They test blood regardless of the question and answer process you go through when giving blood. It's law now, after blood transfusions infected a lot of people in the 80's. The question and answer process does not determine IF they do tests to screen the blood. The question and answer process is there to knock you out of the process of giving blood in the first place if your questionnaire makes you high risk. If you answer yes to those questions, you just simply can't donate.
I give blood every time I become eligible, every few weeks. The red cross workers at the local blood bank know me by name and face now.
If someone gives blood, it is tested for HIV. If it is positive, it is thrown out. We're not living in the 80's. They will call you to inform you that you were infected, since a phone number is pretty much required to give blood. If you give them a fake phone number, they at least have your name since you have to provide photo ID to give blood. If you give them a fake ID and you start trying to give blood all over the place with fake IDs, I'm not sure what that person is trying to accomplish since the blood will all be thrown out anyway. If you continue to try to give blood after you've been informed of your infection, they'll just turn you away. If you have unprotected sex with someone, that's where this law FINALLY comes into play.
Nothing of this has anything to do with blood donations at all. Reality is trumping your feelings incredibly hard right now.