1. #34061
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Realistically then...why not let them? What's to fear? What's the concern? We know they'd have no chance, but why not let the people have their say?
    Don't intentionally try to BSOD people, Edge. It's unladylike.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  2. #34062
    The Lightbringer
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    Look behind you.
    This just in: Man who claims that this is the bigliest economy to ever economy cites "Serious Economic Conditions" for the reason not to go ahead with scheduled federal pay raise.

    Now there could be a decent enough argument made about cutting back on government spending and all that jazz, but he could've at least gone with any other reason then that.

  3. #34063
    So how's that economy doing?

    Trump Cuts Scheduled Federal Pay Raise, Citing “Serious Economic Conditions” in the Country

    So...not as good as Trump has been leading people to believe, huh?

    Edit: Xyonai beat me to it.

  4. #34064
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    So I'm just going to quote CNN because, if Trump's going to just blatantly make shit up, why not cite the source most likely to laugh at him?

    Fact check: Trump falsely claims 'redemption money' from immigrants is paying for border wall, baffling experts

    And, because this particular lie is particularly blatant, I'm going to quote the whole thing. CNN gets a victory lap.

    Trump ran for the presidency on a signature promise to make Mexico pay for a giant wall on its own border. Mexico has not paid. But Trump insisted at campaign rallies in January that, at some point in the future, people would learn how Mexico has indeed been paying.

    At a rally in New Hampshire on Monday, he offered something resembling an explanation.

    "You do know who's paying for the wall, don't you? Redemption. From illegal aliens that are coming in," he said. "The redemption money is paying for the wall."
    Oh quick aside here. Earlier, when curb-stomping this blatant lie, I used a figure including illegal aliens that were already living in the US, not just those coming over the border. One, that makes the lie even more blatant, because it's fewer people to spread the money around, and two, no fucking way does the average border-crossing refugee have thousands of US dollars worth of cash the US can legally seize before throwing them back.

    Facts First: Experts on immigration policy told CNN they had no idea what the term "redemption money" means. Trump is paying for the wall with a combination of US taxpayer money Congress has allocated to the project and funding he is diverting from the military.

    "I don't know what the President means by redemptions. I have never heard the word used in this context before," said Stephen Yale-Loehr, a professor of immigration law practice at Cornell University. "In any event, the President is wrong. Money appropriated by Congress and money diverted from the Department of Defense is paying for construction of the wall, not immigrants."

    Four Migration Policy Institute researchers focused on the United States have also never "heard of the use of the term 'redemption' in the immigration context," said Michelle Mittelstadt, the think tank's communications director.

    Mittelstadt said the researchers surmised Trump might have meant to refer to remittances, money that immigrants send back to people in their countries of origin, but she emphasized that they weren't sure.

    Theresa Cardinal Brown, director of immigration and cross-border policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center, also said Trump could perhaps have been thinking of remittances and misspoke, though she too said she doesn't know -- and that Trump might not know himself.

    Regardless, Brown said, there is no magical mechanism, related to remittances or anything else, by which Mexico is paying for the wall.
    "I have absolutely no idea what he means by that. Clearly the US is paying for the wall," she said.

    The White House and the Trump campaign did not respond to requests for an explanation of "redemption money."

    Trump's team has previously invoked remittances in the context of wall funding.

    A plan released by Trump's 2016 campaign said that, until Mexico paid for the wall, he would "impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages."

    And at a press conference just before he took office, he floated the idea of "a tax" or "a payment" to get Mexico to pay for the wall, raising Mexican concerns about the fate of remittances. (Remittances to Mexico, which mostly come from people in the US, hit a record $36 billion in 2019, Mexico's central bank says.)

    But none of these proposals was implemented.

    Instead, Trump has funded wall construction by taking billions from military coffers to augment billions appropriated by Congress.

    In January, CNN and other media outlets reported that Trump was considering diverting another $7.2 billion from the military -- $3.7 billion from military construction projects and $3.5 billion from counterdrug programs.

    As Trump has repeatedly noted, Mexico has helped the US on immigration by deploying thousands of troops to thwart migrants. It's possible to argue that this is kind of like Mexico paying for a wall. Nonetheless, Trump's wall is an actual, physical project Mexico has not funded.
    So to sum up: nobody, even Trump, knows what Trump is talking about. That's kind of a superlie, actually, to create words on the spot and make up what they mean, in addition to not telling the truth.

