1. #1

    Concordance of the Legionfall


    Right now I'm at a point where I cant decide what to do with the ap tokens.I have my demo at 53 affli at 52 and destro at 36, and dont know wether I should level my destruction artifact to 52 or just start pumping ap into my main(demo).I have no problem using all 3 specs if the situation demands it, sort of like all 3.Considering the changes coming in 7.2.5 would it be better to have all 3 specs leveled to 52, and then choose one to level further??

  2. #2
    I kind of gotten to the point where I just pump them into what ever spec I am in currently, takes forever anyways once you hit the 1.1 billion mark.
    Disarm now correctly removes the targets’ arms.

  3. #3
    the logical solution is get all 3 to concordance so you're set for whatever you may want to play one day. after that just dump them into whatever you are currently playing

  4. #4
    Destro seems to be quite interesting at 7.2.5 because of the more deterministic approach, so I would get 52 at it just for that, maybe you will enjoy it.

  5. #5
    I went 52 in all before putting further concordance points in any spec. Which might a smart choice seeing thats its a possibility we actually might use all 3 specs next tier if you want to play optimal on each encounter and it being so easy to get 52 in all, whereas 54 in all specs before NH was not really feasable for most players leaving 1 or more specs "unplayable" just because the lack of Artifact Traits.

  6. #6
    since Im unlikely to play anything else other than Destro im just pumping my AP into that one. Might do the concordance on other specs but not very likely to happen really.

  7. #7
    I got my offspecs to 52 and now just dump everything in affliction, since that is the thing I reallylike to play.

    Past the Concordance trait itself, the steps are meant to be (a) effectivey infinte and (b) not worth grinding for

    They just wanted something to make Ap not feel worthless, it is really a consolation prize for not getting loot. They also wanted to avoid the "power gap" that we got before, where people with th eprogressive damage trait were way better off. This create dimbalances and also rewarded stuff like grinding the shortest available dungeon on Mythic mode for AP.

  8. #8
    Just get concordance with your destro spec, and then continue playing as you would normally. Once ToS is released, I'm sure you will pick the two that are most suited for your guilds needs. Plus, getting concordance now is pretty quick...I went from 13 to 49 in my demo artifact in like 3 days...I should have it by raid reset.

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