No need to attack me over some perceived lifestyle you attribute to me.
I don't consume soy. In fact i eat a lot of meat. Still, meat production consumes more food than it produces. So if you are worried about food shortages, pushing meat production is NOT the solution.
Funny enough though, that meat production without soy wouldn't work...
Ironically, if there was an actual food shortage, that would be exactly what would happen. As in, actual famine level, not just 'sometimes shelves are empty while we are still throwing away tonnes of food'. In those cases, meat production would be scaled down, simply because not allowing people to eat would allow a lot more people to eat at all.
That's also how you know that arguing over meat plants in and of itself means that there isn't an actual shortage of meat. If there was, those workers would instead be sent to the farms and such that currently have fruit and vegetables rotting on the fields, because that way the greatest number of people could be fed. No, this is just about the luxury product that is meat.
Ok so simple question, which side were people on when BLM and ANTIFA actually cause damage to buildings and physical violence? Were these guns loaded or were they just being used as a show piece to increase their visibility? This was in al honesty a more peaceful protest than many other protests the left supports. The point of a protest is to bring visibility to a cause and well this worked and there was absolutely no violence.
Problem being that anywhere that is processing food in any capacity should be having some appropriate level of protection for the employees and for the food so these issues would not happen, or at least to the degree in which it has.
I agree that these plants are necessary, but when 50% or more of your employees get sick because your company was dumb enough to not even do the basic shit to keep themselves open then do we really want them open? They do need to be open and that's reason enough for those companies to take the proper precautions so they don't close, don't lose money (this is the biggest fucking one and it amazes me they were okay with losing any money at all), and food supply chains are not thrown in disarray.
They are necessary and should be open, but they can't fuck up to such a degree like that. I hope those companies that fucked up get a huge fucking fine for it, the kind of fine that actually makes them money they are uncomfortable with and hits them hard enough to not close them but makes them think fucking twice about being so blase about a fucking pandemic.
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How does bringing a gun into a building bring visibility to the cause of going back to work and getting a haircut? Those two things are not attributed to each other one bit and all it does is make you look like a crazy person for doing so while you cosplay in your Call of Duty gear hoping to get a hard candy from someone thinking you're a trick-or-treater.
Its the same as any political stunt. Security had to have been informed of what was happening or they would have been dealt with. This was a way more peaceful protest than most of the BLM or Antifa rallies. They are all over the news due to the guns so yes i think their props actually did work.
It really didn't work. All it does is show a bunch of crazies go over the top for something that they still don't understand in the least, think is a complete hoax, and continue to be fucking stupid about. We see people with guns standing around and screaming at security just so they can get their $8 coffees from Starbucks and stop cutting their own hair. All that does is make them seem even more crazy and even more retarded.
They don't look scary, they just look like fucking army weeaboos hoping that someone out their believes they have a big dick that their red pick up truck isn't over compensating for.
You keep bringing up Antifa like they matter in this particular instance. Why? I have no idea outside of that's your M.O.
Last edited by Dontrike; 2020-05-05 at 12:40 PM.
Because ANTIFA has a tendency for physical and verbal assault whenever they counter protest in masks to cover their identity. Almost like the KKK per say. Anyone who intentionally conceals their identity is either not proud to be part of it or they are doing it for underlying reasons. BLM riots were treated as ok when they rioted by the progressive left. There was no altercation, they got large publicity for their cause and we are still talking about it. Mission accomplished for a non violent protest.
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Hypocrisy of the left thats why.
First and again, Antifa has nothing to do with this, so once more there's no reason to bring them up. Whataboutism screeching is annoying.
Second, and the bold part, that would mean that most of those that were doing that shit aren't proud of what they are doing here either, so nice job fucking your argument.
Third, the only reason people are talking about it was because they looked absurd, still no nothing of what they are talking about, and people are only question those crazies that clearly jack off to Michael Bay movies. Also, what with all of the Nazi phrases and swastikas about of course people are going to keep talking about it, but I guess you don't see those kinds of things anymore.
