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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by skorpio View Post
    You've been watching the wrong games if you don't think Medivh can be an assassin.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by skorpio View Post
    Medivh is one of three weird exceptions in HOTS.

  3. #43
    Scarab Lord 3DTyrant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astalnar View Post
    Kel'thuzad is cool and all. But did anyone notice how Jaina transformed into a demon? Is that a hint for possible skin coming to HotS or what is really going on with her in next expansion?
    I'd wager a guess as to say it's Blizz playing about with how much the whole "JAINA IS A DREADLODE, AMG!!1one!" stuff is being thrown about by players.

    It's a bit of a shame I've lost most interest in HotS, but I may eventually return to try Kel'thuzad and Garrosh in the near future.
    Last edited by 3DTyrant; 2017-08-22 at 01:18 PM.
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  4. #44
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    looks rather bland i was hoping for maybe a tankyer ranged hero with a more necromancer theme then just a frost mage with chains.

  5. #45
    Immortal Nikkaszal's Avatar
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    Sweet Christ that Phylactery talent at 4 is bonkers
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  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowstormen View Post
    Mages ARE ranged assassins in HOTS terms.
    Some bullshit then. LOL

  7. #47
    I like those anti-shield talents. Though it DOES have to compete with the phylactery (maps and enemy comp will define the choice here though)

    Glacial spike is interesting. You can chain people to it. I wonder how the chilling touch passive will work out.

    Shifting Malance is basically Emperor Palpatines force rush attack

    Quote Originally Posted by piethepiegod View Post
    looks rather bland i was hoping for maybe a tankyer ranged hero with a more necromancer theme then just a frost mage with chains.
    huh? why were you hoping for that? Why would that have been a thing? Kelthuzad is nothing like that, he was NEVER going to be a necromancer pet type fighter . How is he bland, especially with his chains mechanic? You can talent to have stuff to chain them to, go anti-shields. rez yourself. Multiple talents tie into his trait for greater bonuses when hitting stacks. slows and roots with damage boosters, heavy skill shot set up.

    This is far from bland. It just doesn't match your out of left field notion of what he should have been. His abilities are what they have always been and should have been. Death and cold.
    Last edited by Tenjen; 2017-08-22 at 03:51 PM.

  8. #48
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tenjen View Post
    I like those anti-shield talents. Though it DOES have to compete with the phylactery (maps and enemy comp will define the choice here though)

    huh? why were you hoping for that? Why would that have been a thing? How is he bland, especially with his chains mechanic?
    He's the best known necromaner in all of wow, and he seems like an ice Mage with chains the pull thing is the only interesting thing he has.

  9. #49
    Titan Charge me Doctor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piethepiegod View Post
    looks rather bland i was hoping for maybe a tankyer ranged hero with a more necromancer theme then just a frost mage with chains.
    like a necromancer skin for azmodan?

    And seriously, expecting a necromancer (read: bunch of bones) to be "tankyer" ranged hero is just... weird
    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Dictionary
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  10. #50
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charge me Doctor View Post
    like a necromancer skin for azmodan?

    And seriously, expecting a necromancer (read: bunch of bones) to be "tankyer" ranged hero is just... weird
    He could be tanker though shields or how I would do it is splitting damage taken between minions. What I would have preferred was an ability to raises merc camp after taking it and have it follow you with talented that could grant them abilitys of there own or something of the like, not like azmodan or Xul with there little dinky minons.

  11. #51
    Herald of the Titans Rendark's Avatar
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    Why would people think he would be anything like a necromancer? He may have been a necromancer at one point but most know Kel'Thuzad as a lich.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by piethepiegod View Post
    He could be tanker though shields or how I would do it is splitting damage taken between minions. What I would have preferred was an ability to raises merc camp after taking it and have it follow you with talented that could grant them abilitys of there own or something of the like, not like azmodan or Xul with there little dinky minons.
    Raising minions has never been a part of Kel'Thuzad the lich's skillset.

