1. #27921
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    On a different note....

    Ah, religion. Such tolerance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelinrah View Post
    Strange that they would fire him for having a consenting relationship with another adult man. Guess if he wanted to be protected he should have molested children.
    Let’s not blame religion, as that against forum rules and not what happening here. These people who have moral failing, but are using religion to shield them selfs from scrutiny. This is an attack on religion, don’t mistake it as a defense of it.

    As an example... If Rastafarians were legally permitted to smoke pot, just about every habitual pot smoker would be Rastafarian. They are still just habitual pot smokers, using religion to shield them selfs from scrutiny. Now apply that to people who hate gays. A religion doesn’t actually have to codify it, but those who hate gays will claim to be religious, to avoid scrutiny. We basically have two sets of laws and those who want to break them, will gravitate to the set of laws that protect them from scrutiny in breaking said laws.

    I think it’s pretty clear that the golden cow that is Trump, is not religious. There is no reason to pretend what Trump administration is saying and actions they take, actually consider religion as part of the thought process.
    Last edited by Felya; 2019-10-02 at 12:58 AM.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  2. #27922
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaelleria View Post
    I'm guessing someone passed along the documents Schiff wanted as soon as they saw that Pompeo was going to stonewall.
    If I had to guess, I'd say "This is unrelated. Pompeo told his staff to say nothing, and the IG is bringing forward a complaint about that." Again, if the IG had something more tangible or damning, he'd have brought it forward a while ago. No way did Atkinson not talk go Linick.

  3. #27923
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Some more good news for Trump.....https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/...auto-companies

    President Trump on Monday touted a host of new investments in the U.S. worth billions of dollars.

    One of the investments is a $4 billion joint venture on behalf of Hyundai, Kia and Aptiv to develop autonomous driving technologies, which the president noted would bring a lot of “great jobs” back to America.

    The companies said last week that the driving platform would be available for robotaxi providers and automotive manufacturers in 2022.

    Additionally, Trump said Navistar, a leading manufacturer of trucks and buses, would be building a $250 million truck factory in San Antonio, Texas – bringing an additional 600 jobs.

    What a shock
    Posted and ghosted with no intention on participating in a rational discussion


    Oops there goes 1/3rd of that gain in less then a few hours. That's an almost immediate loss of jobs vs your little celebrating of a few planned jobs
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  4. #27924
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    Posted and ghosted
    Well, it was probably correct when he posted it.

    And let's not forget, good news for Trump is a little hard to find these days. If someone is crawling through the hot sandy desert, they'll scream with joy on finding a muddy puddle, just because they're thrilled it's not a mirage.

  5. #27925
    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    What a shock
    Posted and ghosted with no intention on participating in a rational discussion


    Oops there goes 1/3rd of that gain in less then a few hours. That's an almost immediate loss of jobs vs your little celebrating of a few planned jobs
    he's waiting on the newest edition of the talking points memo to filter down to him.

  6. #27926
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shon237 View Post
    From Huffpost but NYT story.
    Doing the same because there's more to the story.

    Officials who spoke to the Times also recalled that Trump often suggested fortifying the border wall with a water-filled trench stocked with snakes or alligators.

    Trump also “wanted the wall electrified, with spikes on top that could pierce human flesh,” the Times reported.

    When advisers told Trump some of his suggestions were illegal, he reportedly became frustrated.

    “You are making me look like an idiot!” Trump shouted, according to the Times, citing multiple officials in the room. “I ran on this. It’s my issue.”

  7. #27927
    Titan -aiko-'s Avatar
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    I always knew Trump was Dr. Evil

  8. #27928
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Ari Fleischer told Fox News on Tuesday that the Republican Party should be concerned after Representative Mac Thornberry of Texas became the sixth GOP congressman from his state to announce his plans to retirement at the end of his current term.

    "Republicans should be worried," Fleischer, who served as former President George W. Bush's press secretary, warned during an interview on America's Newsroom. "Look, what happened in the 2018 election, if that's any indication, it's that Republicans have a problem, particularly in college educated suburban areas around suburban areas around Dallas, Houston, etc."

    Fliescher pointed out that a Houston district, which has a highly educated population, flipped Democratic in the 2018 election after being Republican for about three decades. "This is worrisome," he said.
    Hints of purple.

