1. #35701
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    US cases hit 700, deaths hit 27.

    Some areas in the U.S. have passed the point of containment and communities should focus on mitigation plans, such as canceling events with mass gatherings like sporting events, CDC director Robert Redfield said Tuesday.
    Bolded for "there will be no blaming Democrats or Fake News today!"

    Nearly 40 states had reported cases by Tuesday morning and at least 10 have declared a state of emergency — Washington, California, Florida, New York, Oregon, Kentucky, Maryland, Utah, Colorado and North Carolina.

    New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he planned to deploy the National Guard to the New York City suburb New Rochelle on Tuesday to establish a one-mile "containment zone" to help contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.

    The government extended internal travel restrictions for the entire country, effectively locking down 60 million people.

    Health insurers and regulators are working to make sure coronavirus diagnostic tests are covered — but that doesn't necessarily mean COVID-19 treatment will be affordable. Concerns linger on how the health care system can meet the demands of high-volume testing.

    And so forth and so on

  2. #35702
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Gotta keep that socialism going!
    It's funny how quickly people stop saying "get a job" when they have one and still can't make payments.

    You'll notice they're asking the House, because Trump basically said he fixed it. And bragged about it. A lot.

    Look, I feel badly for the farmers. I do. They voted this guy in, and he used their livelihoods as a bargaining chip. Again, maybe if he'd somehow landed a better deal sooner, the coronavirus hit on the market wouldn't be quite so bad. Or, you know, if he hadn't done anything and left the status quo. Already there's talk China wants to push back those imports Trump said they'd agreed too and Trump will allow them. Which is fine as an abstract concept, but farmers have specific dates to worry about. Such as the last day they can realistically put seeds in the ground and get a harvest at all. The coronavirus can't change the fucking weather. So in addition to going bankrupt faster than ever, selling less than ever, getting a socialist bailout that doesn't even cover their losses, and apparently are just fucking killing themselves in some cases, now they have to gamble with if/when China will recover in time to actually buy their produce, and they, as always, have a finite time to make that decision. Which is a lot like a food truck deciding whether to have beef, pork, or chicken before knowing if the tourists will be Hindu, Jewish, or dogs.

    So they are in a bad position. I get that, and it sucks.

    I will stop understanding and stop feeling bad if they vote for Trump again.

  3. #35703
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    It's funny how quickly people stop saying "get a job" when they have one and still can't make payments.

    You'll notice they're asking the House, because Trump basically said he fixed it. And bragged about it. A lot.

    Look, I feel badly for the farmers. I do. They voted this guy in, and he used their livelihoods as a bargaining chip. Again, maybe if he'd somehow landed a better deal sooner, the coronavirus hit on the market wouldn't be quite so bad. Or, you know, if he hadn't done anything and left the status quo. Already there's talk China wants to push back those imports Trump said they'd agreed too and Trump will allow them. Which is fine as an abstract concept, but farmers have specific dates to worry about. Such as the last day they can realistically put seeds in the ground and get a harvest at all. The coronavirus can't change the fucking weather. So in addition to going bankrupt faster than ever, selling less than ever, getting a socialist bailout that doesn't even cover their losses, and apparently are just fucking killing themselves in some cases, now they have to gamble with if/when China will recover in time to actually buy their produce, and they, as always, have a finite time to make that decision. Which is a lot like a food truck deciding whether to have beef, pork, or chicken before knowing if the tourists will be Hindu, Jewish, or dogs.

    So they are in a bad position. I get that, and it sucks.

    I will stop understanding and stop feeling bad if they vote for Trump again.
    I have no sympathy for the farmers, because they still foolishly support Trump. Farmers are among the biggest welfare classes in this country, outside of old people.


  4. #35704
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    27 deaths, hundreds infected in almost 40 states and 10 in a state of emergency. Damn, dude.

    Anyone saying this is completely under control is outright lying to people.
    Everyone who has "M.D." or "PhD" after their name isn't saying "if" it will spread throughout the entirety of the United States, merely "when". And considering Trump's record for lying to the American people (is he up to 20,000 false statements yet?) I'm not sure why anyone even listens to him anymore.

  5. #35705
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Have to admit, it is difficult to feel sorry for some of them, given they still support Trump and still want handouts, while probably still decrying socialism.

