Hi everyone,

I'm posting here since I'm unable to post on the bnet thread for joining in this hunt; ( Google: Death of Archmage Timolain 5 ; my main is on one of the asian servers) and I'm hoping this comment might guide the search to some good leads....

So the speculations are focused around the 2 books, merge them, and then somehow get to Timolain's phylacetery thing.

I'm heavily suspecting that the Light in the Darkness book inside of our class halls is the key to getting the first step.*

I know lots of people have looked for named undead/demon mobs in Broken Isles; but I'm wondering if it's something more than that.

Guess 1 - You need to have the tome's buff on; speak to an NPC that will TURN hostile against you (the NPC might not even be a demon/undead at all and won't even be revealed by something like Truthguard, but perhaps a hidden necromancer/warlock of sorts).
Guess 2 - You need to have the book in your bag and do the same as the above; or the NPC might just hand it over to you.........

(This would be sorta similar to the whole Kosumoth orbs secret; which doesn't even really have drops associated for the most part. Rather, it's very role play oriented thinking involved that created the whole Kosumoth orb secret.) In either of the above scenarios, I'm thinking any strange NPCs that walk around the water/fish around with no built interaction are mostly suspicious. If there's NPCs of this nature that have a mysterious respawn timer....then even more suspicious.

I've got this thought from the whole concept of a 'Corrupted Rememberance' thing; BZ must have built some kind of a story around it.

- How did the books get to island? Probably a necromancer/hidden undead/hidden demon/warlock brought it over. Nothing in Broken Isles by default would have likely had possession of the books.
- Combine the 2 books.
- Let combined book link back to the original Vanilla Ashbringer hunt theories (Timolain, slime, etc : which are all in the game files mysteriously again).
- Someone then sends you in a scenario (Timolain...?)
- Scenario: probably something that triggers you to view the past and witness what Alexandros went through and his corruption or the forming of the original 4 horsemen; which ultimately awards a completed quest ('Walking in Shadows')

It's a very wild guess, but with something like the Ashbringer, which has so much story behind it, along with the updated files found associated with Alexandros and other NPCs, this could be a feasible and logical plotline for BZ to setup.

*Given that the holy artifact hidden skin has gone missing in live as I've heard....I'm wondering could this be related to the other Sunwalker book.

PS: idea for rogue thunderfury skin: perhaps the story here is about someone who wants to use the old bindings (R+L) to rebind or enslave Thunderaan. And you need to find the trails to stop this....