1. #37861
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    So Trump enacted the Defense Protection Act for GM and this is how he announces it.
    What a clown!
    Still, it's something.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  2. #37862
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    But I thought we didn't need that many ventilators

  3. #37863
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    I read Trump did not invite Pelosi but likely any Democrat. Maybe no Democrat chose to attend, idk.

    Remember Trump states it's not political. More to the point, just try not to be a partisan piece of crap when you sign the bill.

    - - - Updated - - -



    So Trump enacted the Defense Protection Act for GM and this is how he announces it.

    What a clown!
    The funny part about that is that GM doesn't own the Lordstown plant. It was sold a while ago...and Trump Tweeted about it.

  4. #37864

    Texas AG say gun stores are "essential businesses" because...I guess we're gonna have to put a cap in the coronaviruses ass.

    This is truly unhinged nonsense.

    - - - Updated - - -


    More on this.

    The issues with the response to the coronavirus aren't just a Trump problem. Yes, he's spectacularly failing to lead the country, but it's not all him.

    It's conservatism in the US that's the root of the problem. Case in point, the reporting in this ProPublica article - https://www.propublica.org/article/e...rent-convinced

    More than 160 million Americans have been urged to stay home in what the World Health Organization has declared a global pandemic. Nonessential businesses and schools in states like New York, Illinois and California have shuttered. In parts of the country, coronavirus patients are flooding hospitals.

    Yet listeners of Mark Levin’s syndicated radio program heard on March 16 that much of the furor is a politically motivated overreaction. “I don’t want to be part of the hype machine,” Levin said. One of the country’s most-listened-to talk radio hosts, Levin averages 11 million listeners a week, according to the trade publication Talkers. “People on TV who lied to you about Russia and the Ukraine and so forth, trashing the president, using this as another opportunity to hype and dramatize their agenda.”

    Levin, a prominent conservative commentator, called the virus a “serious” matter. But he also emphasized that the death toll from the “Wuhan coronavirus” was significantly lower than that from the seasonal flu in the U.S. “We have 30,000 deaths this flu season,” he said, according to a ProPublica review of broadcasts since March 10.
    As with his presidency, Trump is a symptom of the broader problem within American conservatism.

  5. #37865
    To be fair, after being deluged with covid-19 stuff nonstop...24/7...on the radio (the only format I primarily use for news and music), well, after 15mins, I turn it off.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  6. #37866
    Quote Originally Posted by ghuilopas View Post
    I have a real problem with people like you. Fucking hypocrites. Yes, Trump is a disgusting human being. Maybe he is worse than the Democrats.

    However, he's not that much worse. Both are mostly filled with lying, sociopathic, greedy scumbags. You act like you are the conscience of the nation but the truth is if Biden gets in surprisingly little will actually change. There will be some flowery rhetoric about inclusivity. That's it. The inequality will still be there, the meaningless foreign wars will go on, the corruption will go on. You'll just have someone mouthing worthy platitudes instead of Trump's verbal incontinence.

    The truth is most Americans don't give a damn about the monstrous evil they carry out against other nations and the hardship they inflict upon their own poor. Trump is exactly what you people are, not some aberration. You are as guilty in this as any one, quit with the damn sermons.
    While you may be banned, I know you will just make another account, but fucking seriously? You think Democrats are even close to Republicans? Are you high?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    ...says someone who is too afraid to say what he wants without the anonymity of a new account. Clearly, you don't give enough of a damn, either, I guess.
    I don't think his original account exists anymore. This guy has made hundreds of accounts over the last few years, and MMO-Champ won't do anything about it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dacien View Post
    AOC out there doing her best "Look at me I'm still important don't forget me" act on the House floor.


    I'd post this in the "Democrat Sh*tshow thread", but we don't have that, so it's going here.
    I don't know why that is a shitshow, she is right, fuck the corporations. Did you get your opinion from Andrew McCarthy again?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ferly View Post
    You don't see the irony, do you. Fuck you are as dumb as they come.
    He get's almost all of his opinions from Andrew McCarthy, so that tells you all you need to know about him.

