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  1. #1

    Where does the Horde symbol come from?

    Is this canon?

    According to this chart the Horde symbol means "tribe". Are there any other explanations? I heard scorpion Claw since the Horde guild mount is a Scorpion. Any clear statement from Blizz you know of?

  2. #2
    No clue about the status of that list, however assuming the list is canon "Horde" may be its own symbol derived from "Tribe." "Tribe" is closed and has that other bit under it. The "Horde" symbol is open at the bottom without the extra symbol.

    My guess is that the "Tribe" symbol is made up of two parts as an Us/Them paring. The Horde symbol is just the first half, but opened to show that all are welcome and there is no "other."

  3. #3
    ever looked at the map of azeroth ?
    its right there, in the Orc starting zone.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Gamer8585 View Post
    No clue about the status of that list, however assuming the list is canon "Horde" may be its own symbol derived from "Tribe." "Tribe" is closed and has that other bit under it. The "Horde" symbol is open at the bottom without the extra symbol.

    My guess is that the "Tribe" symbol is made up of two parts as an Us/Them paring. The Horde symbol is just the first half, but opened to show that all are welcome and there is no "other."
    Nice explanation, I like it especially denoting the opening at the bottom.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma View Post
    ever looked at the map of azeroth ?
    its right there, in the Orc starting zone.
    take a good look again: what you are referring to is not the orc starting zone but Azshara, and it was terraformed specifically by the goblins because this symbol already existed.
    On the other hand I'm asking where the symbol came from in the first place. I guess you started in cataclysm?

  5. #5
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    the list is from the warcraft movie, it has nothing to do with the actual lore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma View Post
    ever looked at the map of azeroth ?
    its right there, in the Orc starting zone.
    what about it?

    durotar has nothing resembling it, and if you are talking about azshara, the goblins formed that during cata times for garrosh.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    the list is from the warcraft movie, it has nothing to do with the actual lore.
    Unless Blizz officially incorporates it, which I asked if there was any confirmation about.

  7. #7
    Stood in the Fire Azarak's Avatar
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    Just throwing it out there, the symbol could just be entirely made up lol

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    the list is from the warcraft movie, it has nothing to do with the actual lore.
    what about it?
    durotar has nothing resembling it, and if you are talking about azshara, the goblins formed that during cata times for garrosh.
    oh wow, didn't realize goblins changed it, kind of assumed it had always been that shape >.< and I am a vanilla player too /derp

  9. #9
    Those are from the movie and have been indicated to have no connection to the game side.

    As for the icons of Horde and Alliance, you might want to check out when it was an RTS. The imagery of icons you've posted are newer than the RTS, which the RTS set the standard really for the franchise.

    Even then it's hard to say with Chronicles in the fray and busting up old lore.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Evangeliste View Post
    Those are from the movie and have been indicated to have no connection to the game side.

    As for the icons of Horde and Alliance, you might want to check out when it was an RTS. The imagery of icons you've posted are newer than the RTS, which the RTS set the standard really for the franchise.

    Even then it's hard to say with Chronicles in the fray and busting up old lore.
    Thanks! I'll check those out immediately

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sigma View Post
    oh wow, didn't realize goblins changed it, kind of assumed it had always been that shape >.< and I am a vanilla player too /derp
    So you played during vanilla but never been to Azshara? - man, I wish there was some way of experiencing the old zones again. I would love to revisit old thousand Needles. :S

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Gamer8585 View Post
    No clue about the status of that list, however assuming the list is canon "Horde" may be its own symbol derived from "Tribe." "Tribe" is closed and has that other bit under it. The "Horde" symbol is open at the bottom without the extra symbol.

    My guess is that the "Tribe" symbol is made up of two parts as an Us/Them paring. The Horde symbol is just the first half, but opened to show that all are welcome and there is no "other."
    The smaller bit under the symbol is supposed to be the simplified version of the big symbol, similar to e.g. chinese. As for the horde symbol itself. It was used first in Warcraft 3. In Warcraft 1 and 2 there were only the indivual clan symbols. I don't think Blizzard thought about the origin of the symbol back in WC3 and just created a symbol that looks tribal.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by lordjust View Post
    The smaller bit under the symbol is supposed to be the simplified version of the big symbol, similar to e.g. chinese. As for the horde symbol itself. It was used first in Warcraft 3. In Warcraft 1 and 2 there were only the indivual clan symbols. I don't think Blizzard thought about the origin of the symbol back in WC3 and just created a symbol that looks tribal.
    yeah I remember first seeing it on the Warcraft 3 orc shield too.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteEagle888 View Post
    Thanks! I'll check those out immediately

    So you played during vanilla but never been to Azshara? - man, I wish there was some way of experiencing the old zones again. I would love to revisit old thousand Needles. :S
    Oh I was there, I just don't remember the map being any different to what it is now, to what it was waaaay back then.

  14. #14
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    Classic Azshara wasn't super different from the new state in Cata. It looked a bit more like a crab claw (at least to me):

    The creation of the diamond-shaped island at the center bay of Azshara is really all that was needed, with the change in water over the outstretched peninsulas creating the outside portion of the symbol.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  15. #15
    The Insane Aquamonkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordjust View Post
    As for the horde symbol itself. It was used first in Warcraft 3. In Warcraft 1 and 2 there were only the indivual clan symbols.
    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteEagle888 View Post
    yeah I remember first seeing it on the Warcraft 3 orc shield too.
    The Horde symbol was first used in WC2.

  16. #16
    Here's a theory.

    Kosh'harg is a festival where twice a year the orcish clans unite and celebrate.

    And where does the festival take place? That's right. Oshu'gun.

    And what is under Oshu'gun? A Naaru.

    Plot twist:
    The Horde Sigil is inspired from K'ure.

    It symbolizes the unity of all orcish clans.

  17. #17
    A bigger mystery is where does Stormwind's symbol come from. There are no lions in Azeroth.
    Signature not found

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by alzoron View Post
    A bigger mystery is where does Stormwind's symbol come from. There are no lions in Azeroth.
    There is one in Twilight Highlands.
    Maybe they became very rare in the Eastern Kingdoms due to hunting, like the actual European lion did.

  19. #19
    The Insane Aquamonkey's Avatar
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    Lothar is the lion of Azeroth.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by lordjust View Post
    The smaller bit under the symbol is supposed to be the simplified version of the big symbol, similar to e.g. chinese. As for the horde symbol itself. It was used first in Warcraft 3. In Warcraft 1 and 2 there were only the indivual clan symbols. I don't think Blizzard thought about the origin of the symbol back in WC3 and just created a symbol that looks tribal.

    I thought it was part of the symbol like an accent mark or umlaut. I didn't even think about a "simplified" version, or even potentially different letter-cases.

    Makes sense though with how many look like a simple version of the larger character.

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