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  1. #1

    Suggested Item Level for ToS Normal and Heroic

    What will the recommended item level be for normal and heroic ToS?

    I know some will ask for 915 for normal, but what is a "realistic" asking point in LFG do you think?

  2. #2
    Stood in the Fire Dismembered's Avatar
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    I would say 900+ for normal

  3. #3
    Herald of the Titans Aoyi's Avatar
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    A realistic item level for normal is 890 and for heroic, about 905. Typically each raid is tuned assuming you have the average item level from the previous tier. Things are a little different this time around with legendaries which is why I listed a slightly higher ilvl. What you'll probably see, however, is groups looking for 900+ normal and 910/915 heroic runs because thaf's just how this goes. If you are posting a run yourself, the original numbers I listed will be fine for tuning.

  4. #4
    920 for normal, 925 for heroic, roughly.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BrioWoW View Post
    920 for normal, 925 for heroic, roughly.


  6. #6
    Depends on ppl. If you're going with brainless monkeys, 920 for normal sounds reasonable. Though with ppl who knows their class, and understands the encounters, 900 should be easily enough, probably even lower. 910-915 for heroic probably. With brain that is.

  7. #7
    The Lightbringer Dartz1979's Avatar
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    885+ for normal. heroic i would say 900+
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  8. #8
    First week?

    915+ for both normal and heroic

  9. #9
    875 normal and 890 hc.

  10. #10
    It's totally fair to ask for 940 and Kil'jaeden curve for normal!

  11. #11
    We host "casual runs" every friday in my guild open for raiders, casual members and friends, and for those we have set a requirement of 885 equipped for the first few weeks of normal ToS. I'm guessing we're going to ask for 895-900 for the Heroic runs once we stop doing those on our official raid days in month or so. I think it's fairly reasonable to ask for 900 at least in a pug for normal mode, else you're going to have to carry a lot of dead meat to be honest.

  12. #12
    ¿Suggested for pugs? Nighthold cutting edge and/or 910+ for heroic, nighthold curve and/or 905+ for normal.
    ¿Suggested for normal raiding with progressiing guild? 885+ for normal, 900+ for heroic.

  13. #13
    +915 , link curve or no inv!!

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Dartz1979 View Post
    885+ for normal. heroic i would say 900+
    Hmmm only 5 comments down for non insane 920+ ilevl for normal.
    This should be fine given that your pugs are non retarded.

  15. #15
    Normal 900+, Heroic 910+

  16. #16
    Lol @ all the people saying anything over 910 for Normal... you don't even need 910 for 10/10M NH why the fuck would you need 910 for Normal ToS, must be a really hard raid....

    Mage | Demon Hunter | Druid

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  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodmagix View Post
    Lol @ all the people saying anything over 910 for Normal... you don't even need 910 for 10/10M NH why the fuck would you need 910 for Normal ToS, must be a really hard raid....

    Mage | Demon Hunter | Druid
    Pretty sure it's to ensure the run goes quickly. Most raiders with an ounce of skill should be Heroic NH geared minimum, so they're only going to be running Normal ToS for AP and Legendaries.

    Anything below 920 means you'll be wasting time in Normal ToS- you'd be better off just spamming Mythic +

    This is why you'll want to be asking for Ahead of the Curve starting next week too for the Normal runs- getting people that haven't done the fights on the PTR will just cause unnecessary wipes and costing you time.

    EDIT: Because we can't ask for Curve this week, what's a good way to make sure they're just not a casual that got carried through H. NH too many times and got luck with Titanforges? Even the most casual scrubs have Concordance by now so what's the *minimum* artifact traits are you comfortable with people having in your Normal ToS runs?
    Last edited by SidFwuff; 2017-06-18 at 06:29 AM.

  18. #18
    The Patient Zarvel's Avatar
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    Hell, apparently
    Quote Originally Posted by SidFwuff View Post
    Pretty sure it's to ensure the run goes quickly. Most raiders with an ounce of skill should be Heroic NH geared minimum, so they're only going to be running Normal ToS for AP and Legendaries.

    Anything below 920 means you'll be wasting time in Normal ToS- you'd be better off just spamming Mythic +

    This is why you'll want to be asking for Ahead of the Curve starting next week too for the Normal runs- getting people that haven't done the fights on the PTR will just cause unnecessary wipes and costing you time.
    WoW. Had no clue PTR testing exp is now a pre-requisite for PuGs. /s

    Although on a serious note, players like you should absolutely just stick to your stick-up-the-arse type "progression guilds" and leave discussion regarding PuGs to those who actually take part in it. Funny thing is, most players who got 10/10M within first month of NH being out are less worried about their e-peen than the top 500-1000 guilds that clear the raid after 4-5 months of hitting their head against the wall. Says a lot don't ya think?

  19. #19
    Spamming mythic+ is a waste,cant get tier sets and properly itemized stuff without getting huge amount of luck on titanforged. And its mind numbingly boring to spam same dungeons over and over and over instead of raiding once a week,or twice if you clear normal.

  20. #20
    You can upgrade crafted gear to 900... even casual people should be above 900 with leggos by now. Requiring that doesn't seem like too big a deal.

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