will have to deal with looking stupid till they are around the same length.
    Better than permanently looking stupid.

  16. #96
    they're idiots, and men do this also, those men are also idiots, just to show i'm not sexist, both genders can be equally stupid.

  17. #97
    The Lightbringer Arganis's Avatar
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    I find a lot of working class hispanic women do this. Looks terrible imho.
    Facilis Descensus Averno

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelayah View Post
    That sounds like a good way to have the skin of a 40y old before you're even 30.
    lead isnt used in cosmetics anymore.

  19. #99
    The Unstoppable Force THE Bigzoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    Go on then. No one is stopping you from doing it if you think it looks better or want to make a point.

    I think a lot of women simply don't care (anymore) what "you" initially meant. Doesn't have anything to do with being smart.
    Fiesty today aren't we?

    But no, women somehow managed to know what the majority of men meant until a minority went full retard with this shit around the early 2000s.

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by darenyon View Post
    lead isnt used in cosmetics anymore.
    Having stuff on your skin all the time is bad for it, even if it doesn't directly react with it. Clogged pores and what not. And just because lead isn't used anymore doesn't mean there can't be other nasty things in it.
    Last edited by mmoc68ceb3652c; 2016-06-07 at 02:33 AM.

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