“You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X
I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)
Remember how some people on these forums were touting Trump's approval rating bump of 5 points?
Cuomo's net approval is up 54 points.
If you take an average of other world leaders, they're seeing a 10 point bump on average.
Even Obama got an 11 point bump after Osama Bin Laden was killed...
Trump's "rally around the flag" bump is pathetic and will crater when we're experiencing 2-3k deaths per day.
In other news, a judge ruled that a fraud case against Trump's business can proceed, citing breach of contract.
"On what grounds?" the judge evidently didn't ask, but I'm pretending he did.
"Well, it's Trump, isn't it?" wasn't really the reply.
No, it was really that, back before this particular hotel had Trump's name forcibly scraped off the side, the Trump managers decided to lie to the government about the fees they were charging to make the property seem more valuable than it was. Yeah, I know, Trump lying about how much he's worth, can you imagine? Anyhow, that means they owe millions in back taxes due to these lies, and the current owner is suing Trump for that because, well, he's the one who lied.
Incidentally, Trump countersued saying the hotel's new owner tried to forcibly steal the hotel, which as the judge actually said, is a funny way of saying "We stopped paying them but they stayed and kept trying to run the hotel, so we threw them out." If you've forgotten the story, this 2018 ABC News piece should catch you right up. It's a great read if you're looking for a laugh, it has some great pictures and video of the Trump name being scraped off like a dried-up dog turd off the bottom of a shoe, and the line
That's right, the man who claims to be the best bestiest best businessman not only had to be escorted out of the building by guards, but cheated on taxes on the way out of town. I can't wait to see the lawsuit's resolution splashed all over the 2020 debate. "Was this verdict for more, or less, than your fraudulent charity?" Biden will ask, gesturing at a large NYTimes headline. "I'm having such trouble with the numbers, you'd think I went to Trump University."He [the hotel's new owner] then played a song on the piano for the gathered onlookers with lyrics that, when translated, said, “Fascism will not prevail.”
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Right, so, New Yorker here going off personal experience but I haven't got anything to cite. Yet.
New York is about 50.00001% NYC and 49.9999% "upstate". That means, basically any time there's a big statewide decision, what NYC wants wins and the farmers in the rest of the state have to eat it. Check out a Representative district map by political party, and you'll see what I mean.
Cuomo is not only a solid city Democrat but also a Trump opponent. Big surprise, that means he had a 50.0001% positive and 49.9999% selection of positive and negative reviews. It would take something massive to cause the state to swing as much as W's numbers in 2001, and yet, here we are.
Cuomo's out there routinely, announcing plans, rules, and asking for help in specific, public ways. He did not pawn the job off to Pence, nor did he go golfing. And he acted far sooner after the first case in NY, than Trump did from the first case in USA.
What you're seeing, is the red 49.9999% of the state seeing what a competent leader looks like.
Same as he has defended everything before, simply stating he knows best and those behind him will go "yes, massa, good massa, the best massa". Donny dumbo is often portrayed as the Emperor of humanity from WH40K, while i think he closer resemble that of the Orcs. Anyhow...
Can actually anything be done to him when he is president, guess not? Since republicans are putting clan before country.
The state of America what is painful was discussed here on our daily talk show, again stating how it is still very much under estimated and only now action is being taken but very much fragmented what won't work effectively and amusing enough when asked how a president could justify this, a virologist simply stated that he would move the number of casualties in comparison to something else so it would still seem like a win.
Not this time, he can't. It's pretty likely that who gets how much federal government money will be public. If it is not, that's just as bad. Biden can throw that in his face, too, flat-out claiming Trump gave money to himself and his friends, and if Trump denies it, ask for proof. Trump refusing to give it will be met like Trump taking the fifth.
Oh, yes, the rabid fanbase might pretend it doesn't matter. The rabid fanbase alone isn't enough. Remember which states Trump barely won.
I do wonder once the trump cult is facing their inevitable downfall being it this term or the one after that if these four years were not enough to shock people awake, although it's not over yet.
The entire republican party has been dismantled to serve just that cult even more so than with the teaparty coming in. Could this essentially be the final nail in the coffin for that party when it comes to attracting moderates? Because it seems to be fully focussed on extremists now and if their popular personality loses face, i don't think they have anyone else to present forward do they? Donny personally made sure of that by attacking every other candidate or person that would stand up to him. There's going to be a rather big vacuum.
Sigh...death spike to 2,953 while my back is turned. And a disproportionate number are from NYC, outside the city limits. I haven't been watching the states' numbers quite so closely as my own, but, it looks like MI took a bit of a jump as well.
