1. #27901
    Quote Originally Posted by Canpinter View Post
    he wants a moat...with alligators... is he trying to be a super villain?
    I want freakin sharks with lasers!
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  2. #27902
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    In what could possibly be the best metaphor in Trump's tenure:

    A mouse fell from the White House ceiling and landed in a reporter's lap.
    If I'm not mistaken that mouse has now spent more face time with the reporters than the new Press Sec, right?

  3. #27903
    Quote Originally Posted by Shon237 View Post
    Now Trumpkins are gonna yell 'fake news' or actually agree with these comments from the book.
    Or? No, no, it'll be something like this "IT'S FAKE NEWS!!!! but Trump should shoot immigrants, THEY'RE INVADING!!!!"

  4. #27904
    I mean, we all have fantasies. It's okay to fantasize. Really, so what if Trump fantasized about shooting illegal immigrants in the legs to slow them down? I mean, 18 months ago, who here didn't fantasize about the SecDef Mattis strolling into the oval office, only to use the Churchill bust to break Trump's tiny hands one bone at a time - all to slow him from getting us into a nuclear war with "Rocketman" and North Korea via Twitter.

    So who are we to judge?!?

  5. #27905
    Quote Originally Posted by Skroe View Post
    So who are we to judge?!?
    I think you know this but I'll state it anyways.

    We're not the President of the United States of America.

  6. #27906
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I think you know this but I'll state it anyways.

    We're not the President of the United States of America.
    Oh of course. i was just being facetious.

    Trump is an animal and I hope there is an afterlife because what's in store for him the pit of punishment is going to be out of a goddamn Greek myth. He's gonna wish he had to just push a rock up a hill or something.

  7. #27907
    So this is super interesting...

    State Dept inspector general requests 'urgent' Ukraine briefing on Capitol Hill
    he State Department’s inspector general is expected to give an "urgent" briefing to staffers from several House and Senate committees on Wednesday afternoon about documents obtained from the department’s Office of the Legal Adviser related to the State Department and Ukraine, sources familiar with the planned briefing told ABC News.

    Details of the briefing, requested by Steve Linick, the inspector general at State, remain unknown. Linick is expected to meet with congressional staff in a secure location on Capitol Hill.

    The unusual nature and timing of the briefing – during a congressional recess – suggests it may be connected to a recent intelligence community whistleblower allegation which describes, in part, the State Department’s role in coordinating interactions between Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, and Ukrainian officials.

    The inspector general is the department's internal investigator and watchdog, and the office generally operates independently of the department's political leadership.

    The State Department has faced criticism in recent weeks for connecting Giuliani to multiple Ukrainian officials about re-opening an investigation into for Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

    The State Department's press office and the State Department's inspector general's office did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The committees expected to be part of the briefing did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

    Note this is an urgent briefing... That does not happen, especially during a recess. I'm betting more people in the State Department want to come forward in light of Pompeo's letter earlier today.

  8. #27908
    Pandaren Monk wunksta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zenkai View Post
    LOL this is straight up trolling, come on man show some class

    Wasn't this map photoshopped? It doesn't match any previous electoral maps from what I have seen.

  9. #27909
    And just so it's clear - He's not quoting anyone this time. These are his actual words.

  10. #27910
    Pandaren Monk wunksta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    And just so it's clear - He's not quoting anyone this time. These are his actual words.
    He probably truly believes it too.

  11. #27911
    He's reacting to the Ukraine emergency briefing thing.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  12. #27912
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post

    More fear mongering, division and deflection with a sprinkling of "coup" BS to make it sound even more ridiculous! Yaaay! Someone just take the phone away from the pathetic little man child.
    He needs to be removed from office right now. Seriously. This is bordering on just straight up terrorism and calls for violence.

    People are going to fucking die if he keeps this up. People have already fucking died because of his lunacy and we're just letting him sit in the presidency.

  13. #27913
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Whether or not he quotes someone, it's a tacit agreement in what is being said. He doesn't retweet or quote anything that he doesn't agree with. And we all know he believes the shit that pours out of his own mouth, too
    He does retweet people he doesn't agree with on accident sometimes. Like when he quoted the "Trump but with sharks" account because he thought it was agreeing with him.

    But quote definitely wouldn't do without agreeing since he has to type that all out.

  14. #27914
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    I'm betting more people in the State Department want to come forward in light of Pompeo's letter earlier today.
    Not sure I get that vibe. We have heard literally nothing from the State Dept IG during all of this. If they had news that was relevant, they'd have passed it along by now. And while the IG is supposed to be neutral, Pompeo has been circling the wagons more than most.

    I'm not sure what he'd even have, anyhow. Pompeo might have been involved in some of these communications, sure, but he'd have kept it tightly under wraps. The State Department fucking hates Pompeo, he knows it, and there's no reason he'd share unethical or illegal info with anyone but his cronies. He's not Trump, he's neither stupid nor incompetent.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And North Korea is launching missiles again. Man, those peace talks are going so Trumpingly aren't they?

  15. #27915
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    And North Korea is launching missiles again. Man, those peace talks are going so Trumpingly aren't they?
    If he's not foaming at the mouth right now, Bolton is probably having a hearty chuckle at this totally predictable event.

    Curious that it's timed to *checks news* the Trump administration agreeing to resuming talks with North Korea today.

  16. #27916

    Trump's approval ratting has taken a dive enough that even Rasmussen couldn't keep him head above water.

    Seems impeachment isn't a boon to his popularity after all.

  17. #27917
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    On a different note....

    Ah, religion. Such tolerance.
    Strange that they would fire him for having a consenting relationship with another adult man. Guess if he wanted to be protected he should have molested children.

  18. #27918
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nelinrah View Post
    Trump's approval ratting has taken a dive enough that even Rasmussen couldn't keep him head above water.
    Question: why aren't there more polls?

    You'd think as this started unfolding, every news organization and FOX would immediately launch polls to see how this affected Trump's popularity. Yeah, that's four in a week, but why aren't there thirty?

  19. #27919
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Not sure I get that vibe. We have heard literally nothing from the State Dept IG during all of this. If they had news that was relevant, they'd have passed it along by now. And while the IG is supposed to be neutral, Pompeo has been circling the wagons more than most.

    I'm not sure what he'd even have, anyhow. Pompeo might have been involved in some of these communications, sure, but he'd have kept it tightly under wraps. The State Department fucking hates Pompeo, he knows it, and there's no reason he'd share unethical or illegal info with anyone but his cronies. He's not Trump, he's neither stupid nor incompetent.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And North Korea is launching missiles again. Man, those peace talks are going so Trumpingly aren't they?
    I'm guessing someone passed along the documents Schiff wanted as soon as they saw that Pompeo was going to stonewall.

  20. #27920
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    But Trump and his admin is all about protecting those LGBTQ+ people!

    .... Oh, wait. They've yet to prove that even a little bit.
    Trump being a lying sack of vaguely human shaped shit is hardly new at this point.

    Oh, and hey, Trumpers, where are you to defend this man who got unfairly fired? You guys were all over YouTube bitching about people being banned, surely you should be outraged by this, yes?

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