    Also, to address a recent topic, Trump did cut the employee pay raise from 2.5% to 1% and cited economic hardship. Gee, who would have guessed Trump wouldn't pay people what he contractually owed them? But just so we're clear,

    1) These salaries weren't that great to begin with.

    2) There is no line-item in the budget that says "salaries" but I did find a report from 2011 that said total spent on US federal worker salaries was $200 billion. Just for the sake of amusement, let's pretend it's $400 billion now -- I'm highballing this, you'll see why shortly. The difference between 2.5% and 1% is $6 billion, which is a lot of money in abstract.

    Last year, the Pentagon spent $7 billion in Wall funds alone, for which they got about 3 miles of new Wall.

    So Trump is either lying about hard economic times, or his priorities are simply to shaft the people who work for the country and/or Trump in exchange for a campaign promise he's already broken so badly he has to make up random shit that doesn't make sense, see above.

  5. #34065
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    Hard to be contested when your party actively blocks any nominees from primarying Trump to begin with. Kind of like saying Putin is the uncontested nominee from Russian President
    You mean the RNC is meddling in the election? Kinda weird since they are the same folks that bitch about the DNC screwing Sanders, weird. Myst be a day ending in 'y'.

  6. #34066
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladeXcrasher View Post
    You mean the RNC is meddling in the election? Kinda weird since they are the same folks that bitch about the DNC screwing Sanders, weird. Myst be a day ending in 'y'.
    The letter "y" has two main uses when discussingthe GOP, ending days, and ending hypocrisy.

  7. #34067
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Realistically then...why not let them? What's to fear? What's the concern? We know they'd have no chance, but why not let the people have their say?
    It's to stop other Republicans speaking poorly, and telling the truth, about Trump. Can't have that when everyone is supposed to toe the line, kiss the ring, and suck the cock of Trump.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  8. #34068

    Amusing sidebar, but it seems the Trump family doesn't just have issues finding out how to stand like normal people.

    They also have an interesting way of sitting. I mean, Jr. doesn't even have a gut to hide like Trump does, but that just seems awkward and uncomfortable. And like it'll lead to a whole lotta back issues.

  9. #34069
    Quote Originally Posted by derpkitteh View Post
    is this the right thread to also talk about things related to the republican state primaries? since trump is basically the uncontested nominee.

    i noticed something in new hampshire's voting, but idk the thread to talk about it in.
    He is only the uncontested nominee, because the state GOP heads have cancelled the primaries.

  10. #34070
    Wait this is probably me being an ignorant foreigner but I don't see the big deal behind the RNC not having primaries for the presidency? I guess it's always been done but it seems kinda pointless to hold primaries when you've got the incumbent candidate. I genuinely didn't realise you held them anyway.

  11. #34071
    Quote Originally Posted by Waniou View Post
    Wait this is probably me being an ignorant foreigner but I don't see the big deal behind the RNC not having primaries for the presidency? I guess it's always been done but it seems kinda pointless to hold primaries when you've got the incumbent candidate. I genuinely didn't realise you held them anyway.
    You usually do to give challengers an opportunity to do so, though there rarely are any serious ones. When primaries are canceled, it's typically because the incumbent is running unopposed. Cancelling them outright so as to not even give anyone the chance of running against the incumbent is rather unprecedented.

  12. #34072

    Reminder: Republicans don't care about you if you're LGBTQ+, once again they marginalize and sideline issues raised by Log Cabin Republicans.

    This isn't to bring up LGBTQ+ discussion, but more to remind people that Trumps push to get support from that community is bullshit as hell.

  13. #34073
    Legendary! Thekri's Avatar
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    A highly disgruntled constituent of Lindsey Graham.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Reminder: Republicans don't care about you if you're LGBTQ+, once again they marginalize and sideline issues raised by Log Cabin Republicans.

    This isn't to bring up LGBTQ+ discussion, but more to remind people that Trumps push to get support from that community is bullshit as hell.
    The reason given is rather staggering...

    "When you erode our relationship with God, you make us no different than the Democrats" - Texas State Sen. Bob Hall.