  7. #37867

  8. #37868
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Wait, so were the Democrat Congressional Leaders simply not invited to the White House stimulus signing... or were they just smart enough to avoid this complete lack of physical distancing?

    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  9. #37869
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Wait, so were the Democrat Congressional Leaders simply not invited to the White House stimulus signing... or were they just smart enough to avoid this complete lack of physical distancing?

    If there were any justice in this world, almost everyone pictured in that photo...well, you know.

  10. #37870
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Wait, so were the Democrat Congressional Leaders simply not invited to the White House stimulus signing... or were they just smart enough to avoid this complete lack of physical distancing?

    They weren't invited. Trump is that fucking childish and petty. I wouldn't want to go to it either anyway.

    - - - Updated - - -

    In other news Trish Regan from Fox Business was fired, "supposedly" for her comments about the Corona Virus being another "Democratic Impeachment Scam".


    Who wants to bet she ends up on something like Sputnik TV, OANN, or some other right wing bullshit conspiracy laden channel. Probably Infowars wouldn't be out of the question.

  11. #37871
    The briefing right now is fascinating.
    You guys really should get him into a clinic and treat him for dementia.

    The best part was "we call it data"

  12. #37872
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Wait, so were the Democrat Congressional Leaders simply not invited to the White House stimulus signing... or were they just smart enough to avoid this complete lack of physical distancing?

    They weren't invited.

    Let's all take a moment to apprciate a room of smiling Republicans, almost elusively white dudes, being in the room for this. Republicans, the party of "small government", smiling and congratulating themselves on being the very thing they have professed to be against most of their political careers.

    Oh the sweet, delicious irony.

  13. #37873
    "It's our currency. We can do whatever we want."


    Yeah, go tank the Dollar, you idiot
    So what will be the next world reserve currency? Yuan?

    Obviously Yuan, I doubt it will be the Yen

  14. #37874
    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post
    "It's our currency. We can do whatever we want."


    Yeah, go tank the Dollar, you idiot
    So what will be the next world reserve currency? Yen?
    ...is he talking about printing our way out of debt again?

  15. #37875
    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post
    "It's our currency. We can do whatever we want."
    Said by the guy who kept whining about China being a currency manipulator.

    "You can call it a germ. You can call it a flu. You can call it a virus. You can call it many different names. I'm not sure anybody even knows what it is."

    Fuck him and anyone who still supports him.

  16. #37876
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyasha Quoting Trump View Post
    "It's our currency. We can do whatever we want."
    Hey, remember when Trump accused China of currency manipulation? Well, hold that thought. Based on that Trump line, it's coming back eventually.

  17. #37877
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    ...is he talking about printing our way out of debt again?
    Yes... /10

  18. #37878
    LOL, he just called Murdoch's newspaper, the Wallstreet Journal, fake news. Wonder how Murdoch is going to respond to that.

  19. #37879
    Quote Originally Posted by Inuyaki View Post
    Yes... /10
    ...god damnit.

    In other news - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opini...icans-created/

    I didn't realize that Trump and Massie used to be so close.

    Also, the article is god-damned right. Massie, like Trump, isn't "the problem", but a symptom of the bigger problem. Which is that the Republican party has been completely co-opted by nutters that have rewarded this kind of pointless, dangerous behavior.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    LOL, he just called Murdoch's newspaper, the Wallstreet Journal, fake news. Wonder how Murdoch is going to respond to that.
    By putting it on the front page and selling more copies, I imagine.

  20. #37880
    The Insane Acidbaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orbitus View Post
    LOL, he just called Murdoch's newspaper, the Wallstreet Journal, fake news. Wonder how Murdoch is going to respond to that.
    Within a week or at most two, everything but Fox news will be fake news by his standard and only they will attend white house pressers.

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