  9. #27929
    Quote Originally Posted by DocSavageFan View Post
    The Mueller investigation did not address many concerns about the 2016 election that have been voiced repeatedly. Thankfully we'll finally get to the root of these concerns soon.
    Imagine being more concerned about the source of an investigation rather than if that information is correct. The Invisible Man is less transparent than you.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  10. #27930
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    Imagine being more concerned about the source of an investigation rather than if that information is correct. The Invisible Man is less transparent than you.
    I don't know what they hope to cover exactly. Even if the Steele thing started the investigation, so what? Law enforcement investigations work off of tips a lot of the time and the Steele Dossier was a big tip.

    Though all indication is that the investigations started because of a certain dipshit running his mouth in Australia well before the dossier came out.

  11. #27931
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    When advisers told Trump some of his suggestions were illegal, he reportedly became frustrated.
    Damn their oily hides!!

  12. #27932
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    This seems unbelievable but...given Trump is believable - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump...b0e9e760548f73
    You know, I wasn't going to be surprised by him wanting a moat in front of the wall and yet somehow I still am by him wanting it filled with animals. HOw he didn't ask for frickin' sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads is the more amazing part.

    The electrified part I didn't know he wanted.

    It's like Trump wants to be Sauron, 'cause that guy had a huge spire and Trump is trying to make up for the fact that he doesn't have huge anything.

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  13. #27933
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    You know, I wasn't going to be surprised by him wanting a moat in front of the wall and yet somehow I still am by him wanting it filled with animals. HOw he didn't ask for frickin' sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads is the more amazing part.

    The electrified part I didn't know he wanted.

    It's like Trump wants to be Sauron, 'cause that guy had a huge spire and Trump is trying to make up for the fact that he doesn't have huge anything.
    Well, he's got a huge ego.

    And he's fat, so a huge... Gut?

  14. #27934
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Do you guys not have openly gay members of the clergy and whatnot in the US?
    Nope! You better be "straight" (a.k.a. secretly gay) and fucking boys in the back room. If you are openly gay they immediately want to get rid of you because that's not "normal", but the other thing definitely is for them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelinrah View Post
    Trump being a lying sack of vaguely human shaped shit is hardly new at this point.

    Oh, and hey, Trumpers, where are you to defend this man who got unfairly fired? You guys were all over YouTube bitching about people being banned, surely you should be outraged by this, yes?
    They'll only care if this guy didn't want to make cakes or some such bullshit.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelinrah View Post

    Trump's approval ratting has taken a dive enough that even Rasmussen couldn't keep him head above water.

    Seems impeachment isn't a boon to his popularity after all.
    And there goes that whole "Trump has 50%+ approval rating" out the window, but then again that argument of theirs held as much water as a fishing net.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Well, he's got a huge ego.

    And he's fat, so a huge... Gut?
    Good point.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  15. #27935
    Quote Originally Posted by wunksta View Post
    Wasn't this map photoshopped? It doesn't match any previous electoral maps from what I have seen.
    It is wrong, actually: https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/01/polit...eck/index.html

    "Facts First: The map the Trumps tweeted inaccurately displays multiple blue counties won by Hillary Clinton as red counties won by Trump.

    The Clinton-won counties the map wrongly shows as Trump-won counties include Orange County, California; Washoe County, Nevada; Lake County, Minnesota; Gallatin County, Montana; and Whitman County, Washington.

    It was also not the first time Trump has displayed an inaccurate county-by-county election map; he also displayed one in early 2018. And it was far from the first time that Trump has tweeted information from others without verifying it himself.

    As numerous analysts have pointed out when Trump has previously touted county-level maps, such maps provide incomplete information. Specifically, they do not distinguish between a county with millions of residents and a county with a few thousand. Clinton earned about 3 million more votes than Trump even though he won far more counties."

    Also, this one gives a much more accurate representation of what the voter population across the country for 2016 really looked like:

  16. #27936
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Johnson and Johnson settle an opioid case against two Ohio counties. $10 million damages, $5 million to opioid charities and $5 million repaying legal fees.

    There are currently 2,500 plaintiffs. Assuming they all get the same result, which is assuming a lot, that's twenty five billion dollars.

  17. #27937
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Johnson and Johnson settle an opioid case against two Ohio counties. $10 million damages, $5 million to opioid charities and $5 million repaying legal fees.

