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  1. #641

    we are still recruiting for fated season mythic raiding and the coming expansion.

    Raiding Days and Times are:
    Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)

    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat. We are currently looking for the following:

    DK: all specs
    DH: all specs
    Hunter: BM
    Monk: WW
    Paladin: holy&protection
    Shaman: ENH
    Warrior: all specs

    Evoker: all specs
    Mage: all specs

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord: 2 , alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

    On Bnet:

    Leleko - Leleko#2235

    Narweena - Sephyra#2517

    Tia - Tialha#2798

    Xgor - Igorr#2909

    On Discord:

    Leleko - leleko

    Narweena - narweena

    Tia – Tia_12

    Xgor - misterone

  2. #642
    Hello all,
    we are still recruiting for fated season mythic raiding and the coming expansion.

    Raiding Days and Times are:
    Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat. We are currently looking for the following:
    DK: unholy & frost
    DH: all specs
    Hunter: BM
    Monk: WW
    Paladin: holy & protection
    Shaman: ENH
    Warrior: all specs
    Evoker: all specs
    Mage: all specs

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord: , alternatively please whisper one of our officers:
    On Bnet:
    Leleko - Leleko#2235
    Narweena - Sephyra#2517
    Tia - Tialha#2798
    Xgor - Igorr#2909

    On Discord:
    Leleko - leleko
    Narweena - narweena
    Tia – Tia_12
    Xgor - misterone

  3. #643

    we are still recruiting for fated season mythic raiding and the coming expansion.

    Raiding Days and Times are:
    Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)

    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat. We are currently looking for the following:

    DK: Hnholy & Frost
    Evoker: All
    Monk: WW
    Paladin: Holy
    Shaman: ENH
    Warrior: Fury & Arms

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord: , alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

    On Bnet:

    Leleko - Leleko#2235

    Narweena - Sephyra#2517

    Tia - Tialha#2798

    Xgor - Igorr#2909

    On Discord:

    Leleko - leleko

    Narweena - narweena

    Tia – Tia_12

    Xgor - misterone

  4. #644

    In preparation for the War Within we are currently recruiting for mythic raiding.

    Raiding Days and Times are:
    Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)

    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat.

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, or join our discord, alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

    On Bnet:

    Leleko - Leleko#2235

    Narweena - Sephyra#2517

    Tia - Tialha#2798

    Xgor - Igorr#2909

    On Discord:

    Leleko - leleko

    Narweena - narweena

    Tia – Tia_12

    Xgor - misterone

  5. #645

    In preparation for the War Within we are currently looking to expand our roster for mythic raiding team.

    Raiding Days and Times are:
    Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)

    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat.

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord: 1 , alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

    On Bnet:

    Leleko - Leleko#2235

    Narweena - Sephyra#2517

    Tia - Tialha#2798

    Xgor - Igorr#2909

    On Discord:

    Leleko - leleko

    Narweena - narweena

    Tia – Tia_12

    Xgor - misterone

  6. #646

    In preparation for the War Within we are currently looking to expand our roster for mythic raiding team with the following:

    High Demand:

    • Demon Hunter: All specs
    • Death Knight: Unholy & Frost
    • Evoker: All specs
    • Monk: Brewmaster
    • Shaman: Enhancement
    • Warrior: Fury & Arms
    Raiding Days and Times are:
    • Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    • Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)

    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat.

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord: [ ]( , alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

    On Bnet:
    Narweena - Sephyra#2517
    Tia - Tialha#2798
    Messenii - Georgina#2806
    Kholyo - KQ111#2177
    Faelmist - Faelmist#2821
    Snoot - Demonic#2375
    Xgor - Igorr#2909
    On Discord:
    Narweena - narweena
    Tia - tia_12
    Messenii - messenii
    Kholyo - .kholyo
    Faelmist - faelmist
    Snoot - snoot1840
    Xgor - misterone
    Last edited by Sephyra; 2024-08-02 at 07:17 PM.

  7. #647

    In preparation for the War Within we are currently looking to expand our roster for mythic raiding team with the following:

    High Demand:

    Demon Hunter: All specs
    Death Knight: Unholy & Frost
    Evoker: All specs
    Monk: Brewmaster
    Shaman: Enhancement
    Warrior: Fury & Arms
    Raiding Days and Times are:
    Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)

    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat.

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form on our site, or join our discord, alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

    On Bnet:
    Narweena - Sephyra#2517
    Tia - Tialha#2798
    Messenii - Georgina#2806
    Kholyo - KQ111#2177
    Faelmist - Faelmist#2821
    Snoot - Demonic#2375
    Xgor - Igorr#2909
    On Discord:
    Narweena - narweena
    Tia - tia_12
    Messenii - messenii
    Kholyo - .kholyo
    Faelmist - faelmist
    Snoot - snoot1840
    Xgor - misterone

  8. #648

    In preparation for the War Within we are currently looking to expand our roster for mythic raiding team with the following:

    High Demand:

    • Demon Hunter: All specs
    • Monk: Brewmaster
    • Shaman: Enhancement
    • Warrior: Fury & Arms
    Raiding Days and Times are:
    • Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    • Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)

    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat.

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord: [ ]( , alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

    On Bnet:
    Narweena - Sephyra#2517
    Tia - Tialha#2798
    Messenii - Georgina#2806
    Kholyo - KQ111#2177
    Faelmist - Faelmist#2821
    Snoot - Demonic#2375
    Xgor - Igorr#2909
    On Discord:
    Narweena - narweena
    Tia - tia_12
    Messenii - messenii
    Kholyo - .kholyo
    Faelmist - faelmist
    Snoot - snoot1840
    Xgor - misterone

  9. #649

    In preparation for the War Within we are currently looking to expand our roster for mythic raiding team with the following:

    High Demand:

    • Demon Hunter: All specs

    We always welcome socials and exceptional applicants, regardless of active recruitment

    Raiding Days and Times are:
    • Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)
    • Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00)

    If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat.

    If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord: [ ]( , alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

    On Bnet:
    Narweena - Sephyra#2517
    Tia - Tialha#2798
    Messenii - Georgina#2806
    Kholyo - KQ111#2177
    Faelmist - Faelmist#2821
    Snoot - Demonic#2375
    Xgor - Igorr#2909
    On Discord:
    Narweena - narweena
    Tia - tia_12
    Messenii - messenii
    Kholyo - .kholyo
    Faelmist - faelmist
    Snoot - snoot1840
    Xgor - misterone

  10. #650
    We are Gordian Knot, an active, friendly guild and we are looking for more people who are looking for a safe haven.
    No matter what your experience is, how high your level is, if you play for 15 years or 15 days you are welcome with us.

    We do M+ dungeons together, help out where we can, no question is too hard.
    For now our main raid team is kicking and alive, unfortunately there are no more free spots at the moment. But every week we host a secondary raid run on Thursday from 8:15pm till 11:15pm server time. This is a nice way to see the inside from the raid in a friendly guild way.

    So if you like the join the guild just hop onto our discord channel: and poke one of the officers.
    As for now we greet you and hope you have a great day.

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