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So I thought we had brought this up before, Trump accused New York of asking the federal government for help, then selling the supplies.
Let's go into detail.
And before anyone in the rabid fanbase tries to What He Meant Was with "he didn't mean they were being stolen" I'll point out that there are very few connotations for "back door" that even come close to making sense in this context. Unless Trump was suggesting Cuomo was taking a ventilator upstairs and buggering it, he's talking about theft.President Donald Trump on Sunday questioned the rate at which a hospital in New York was using medical supplies, suggesting that theft was why the unnamed facility needed 300,000 masks a week.
“How do you go from 10 to 20, to 300,000? Ten to 20,000 masks to 300,000?” the president asked during a Rose Garden news conference. “Where are the masks going? Are they going out the back door? How do you go from 10,000 to 300,000? And we have that in a lot of different places. So, somebody should probably look into that, because I just don't see, from a practical standpoint, how that's possible to go from that to that.”
There’s no evidence that theft is driving up New York City's needs for personal protective equipment, or PPE — though there were anecdotal reports of medical supply theft weeks ago. But there is ample evidence that the highly contagious virus and fast-growing rate of infection is taxing and overburdening New York's hospitals.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, skewered the president for the suggestion, making it clear that hospitals in his state are preparing for the peak of the curve and stockpiling supplies in advance.
"If you are not preparing for the apex and for the high point, you are missing the entire point of the operation," Cuomo said. "It is a fundamental blunder to only prepare for today, that’s why in some ways we are where we are. We’ve been behind this virus from Day One."
He continued: “In terms of the suggestion that PPE equipment is not going to a correct place, I don’t know what that means, I don’t know what he’s trying to say. If he wants to make an accusation, let him make an accusation. But I don’t know what he’s trying to sayby inference.”
Considering Trump already sent out nonfunctional equipment, theft doesn't even seem like that good of an idea anyhow.
cuomo and newsome should withhold federal tax revenue to cover the costs they have to endure because of trump outbidding them on ventilators and masks to send to red states, and they should begin investigations into properties and companies owned by trump and his family( yes they should run overtly political investigations because they can and trump would do the same to them)
Last edited by arandomuser; 2020-03-30 at 10:36 PM.
It's telling to Deplorable's mentality that his first instinct is that they were being stolen/sold. Because that's the first thing Deplorable would do given the chance.
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At some point when we get a Democrat lawful person into the White House, it will be nice to simply ignore all the bullshit coming from the GOP/Team-Deplorable, and just govern and do the right thing. I can't wait to see their pearl clutching when that happens.
The US should have developed a centralized purchasing system. It is dumb to pit states against states against the Federal government. First, not all states have the same resources. Second, by pooling resources everybody can take advantage of volume discount. Third, they are not driving the price up by bidding against each other.
Dumb is just dumb.
There is.
It's the federal government.
Normally, during a crisis like that they'd be filling the role they're supposed to: Acting as the centralized logistics manager on behalf of all the states. They have more purchasing power, more contacts, and more information than any individual state does and should be the ones making sure states are getting what they need based on the severity of the situation within each state.
This is just Trump and his administration not wanting to actually do that work, so they're leaving the states to compete against each other, and the federal government, leading to...well...this.
So, this is one for the record books.
We're all familiar with a running tally on the Team Deplorable's statements and actions. I've been posting highlighted accounts of the Orange Turd's above-and-beyond-deplorable statements and actions, but we have a new, VERY clear winner.
Trump says Republicans are kept out of office when voting is made easier.
From the article (please note the part that is a direct quote of Trump):
There you have it folks. In case anyone was unclear about the utter deplorableness of the GOP and their assault on democracy. It's official now. The GOP hates it when more people are allowed to vote.Trump said that Democrat-proposed voting reforms to the $2.2 trillion rescue package passed last week by Congress — which were largely cut from the deal — would have led to “levels of voting, that if you ever agreed to it you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”
I'm not even sure that's it. I think it's possible, even likely, that when Cuomo (and others) started asking for more and more help, making it more and more clear Trump's inaction was costing lives and DOW numbers, that he needed an excuse. A deflection. "Hey, maybe we can say he doesn't need all those medical items," they said. "maybe we can imply he lost or sold them, so it doesn't look like we intentionally withheld aid from dying Americans."
McConnell pretty much said the same thing early last year when he called a Democrat plan to make voting a national holiday a power grab.