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  1. #21
    Its all about what you get used to using.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Atrainx View Post
    Can you please share your Fury keybinds as well? I always wonder how people are moving their toon around... I use W, A, using 1, 2, 3, etc has always been tough to use.

    Hey Atrainx,

    I have nearly ever key 'rotational' ability bound on my mouse (Razer Lachesis). Here's a quick rundown:

    MWheelUp - Furious Slash
    MWheeldown - Raging Blow
    Mouse4 - Bloodthrist
    Mouse5 - Rampage
    Shift+Mouse5 - Execute
    E - Heroic Throw
    F - Battle Cry + Avatar + Bloodthirst
    X - Commanding Shout
    Shift + X - Potion
    Q - Whirlwind
    Z - Healthstone
    Shift + Z - Healing Potion
    Shift + 1 - Charge
    Shift + 2 - Heroic Leap
    Shift + MwheelUp - Dragon Roar
    Shift + R - Shockwave
    Ctrl + 4 - Racial ability
    Shift + Mouse3 - Intimidating Shout
    Ctrl + Mouse3 - Enraged Regeneration
    Mouse 3 - Pummel
    Alt + Mouse3 = Piercing Howl

    I think that's about it... lol.
    Radiate Positivity

    Twitch Affiliate

  3. #23
    I have ms scroll wheel up. Slam scroll wheel down. CS alt+scroll wheel up. Execute alt+scroll wheel down. Basically very thing else is tied to my Naga keys with utility's bound to 12345

  4. #24
    1 - CS/ Dragon Roar
    2- Slam/Furious Slash
    3 - Empty (used to be Overpower)/ Raging Blow
    4 - Focused Rage/Rampage
    5- Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst
    6 - Shockwave/Stormbolt (if talented)

    Shift 1 - Interrupt (all classes)
    Shift 2 - Focus Interrupt (all classes)
    Shift 3 - Cleave/Enraged Regen
    Shift 4 - Execute (all classes' execute abilities)
    Shift 5 - Bladestorm
    Mouse button 5 - Whirlwind

    Z - Avatar/Orc Racial Macro
    X - Battle Cry
    Shift X - Die by the Sword
    Shift Mouse Button 4 - Commanding shout
    Q - Charge
    ` - Warbreaker/Odyn's fury
    F - Hamstring/Piercing Howl
    Shift F - Fear
    R - Berserker rage
    Ctrl F - Taunt
    G - Defensive stance (if talented)
    Scroll wheel button (push down) - Heroic leap
    Shift Mouse button 4 - Heroic throw

  5. #25
    For Arms the big issue in my mind is dealing with FR being off the GCD. The best solution I've found is the same one a bunch of others have posted. Put FR on your mouse somewhere (I have it on mousewheel down) and then your left hand is GCD abilities only. This ended up working so well, that I ended up moving Ignore Pain to my mousewheel down also for Prot. Having GCD stuff on left hand and non GCD stuff on mouse works out pretty good for me and reduces the feeling of constant spamming on the left hand.

  6. #26
    Can not live without Q and E to strafe walk. So used to it by now. As such I use 1234 and Shift 1234 for most rotational abilities (mapping "equivalent" AoE spells to Shift):

    1: MS 2: Slam 3: CS 4: Avatar
    S1: Leap S2: WW S3: SK S4: FR

    I use the Middle Mouse Button for Charge and another button on my mouse for Interrupt. Everything else just get's thrown around randomly and shifts position here and there. Where to place my Execute for example is something I waste way too much time for.

  7. #27
    R- CS
    3 - MS
    E- Slam
    Q- FR
    T- Avatar/BC/orc racial
    C- BC
    1- Execute
    shift 1- Execute + FR
    2 - WW
    V - cleave
    Shift E- WB
    G- Bladestorm

  8. #28

    I use SDF for movement (no backward). Yeah, takes a week to build up muscle memory for this!
    I click Q>W>E at almost the same time when BC comes off CD, with CS/SD debuff and 2x FR stacks already in place.

    What do you think about this?

    Q - BC+Avatar Macro (yes, it shows only BC in tooltip).
    Alt+Q - same as Q, but with Potion of the old War included (for execute phase).
    5 - same as Q, but without Avatar (in case you want to save Avatar for execute phase mid-fight).

    Unbind alt+W and alt+E so that you can hold Alt while hitting QWE at once.
    Last edited by Sombervain; 2016-12-16 at 10:11 AM.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Kantoro View Post
    Its all about what you get used to using.

    This. Other people's keybinds are essentially meaningless because they don't have the biomechanical preconditioning that you do.

    Also, if you're used to playing a bunch of alts you probably already do this, but its good to keep the abilities that do the same thing, on the same keybinds across your different alts (obviously there are some exceptions). For instance most specs have an interrupt of some kind, so I'll keep pummel on the same keybind that I use on my mage for counterspell, and my rogue for kick, etc... This ensures that as I switch to different characters, performing the same function is also on the same key. So my filler, like slam, is on the same key as mind flay for my priest, and crusader strike for my pally, etc... It creates a very small cognitive burden while frequently switching to a bunch of different characters.
    Last edited by jessegreathouse; 2016-12-16 at 05:19 PM.