    There are currently 2,500 plaintiffs. Assuming they all get the same result, which is assuming a lot, that's twenty five billion dollars.
    And when a company as large as Johnson and Johnson settles like that, you can be sure they did the same math you just did. Those fuckers would rather pay legal fees than pay people who they've damaged.

  18. #27938
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Well, once again, it's time for Guess the Speaker.

    In America, the big get bigger and the small go out. I don’t think in America we, for any small business, we have a guaranteed income or guaranteed profitability.

    That's Sonny Perdue, Trump's AgSec, to a group of Wisconsin farmers.

    "Wait, that's what he said?"

    President Donald Trump’s agriculture secretary said Tuesday during a stop in Wisconsin that he doesn’t know if the family dairy farm can survive as the industry moves toward a factory farm model.

    U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told reporters following an appearance at the World Dairy Expo in Madison that it’s getting harder for farmers to get by on milking smaller herds.

    Perdue’s visit comes as Wisconsin dairy farmers are wrestling with a host of problems, including declining milk prices, rising suicide rates, the transition to larger farms with hundreds or thousands of animals and Trump’s international trade wars.

    Wisconsin, which touts itself as America’s Dairyland on its license plates, has lost 551 dairy farms in 2019 after losing 638 in 2018 and 465 in 2017, according to data from the state Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. The Legislature’s finance committee voted unanimously last month to spend an additional $200,000 to help struggling farmers deal with depression and mental health problems.

    Perdue said he believes the 2018 farm bill should help farmers stay afloat. The bill reauthorizes agriculture and conservation programs at a rough cost of $400 billion over five years or $867 billion over 10 years. But he warned that small farms will still struggle to compete.

    “It’s very difficult on an economy of scale with the capital needs and all the environmental regulations and everything else today to survive milking 40, 50, or 60 or even 100 cows,” he said.
    Call me cynical, but if I was backing Trump's trade war, I would probably blame failing farms on environmental regulations, too.

    Yeah, so, Perdue, who was Senate approved despite multiple conflicts of interest to the tune of $25 million in agribusiness holdings, is telling small farmers to their face that they're going to lose their job. I'm sure that's exactly what they wanted to hear after most of the socialist bailout money went to large agribusinesses.

    Are we tired of winning yet?

    Jerry Volenec, a fifth generation Wisconsin dairy farmer with 330 cows, left the Perdue event feeling discouraged about his future.

    “What I heard today from the secretary of agriculture is there’s no place for me,” Volenec told reporters. “Can I get some support from my state and federal government? I feel like we’re a benefit to society.”

    Getting bigger at the expense of smaller operations like his is “not a good way to go,” said Darin Von Ruden, president of Wisconsin Farmers Union and a third generation dairy farmer who runs a 50-cow organic farm.

    “Do we want one corporation owning all the food in our country?” he said to reporters.

    According to a September analysis by the U.S. Dairy Export Council, U.S. dairy solids exports to China fell by 43 percent overall in the 11 months starting in July 2018, when China enacted the first round of retaliatory tariffs on U.S. dairy products. About 3.7 billion pounds of U.S. farmers’ milk had to find other markets during that span, the analysis found.

  19. #27939
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Well, once again, it's time for Guess the Speaker.


    That's Sonny Perdue, Trump's AgSec, to a group of Wisconsin farmers.

    "Wait, that's what he said?"

    Call me cynical, but if I was backing Trump's trade war, I would probably blame failing farms on environmental regulations, too.

    Yeah, so, Perdue, who was Senate approved despite multiple conflicts of interest to the tune of $25 million in agribusiness holdings, is telling small farmers to their face that they're going to lose their job. I'm sure that's exactly what they wanted to hear after most of the socialist bailout money went to large agribusinesses.

    Are we tired of winning yet?
    Is trump trying to lose Wisconsin? Might as well show up to lambeau in a bears jersey.

    But in all seriousness this is the shit that will hurt him bad, if there is one thing i know about my state its we don't like you insulting our farmers.

  20. #27940
    Poll: Only 4 in 10 Republicans think Trump mentioned Biden on Ukraine call even though he acknowledged doing so

    I mean this says it all. Even when the leader of the cult admits it, the followers can not.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

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