    So not only is this the point of view that prevailed, it is overtly religious in nature. Not only is overtly religious, it also marginalized the hundreds of millions of Christians that don't have any issue with gay people. And of course paints the Democrats in terms of a religious enemy, but that is so common it is barely noteworthy any more, as appalling as it is.

    This is why the GOP can't be saved, it is controlled by radical theists that want to cram religious dogma down the throats of everyone in the nation, even at the precise point when that brand of hateful bigotry is dying off. Fortunately this sort of bullshit doesn't fly with pretty much anyone under 50, so that puts the GOP on the clock for how long it can survive on this.

  14. #34074
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Amusing sidebar, but it seems the Trump family doesn't just have issues finding out how to stand like normal people.

    They also have an interesting way of sitting. I mean, Jr. doesn't even have a gut to hide like Trump does, but that just seems awkward and uncomfortable. And like it'll lead to a whole lotta back issues.
    It's a weird belief in some macho bullshit power stance, even when sitting. Crossing your legs, keeping your legs together, leaning back in your seat - it's all signs of "weakness."

  15. #34075
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefhammer View Post
    Too bad the Dems control the house and this budget will be used to wipe asses.
    2 things.

    1) The fact he is trying this says enough.
    2) Remember, this is the Democrats, they cave easy, just look at the military budget since they took office.

    - - - Updated - - -

    One thing I have started to think about and I wonder if it might be true.

    We know that Trump is half blind, he refuses to use twitter in public and his scripts are written in over-sized sharpie as well. But what are the odds he is color blind as well?

    I mean seriously, how else can he honestly think coming out looking (Like another said) an Oompa Loompa version of blackface would fool anyone. What are the odds he is color blind and, to him, that looks like a natural bronze complexion to him?

    We already know he thinks he knows more than anyone else so no one can tell him otherwise and he won't dare admit he has a problem. We have his vision, his weight, his health, his popular vote, his poll numbers, his inauguration crowd, his net worth, and virtually every part of his life is a lie to make himself look better than he is.

    What are the odds that him being color blind is actually another one?
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  16. #34076
    Well this is problematic.

  17. #34077
    High Overlord Gerron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    You say this as if anyone has a chance running against the incumbent in a Presidential race.
    Well several Presidents in the past were straight up denied their party's nomination while they were incumbents but that was before the primary system and they were VPs that became President due to the former President's untimely demise. There are two primaries where incumbents faced an actual challenge the Democrat primary in 1980 and the Republican primary in 1992. Both of those have one thing in common, maybe you can guess what.

    All I know is that I can't remember another president who's national committee declared undivided support for him. Seems unnecessary considering GW cruised through his primaries.

  18. #34078
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    You can almost hear Collins sighing in resignation as she is forced to defend her "Trump learned something" statement with...this.

    Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said President Trump is angry after the months-long impeachment fight, leading to a string of bombshells including the removal of two key impeachment witnesses.

    Asked during an interview with the Bangor Daily News if she thought Trump was "emboldened" after Senate Republicans acquitted him of both abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, Collins indicated she didn't and that the president “often acts in an impulsive manner.

    “I think the president was angered by impeachment and that is reflected in the personnel choices he made,” she said.
    Congratulations, GOP. You're left with the defense of "the man we've chosen to follow often acts impulsively".

  19. #34079
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Reminder: Republicans don't care about you if you're LGBTQ+, once again they marginalize and sideline issues raised by Log Cabin Republicans.

    This isn't to bring up LGBTQ+ discussion, but more to remind people that Trumps push to get support from that community is bullshit as hell.
    That anyone who is gay would stand with the GOP is beyond baffling to me. With at worst being so openly hateful to the LGBTQ+ community to at best being antagonistic to that community it would be like a Jewish person being supportive of the Nazi party well into the opening of the Ghettos or a slave being supportive of the slave masters.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    Well this is problematic.

    Obama= the Anti Christ

    Trump the literal personification of the seven deadly sins= tool of God to help make America a better land

    Seriously these Evangelical Christians will do anything to support their hatred even support the devil.

  20. #34080
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pathora44 View Post
    it would be like a Jewish person being supportive of the Nazi party well into the opening of the Ghettos
    There were significant numbers of those.




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    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Tayler
    Political conservatism is just atavism with extra syllables and a necktie.
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