1. #1

    Koltira's Newfound Will and Frozen Pulse. Should I switch ?

    I have noticed with the belt that I am having problems getting Frozen pulse going when I sometimes want it.

    I love the belt but wondering if switching out Frozen pulse would be preferred if I am getting lucky with procs ?

    Also I had some fun using gathering storms with this belt but I know that talent sucks. How bad would it be with the last gold artifact trait ?

  2. #2
    I have no math to back it up, but my gut feeling is that the belt allows Freezing Fog to pull ahead of Frozen Pulse. The belt works against Frozen Pulse by giving you runes when you might have had none which removes frozen pulse windows, but give you more oblits, which may give you Rimes. If a free uncrit obliterate can make up for the damage that you'd do within a couple frozen pulse windows, then I would assume that on KM/Rime it would slaughter anything Frozen Pulse could have brought to the table.

    The only caveat being that Frozen Pulse cleaves, so if you're unlucky on rng during trash pulls and don't get Rime procs does the extra damage from Freezing Fog make up for what Frozen Pulse was giving you?

    Once again, no math, just assumption. I'm lazy, anyone who wants to do the math to prove/disprove would be super appreciated.

  3. #3
    Wich Specc are you playing( raid and my+ ) with the belt? ( beside Frozen Pulse ). Because i have the same Legendary and felt totally lost after i got it.

  4. #4
    Well, hello guys.

    I played yesterday with belt, ilvl 865 and did great on Ursoc H. Even with the belt I could keep IT and FP up most of the time. But theorically like winterson said, belt could give you more obliterates and consequentely more rimes with HUGEEEE crits from HB, of course with the talent of Freezing Fog also.

    I didn't test this spec with Freezing Fog, I'll do it tomorrow during my raid against Elereth, Cenarius and Xavius.

    If you are curious you can check the logs, I cannot post links so I had to separate some letters.

    w ww. warcraftlogs. com /reports/ QgHwP6taz12DJx7G#fight=5

    Kind regards,
    Rodrigo "KoRn"

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