  10. #30
    I have rotational abilities on my mouse and got my FR and other cd's 123456

  11. #31
    1 cs 2 charge 3 slam +fr (used at high rage or during bc) 4 ms 5 cs+avatar+trinkets+ bc e execute
    T warbreaker
    shift +1 Bladestorm
    shift+ space whirlwind
    shift+2 cleave
    shift +3 Parry dmg reduction cd
    shift+4 bc

    shift+ e racial
    Shift+q avatar

    x prepot - or shockwave if skilled- or spellreflect in pvp
    Shift+ r heroic throw
    q pummel
    f berserker rage
    mauswheel up fr

    r defensive - battle stance toggle (if skilled)
    c Commanding shout
    v victory rush

    mousewheel down heroic leap
    mouse side button slam

    i am still sometimes pressing my disarm button y (z on american layout), but its not used atm.

    ae-Fear is shift +f

    doing fine with it, fr is just like former cleave / heroic strike on mousewheel, and nothing else changed since like classic wow, only that a lot of binds got freed up since then.

  12. #32
    1 - CS
    2 - MS
    3 - Slam
    4 - Cleave
    5 - WW
    E - FR
    F - CHARGE
    Mouse button 1 - AVATAR/BC/TRINKET
    Mouse button 2 - INTERRUPT
    mousewheel click - heroic leap(which is an amazing bind for it btw)
    Last edited by Eriasu; 2016-12-17 at 10:46 PM.

  13. #33
    For all my characters and specs, I use the Logitech G13 gamepad. It took me a bit to get used to it (switching from the keyboard) but I find it, personally, much more efficient if you can invest in the extra hardware. I'm able to use it for any class, any spec.

    The buttons are set up as "macros" that mimic the keybinds you set to them.

  14. #34

    cba rest

  15. #35
    Naga on Num setting instead of 123

    1-Mortal Strike
    2-Colossus Smash
    3-Charge/BSCancel/Victory Rush Macro
    4-Overpower (so I don't really use it, cept when I want to pvp)
    6/F key-Slam (I don't really use 6 thru =/+ button so I will have forward slash and the real bind)
    7-Blood Fury Racial sitting here, don't ever manually activate, just sits to show CD
    8/Naga 1 -Focused Rage - On the Mouse for easy stacking/spamming
    9-Victory Rush - Just sitting there to show it is usable, not for bind use
    0-Charge - Just sitting there to show CD/charges since 3 is a macro
    (-)/Naga 2 - Die by the Sword
    (=)/Naga 5 - Goblin Glider

    Shift+1 - Battle Cry
    Shift+2 - Heroic Throw
    Shift+3 - Interrupt
    Shift+4 - Potion 1
    Shift+F - Avatar
    R - Execute
    B - Berserker Rage
    Shift+5 - Potion 2
    T - Warbreaker
    Naga 6 - Focused Rage (old bind, used to have a separate for just hamstring during BC, but muscle memory made it so I got used to hitting this during BC, Hamstring is NOT bound anymore of course)

    Naga 3 - Heroic Leap

    Shift+T - Macro to blow all CDs - Battle Cry/Avatar/Blood Fury

    G - Bladestorm
    V - Commanding Shout
    Shift+R - Whirlwind
    Naga 8 - Spell Reflect (pvp) - well actually now Naga 8 is my push to talk key, and this is empty, I move spell reflect to Naga 6 (old FR bind) when pvping
    Shift+C - Shockwave/Storm Bolt
    Naga 4 - Healthstone
    Naga 10 - Empty
    Naga 7 - Intimidating Shout
    Shift+V - Taunt
    Shift+Naga 6 - Ring of Collapsing Futures (Kara Ring)

    Shift+G - Nitro Boost
    Shift+Middle Mouse Button - Mount UP
    Last edited by Chaosblade; 2016-12-18 at 01:03 AM.

  16. #36
    I use QWERT and ASDFG with the mouse wheel and [] (which are bound extra buttons on the mouse). All have alt modifiers for stuff.

  17. #37
    I do both PvP and raid mythic. Here's my binds which are set up to be the most efficient as possible for me.

    1: Charge
    2: CS
    3: Overpower
    4: Slam+FR macro (got gloves)
    5: Execute
    M5: FR
    Q: MS
    E. Leap
    R: Pummel
    S: Cleave
    F: Storm Bolt
    C: Hamstring
    G: Commanding Shout
    B: Battle Cry + Avatar Macro
    T: Intimidating Shout
    V: Reserved for Disarm 7.1.5
    |: Berserker Rage
    H: Nitro Boost
    X: Parry
    Z: Healthstone

    Shift-1: Focus Charge
    Shift-2: Warbreaker
    Shift-3: Bladestorm
    Shift-4: Slam
    Shift-5: Execute + FR macro
    Shift-Q: Kara ring
    Shift-E: PvP trinket
    Shift-R: Focus Pummel
    Shift-S: Whirlwind
    Shift-F: Focus Storm Bolt
    Shift-C: Defensive Stance
    Shift-G: Victory Rush
    Shift-B: Avatar
    Shift-T: Focus Intimidating Shout
    Shift-V: Reserved for Focus Disarm 7.1.5
    Shift-H: Goblin Glider

    CTRL-1: Spell Reflect
    CTRL-2: Sharpened Blade
    CTRL-3: Shockwave
    CTRL-E: Human stun removal racial
    CTRL-R: Old War Pot

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