So guess Fox has new competition in the shit reporting.
Got to love press freedom in the US, spreading deadly misinformation, inciting hatred between people, all allowed.
And I get that. There's potential. But it doesn't do us any good if we pass it around like candy with no regard to how it might affect people with other health issues, like diabetes, or liver disease, or what have you. Or if we pass it around only to find that COVID somehow reacts dangerously to it. Or find out it's about as useful, statistically, as aspirin against COVID.
You can't just throw pills at a pandemic and hope for a miracle.
Putin khuliyo
I see we're at the part of the movie where the "scientist" wants their drug tested by the masses, but is not allowed so they then test it on themselves. We'll see if Trump is man enough to do that or not, or for that matter any of his most avid zealots, like Hannity or Navarro.
As a side note, I never understood the concept of contraception being (or expected to be) part of medical insurance. I've grown up and live in a post-Communist country where I have mandatory comprehensive coverage (of course I'm paying for it, can't even choose not to) but I've always paid every last penny for my condoms.
This is why I hate people so much.
Why would anyone be so dumb as to take the word of a con man over a doctor with decades, literally half a century, of medical training and experience?
Trump's "intuition" lead to his casinos failing.
This shit is why I keep saying things like "we're all going to die." Because the lack of leadership from the top, and the fact that what leadership we get is idiocy, is going to only make this pandemic worse.
Putin khuliyo
The contraception in this instance means birth control pills. Which besides the obvious, uses hormones to avoid getting knocked up, can mitigate a variety of other issues for women both related and unrelated to their periods.
But because it can stop someone getting pregnant even if used for other purposes, it's the love child of Hitler, Stalin, Marx, and Soros. Raised by Obama.
In all fairness, there is no merit currently using the drugs as any kind of cure and claiming it has any puts people in danger regardless of what you say afterwards.
Medicine does not work with hail marys, vaccines takes time because to develop because it's not just a dead virus in a bottle. It's a complex procedure that requires trial and error which is why you have multiply attempts.
The so called ''encouraging'' results where limited in scope at best and gets contradicted by ''discouraging'' results because these weren't actual clinical trials. For all we know the times it ''worked'' where the times that the people weren't really sick or they just got better by themselves. Corona isn't a dead sentence, people do get better.
Covering birth control means more people use it. More people using it means fewer children you can't afford. Not everyone agrees with this strategy, but, covering the price of addiction withdraw drugs vs. covering the price of a drug overdose can kind of be thought of the same way. "If they're going to have sex anyhow," said the medical industry, "we would rather cover $50 worth of birth control pills than a $5,000 child birth hospital stay." (numbers purely hypothetical)
Which is why he raised the alarm bell in the first place.
I was in the Air Force reserves until recently. Last year I got a job that sent me to Virginia, then it was most likely going to be Phoenix Arizona after that, so being able to stay with my unit didn't seem likely. I went inactive reserve until I could figure out what I was doing. Ended up in Connecticut instead, so I could easily go back to my unit (based in Massachusetts, about an hour from where I am now.)
But given that our commander in chief is such a goddamned idiot, and given that captains got fired for caring about the welfare of their crews, I can't go back in. It was January, when Soleimani was killed and Trump nearly started a war with Iran that I decided I'm not going back in until that pumpkin faced fucktard is out of office. I signed up to serve the US, not the President. And I can't do that while under a CinC I have zero respect for.
Putin khuliyo
In the ongoing saga of "Trump and loyalty", it's time for Guess the Speaker, eh!
That's Newfoundland Premier Ball. Newfoundland, as inTo say that I’m infuriated by the recent actions of President Trump of the United States is an understatement. I cannot believe for a second that in a time of crisis that President Trump would even think about banning key medical supplies to Canada.
Actually, I think I have a quote about it from Trump:Ball noted that Canada helped cater to the more than 6,600 passengers in 2001 that descended on the 10,000-person town of Gander in Newfoundland.
Gander’s hotels were filled with flight crews, and passengers were taken to schools, fire stations and church halls. The Canadian military flew with 5,000 cots and stores and locals donated goods, according to AP.
“Newfoundland and Labrador will never give up on humanity. We will not hesitate for one second if we had to repeat what we did on 9/11. We would do it again,” Ball said.
No, that's not it...I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.”
Still not it...I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.
No...I would’ve been tougher on terrorism. Bin Laden would’ve been caught a long time ago, before he was ultimately caught, prior to the downing of the World Trade Center
There, that's the one.No pictures
"But Breccia! Trump's making America great. Who cares if our closest neighbors are all infected with a lethal, contagious virus?"
You mean, our neighbors to the north, where "April Lol" is closer to "May lol"? Well, fine. Let's go somewhere warmer. Here's a University of FLorida study which says
1) 53% of FLoridians disapprove of Trump's actions on the coronavirus than approve, and
2) 58% of FLoridians don't trust Trump to give accurate info on the topic, and
3) 51% aren't big fans of DeSantis either
Related: Biden leads Trump by six points in FLorida.
So we have this from Navarro. Idk if it's same interview on CNN. What are your qualifications to weigh in on medicines more than Dr. Fauci?
Navarro: My qualifications in terms of looking at the science is that I'm a social scientist. I have a PHD, I understand how to read studies
Berman: That doesn't qualify you to treat patients!
I believe again, that this administration understands it can con most of it's followers.
"Buh dah DEMS"
Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly addressed the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt. He apparently doesn't know how to read a room.
Following Captain Crozier getting a sendoff from much of the crew cheering him on, Modly decided to call him "stupid and naive" in his address to the crew. He also said what the captain did was a betrayal.
When asked if Modly's personal attack on Crozier was appropriate, a senior defense official said Monday, "I don't know what to say."
A defense official familiar with Modly's remarks offered his opinion of Modly's address, saying the acting secretary "should be fired. I don't know how he survives this day."
This is yet another in a long line of reminders that Trump surrounds himself with an ignorant cult personality; people who are either too scared or too stupid to disagree with him. As a reminder - Hitler did this same thing.
Can you imagine if someone like Mattis was still at the helm of the DoD? This fuckwit Modly would have been gone by noon. That line, stupid and naive, had to come from Trump almost directly.
It's simple math like this that really boggles the mind...
People are going to have sex regardless. Decades of "The War On..." should be proof that people are going to do it no matter what bans you attempt.
The party that rails on entitlement and welfare programs is going to rail against a plan that would actually CUT the amount of people joining the ranks of entitlement and welfare programs??