BlizzCon 2016 - Engineering Panel, WoW Account Actions, Quick Join Toasts, Q&A Time
Post-BlizzCon Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas
Today WatcherDev will be answering questions about Patch 7.1.5 and Patch 7.2.
BlizzCon 2016 - Engineering Panel, WoW Account Actions, Quick Join Toasts, Q&A Time
Post-BlizzCon Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas
Today WatcherDev will be answering questions about Patch 7.1.5 and Patch 7.2.
Hopefully they'll actually answer critical questions, so that they dont need to host a post-post BlizzCon Q&A.
Oh yes, there were plenty more ways by which this was achieved.The team isn't dumbing down the game by removing decisions.
Hopefully healing gets addressed. Mythic 880+ healers still using an 850 darkmoon trinket because how awful mana is. Design failure. And how the gutted Mistweaver Monks uniqueness and fun for no apparent reason. Bring back cast while casting. Being able to heal the way you want to without going oom 1 minute into the fight. Falling asleep on my keyboard healing mythic because of how boring they made it.
Blizzcon: "Patch 7.1.5 will hit the PTR immediately after Blizzcon!"
One week later: "Patch 7.1.5 will hit the PTR soon."
Last edited by Droodid; 2016-11-11 at 08:00 PM.
300k Karazhan groups created, how many finished? How many actually got off the ground?
Getting harder and harder to trust Blizzard, especially when they lied to us about the Arms warrior hidden appearance and Frost one as well.
I see the negative nancy's are out in full force again.
Anyway, very good QA. Clear. Like it
Damn, I called it!When Patch 7.2 comes out players will still be progressing through Nighthold, but probably ready for all of the other new outdoor content.
Tomb of Sargeras will not open when Patch 7.2 goes live. Part of the story leads you to the Tomb of Sargeras.
I wish they would update all the battle pets that fly, to actually fly. It's annoying that for example some wisps can fly, others can't even though they are a simple recolor of the other wisp's model.
God damn it, why are people asking these god damn useless questions. Stats / legendary questions should be talked about on the forums.
Again they ignored all questions about things like the ability to change skin tone, cosmetic armor, lore and such. And yet again, they were the top rated questions again. :|
Skin tone, cosmetic armor .. top rated. lol
This Tuesday all legendary items will have their item level increased by 15, so they will all be item level 910.
When Nighthold comes out you will be able to upgrade your existing legendary item. New legendary items that drop will already be upgraded.
Missed the stream. A bit confused by this. Am I reading this right that already dropped legendaries will remain ilvl 895 come tuesday?
Because yay when I just recently got one.. a pretty bad one that at least could've been fun if it was 910 -.-
So more buffs for all the ***** who've been lucky...