    I think that will be one of the greatest mysteries of our time lol
    Not such a mystery. Just look at the idiots on the forum that grab the first article they think supports their argument.

    Our education sucks and far and wide we are still a country that believes the great wizard in the sky loves us best.

    Not hard to imagine why the biggest loser of them all has a following.

  6. #35706

    President Trump's Tuesday meeting with Senate Republicans on providing economic relief in response to the coronavirus was chaotic and covered a wide range of ideas, leaving many senators unclear on how the government will deal with growing fears that the U.S. is headed for a recession.

    Why it matters: Trump and top White House officials left the meeting with no specific policy proposals to implement at time when the economic and public health impacts of virus are worsening by the hour.
    We're in great hands. They don't know what they're doing yet, but I'm sure it will be great.

  7. #35707
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    They don't know what they're doing yet, but I'm sure it will be great.
    I believe what you meant to say was "Trump just said 'I don't know if we can be ready this week.' In other words it's off to vacation for Trump. That's been the story with him for 3 1/3 years!"

  8. #35708
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I have no sympathy for the farmers, because they still foolishly support Trump. Farmers are among the biggest welfare classes in this country, outside of old people.

    I have no sympathy for a group that gets 200 billion a year and votes against so called "socialist" programs....and hated the last set of non farm bailouts.

    They are just about the only industry that gets paid by taxpayers to grow stuff and not sell it, to not grow stuff and collect money and have steady govt price fixing regulations
    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  9. #35709
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    Rabid fanbase member Jim Bakker went on his Feb 12 show and said he had a cure for the coronavirus he would sell.

    The Missouri AG just sued him for being a giant twatwaddle. By which I mean, a lying charlatan who will get people killed.

    New York is right behind them.

    It costs $40 and is still for sale on his site's store at time of writing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This is an OP ED piece, which means Trump will sue for libel any second.

    It contains a lot we already know, with citations, as many OP ED pieces do. Bla bla bla hoax, bla bla bla hunch, bla bla bla played golf, bla bla bla said nasty things about Obama and Ebola when things are objectively worse now.

    But it does contain one piece of new information that's interesting:

    For one of the first times in his presidency, Trump is confronted by an adversary that won't be defeated by his repertoire of slights, jabs and lies.
    That's right: the coronavirus doesn't follow Trump on twitter. It doesn't watch FOX News. It doesn't attend his rallies...actually it might, the CPAC thing threw open that door. But what it doesn't do, is care what Trump says. It can't be bullied, taunted, or shamed; it doesn't respond to ALL CAPS; and even if Trump invents a derogatory nickname, it won't respond.

    Trump will actually need to respond to this with action. As @Edge- just pointed out, he was given the opportunity today and failed.

  10. #35710
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Rabid fanbase member Jim Bakker went on his Feb 12 show and said he had a cure for the coronavirus he would sell.

    The Missouri AG just sued him for being a giant twatwaddle. By which I mean, a lying charlatan who will get people killed.

    New York is right behind them.

    It costs $40 and is still for sale on his site's store at time of writing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    This is an OP ED piece, which means Trump will sue for libel any second.

    It contains a lot we already know, with citations, as many OP ED pieces do. Bla bla bla hoax, bla bla bla hunch, bla bla bla played golf, bla bla bla said nasty things about Obama and Ebola when things are objectively worse now.

    But it does contain one piece of new information that's interesting:

    That's right: the coronavirus doesn't follow Trump on twitter. It doesn't watch FOX News. It doesn't attend his rallies...actually it might, the CPAC thing threw open that door. But what it doesn't do, is care what Trump says. It can't be bullied, taunted, or shamed; it doesn't respond to ALL CAPS; and even if Trump invents a derogatory nickname, it won't respond.

    Trump will actually need to respond to this with action. As @Edge- just pointed out, he was given the opportunity today and failed.
    Jim Bakker is a fucking sun dried dog turd holy shit. I can only imagine if someone of my faith paraded something like that how bad the comments would have been but i guess fairness is not fair.

  11. #35711

    Been a lot of talk about more farm bailouts, but there's even more corporate socialism on the horizon.

    Shale companies can't compete with oil prices bottomed out, so the administration is apparently looking into relief for those companies.

    Not necessarily for the workers impacted, but for the companies themselves.