  13. #53
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rendark View Post
    Why would people think he would be anything like a necromancer? He may have been a necromancer at one point but most know Kel'Thuzad as a lich.
    A lich is pretty much a necromancer who's more or less not alive both are know for raising the dead.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by piethepiegod View Post
    A lich is pretty much a necromancer who's more or less not alive both are know for raising the dead.
    False. Liches are known for frost spells (and Death and Decay). They also supposedly have necromantic abilities, but those weren't part of liches skillset in, say, Warcraft III (at most they had an ability to kill a friendly unit to regain mana).
    Last edited by Arrowstormen; 2017-08-22 at 04:07 PM.

  15. #55
    Herald of the Titans Rendark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by piethepiegod View Post
    A lich is pretty much a necromancer who's more or less not alive both are know for raising the dead.
    Maybe but Kel is known for frost and a bit of shadow magic. It's how he was in WC3 and WoW.

  16. #56
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowstormen View Post
    False. Liches are known for frost spells (and Death and Decay). They also supposedly have necromantic abilities, but those weren't part of liches skillset in, say, Warcraft III (at most they had an ability to kill a friendly unit to regain mana).
    You might want to tell lady death wisihper the guy in razorfen Kruel or Dorian who was raised by kt that raising the dead isn't something lich's are known for. And what abilitys he had in wc3 are meaningless this isn't wc3 and characters don't tend to have just there rts abilitys look at kereigen abither thrall ect.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by piethepiegod View Post
    You might want to tell lady death wisihper the guy in razorfen Kruel or Dorian who was raised by kt that raising the dead isn't something lich's are known for. And what abilitys he had in wc3 are meaningless this isn't wc3 and characters don't tend to have just there rts abilitys look at kereigen abither thrall ect.
    Then I'll just take a stance: Kel'Thuzad shouldn't have a necromancer summoner theme. Necromancers in WoW are pretty lame and undefined as well, they exist, but they would never be a playable class, because they are just a cross between warlock and death knight. Heck, death knights are death knights, necromancers and runemasters all in one, because they didn't have enough material for each of them to be separate.

    We have the necromancer from Diablo, and if we are going to have even more summoners in the game, they should just do Diablo demons or Burning Legion. Maybe make Putricide one day and give him a potion theme with a Festergut/Rotface heroic thrown in there for the heck of it.
    Last edited by Arrowstormen; 2017-08-22 at 04:18 PM.

  18. #58
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rendark View Post
    Maybe but Kel is known for frost and a bit of shadow magic. It's how he was in WC3 and WoW.
    His wc3 abilitys are meaningless no character has just been a rip of there rts abilitys. Having ice magic isn't a bad thing but his whole kit fits a frost Mage not a lunch if you ask me. In Warcraft he raises people he was the one who raised Dorian into a death knight, even in hearthstone he raises people. He's a lick not just a frost Mage not raising any thing seems like a waste.

  19. #59
    It's about time.

    And although other people seem a little disappointed by his toolkit, I like it. Very little in the way of lame gimmicks, some cool and creative talents, and a trait that seemingly encourages him to bide his time and play cautiously early game for a brutal lategame. If Gul'dan is the lategame Kael'thas, Kel'thuzad looks like the lategame Jaina. In particular his 20 talents all seem really damn good.

    If I have one disappointment, it's that he's not bulky. I was kind of hoping Kel'thuzad would fill the "bulky mage" role that many other mobas have, and at the moment HotS seems to lack. He doesn't seem Kael and Jaina squishy but by no means durable.

  20. #60
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowstormen View Post
    Then I'll just take a stance: Kel'Thuzad shouldn't have a necromancer summoner theme. Necromancers in WoW are pretty lame and undefined as well, they exist, but they would never be a playable class, because they are just a cross between warlock and death knight. Heck, death knights are death knights, necromancers and runemasters all in one, because they didn't have enough material for each of them to be separate.

    We have the necromancer from Diablo, and if we are going to have even more summoners in the game, they should just do Diablo demons or Burning Legion. Maybe make Putricide one day and give him a potion theme with a Festergut/Rotface heroic thrown in there for the heck of it.
    Loch theme as was pointed out a lich is not a necromancer,necromancers tend to be alive. And I don't think wow needs a necromancer class but info think they could have made him a caster but still have him a raise dead type spell I could have done it based on merc camps so there would be bullkyer minions you could keep with you instead of all the dinky minions that every one else in game summons as of now. I just think it's a waste to ignore a key part of being a lich just to have him be another Mage.

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