Hi, as a disc priest i am looking for a way to track if the target of the my tank have my dot.

I try to get it with this trigger: Aura > unit "specific unit" > targettarget > debuff
But it doesnt work for me, any help plz?

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        ["name"] = "Purge the Weaked",
        ["name_operator"] = "==",
        ["debuffClass"] = "magic",
        ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
        ["type"] = "aura",
        ["ownOnly"] = true,
        ["event"] = "Health",
        ["use_specific_unit"] = true,
        ["use_name"] = true,
        ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
        ["spellIds"] = {
        ["specificUnit"] = "targettarget",
        ["debuffType"] = "HARMFUL",
        ["names"] = {
            [1] = "Purge the Wicked",
            [2] = "Shadow Word: Pain",
        ["unit"] = "member",
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            ["multi"] = {
        ["class"] = {
            ["single"] = "PRIEST",
            ["multi"] = {
        ["pvptalent"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
        ["role"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
        ["difficulty"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
        ["faction"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
        ["size"] = {
            ["multi"] = {
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            ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
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            ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
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