    White House officials are alarmed at the prospect that numerous shale companies, many of them deep in debt, could be driven out of business if the downturn in oil prices turns into a prolonged crisis for the industry. The federal assistance is likely to take the form of low-interest government loans to the shale companies, whose lines of credit to major financial institutions have been choked off, three people said.
    So these companies leverage the hell outta themselves and rack up huge debts placing their operations at risk, and then come begging to be saved.

    Man, if only regular people could do this and get direct aide from the federal government like these corporations do.

  12. #35712
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Shale companies can't compete with oil prices bottomed out, so the administration is apparently looking into relief for those companies.
    Speaking as a sedimentary rock myself, my response is "and I'll feel bad for those shale companies, the second my gas price drops because of those oil prices".

    Until that happens, I choose not to believe that the lower oil price has extended on to the consumer and therefore they get to eat schist.

  13. #35713
    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    I have no sympathy for a group that gets 200 billion a year and votes against so called "socialist" programs....and hated the last set of non farm bailouts.

    They are just about the only industry that gets paid by taxpayers to grow stuff and not sell it, to not grow stuff and collect money and have steady govt price fixing regulations
    Yes, the hypocrisy is overwhelming at times. I grew up in a small ranching and logging town. I know plenty of farmers who swear they hate socialism, but have no problem collecting their federal subsidies. To them, it's not the same, because they "worked" for that free money. And yes, I cannot count how many time I have heard them say they earned it.

  14. #35714
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    We're in great hands. They don't know what they're doing yet, but I'm sure it will be great.
    Back in 2008 we had Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner, who were US Treasury secretary, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and president of the New York Fed, and Nancy Pelosi who crossed the aisle to work together with Paulson. Bush was smart enough to step back and let them solve the problem for him. Whether you liked the solution or not, Republicans and Democrats worked together to stave off the 2008 economic crash.

    Today we have Stephen “foreclosure” Mnuchin whose bank was part of the 2008 economic crash problem, Larry Kudlow who is no Hank Paulson, and a "governed by Twitter" President. We are so doomed.

  15. #35715
    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    Back in 2008 we had Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner, who were US Treasury secretary, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and president of the New York Fed, and Nancy Pelosi who crossed the aisle to work together with Paulson. Bush was smart enough to step back and let them solve the problem for him. Whether you liked the solution or not, Republicans and Democrats worked together to stave off the 2008 economic crash.

    Today we have Stephen “foreclosure” Mnuchin whose bank was part of the 2008 economic crash problem, Larry Kudlow who is no Hank Paulson, and a "governed by Twitter" President. We are so doomed.
    Worse than you know. We are all f*****.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redtower View Post
    I don't think I ever hide the fact I was a national socialist. The fact I am a German one is what technically makes me a nazi
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooked View Post
    You haven't seen nothing yet, we trumpsters will definitely be getting some cool uniforms soon I hope.

  16. #35716
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    Quote Originally Posted by ezgeze View Post
    Where is the outrage over the democrats rallies?
    Biden campaign cancels Cleveland rally over coronavirus fears

    Sanders cancels Cleveland rally amid coronavirus concerns

    And that's the end of that discussion.

  17. #35717
    wow just wow..our president....tweeting....

    Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!

  18. #35718
    Quote Originally Posted by Zan15 View Post
    wow just wow..our president....tweeting....

    Stupid Nero. I laughed, until I remembered this is our life now.

  19. #35719
    Quote Originally Posted by Levelfive View Post
    Stupid Nero. I laughed, until I remembered this is our life now.
    Remember that we're all on this. This fucktard would leave thousands of people dead, if that meant his stock numbers would rise

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    Yes, the hypocrisy is overwhelming at times. I grew up in a small ranching and logging town. I know plenty of farmers who swear they hate socialism, but have no problem collecting their federal subsidies. To them, it's not the same, because they "worked" for that free money. And yes, I cannot count how many time I have heard them say they earned it.
    Socialism is bad, unless i benefit from it, right?
    Sadly we have the same folk over here, but its more of getting government contracts (and that sweet, sweet money) in exchange of favors.
    Forgive my english, as i'm not a native speaker

  20. #35720
    Bailing out fossil fuels, great look.

    Italy suspending mortgage payments, rbs doing the same on loans and mortgages in the UK.

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