Question. Would you be okay with this kind of protesting at a Trump rally?
So you talk about random shit that has nothing to do with a conversation because of something you imagine? That's stupid.
Last edited by Felya; 2020-05-05 at 01:05 PM.
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
Just because someone made some pipe bombs, planned to kill cops, and were a part of a group doing the same thing just so they could get a haircut doesn't mean they were terrorists, it means they were SUPER PEACEFUL PROTESTORS!!!! Clearly because they never got the chance to use them shows they were non violent. And hey, just because this is yet another one of Trump's base doing this doesn't mean his whole base is like that, it just means most of his base is like that.
They are spitting in their faces, saying they want them to get sick. Also, watch their footage... the pussies are sending in women and children first. They want to QQ about cops attacking them, while the fully armed idiots stand back.
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After years of attacking Kapernic and BLM... you know the rally cry that made Trump supporters attack cops?... “I want my hair did”...
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
Ok so they were not the only ones there. We condemn all of the violent sides of all these protests. There were people there who were not like these clowns. And by the way they had their masks off for the majority of the protest. They put them on for the photos which was dumb, but hey arent we now mandated to wear masks? All I am trying to say if you call these clowns out, iy would be fine if you did it for the other side and the left doesnt.
No, I am sorry, fully armed Trump supporters, carrying nazi slogans about concentration camps, while attacking cops, is unique to Trump’s extreme base. They just also like to make idiots out of normies, while complaining that kneeling... you know, that thing you do before royalty to get knighted... is attacking cops. They are sending in women and children to attack cops, while carrying slogans about not being able to get a hair cut.
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
And so are the black panthers and BLM members rioting and attacking cops thats a completely left idea. The problem with the kneeling actually got spurred because of the pig stuff Kapernick wore. The fact that he did it during the anthem is why it spurred people wrong. You think its for a hair cut... Or is that just the easiest way for you to minimize it? Its about freedom. The right to live your life the way you want. They are basically saying we are willing to take our chances and thats our right. You dont force people to open but give them the option. The fear the left has is that the majority will be willing to do that not allowing them to continue to hide at home because the financial relief will stop. Well they should have hadd a nest egg and they could stay home. Not my problem. Doesnt that sound familiar? Kind of like what the left is telling us who are willing to risk it?
"I call them out all the time, just like I called myself out for wanting to shoot bankers if they were to come and take my home." Seriously, stop bringing up your boogeyman Antifa when they have nothing to do with any of the topics being brought up here. If you want to make an Antifa thread then go do that.
Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi
It's time once again for Guess the Speaker!
"Well whoever it is is clearly a Commie librul traitor. Trump has access to the best scientific minds and he says it came from a lab, therefore it came from a lab."The best evidence shows the virus behind the pandemic was not made in a lab in China. Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species.
Dr. Fauci, yes.
So the only people saying this was created or weaponized are the people who feel that it is. The people in Team Trump whose job are to find out things, people in the intelligence and scientific community, have been clear that it is not, as recently as yesterday.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the scientific face of America's pandemic response, dismissed the theory that coronavirus originated in a lab in Wuhan, contradicting the president and his Secretary of State in an escalating confrontation with China.
He added that he doesn't believe the alternate theory that someone discovered coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab and then it accidentally unleashed it on the public.
Fauci's statement contradicts an April 30 comment by President Donald Trump that he had seen convincing evidence that the coronavirus originated from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). On Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he'd seen "enormous evidence" supporting the theory, but didn't elaborate.
The New York Times also reported last week the administration is pressuring some within the intelligence community to lend weight to the WIV theory. There is not yet any publicly available evidence supporting the WIV's involvement in the pandemic.
U.S. intelligence has concluded that the COVID-19 novel coronavirus was neither man-made nor genetically modified, though officials are investigating whether it could have been released from the WIV.
Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a prominent member of President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force, joins task force response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx in their doubt of Trump and Pompeo's claim.
In a Sunday appearance on CBS News' Face the Nation, Dr. Birx said the evidence is lacking to prove that the coronavirus epidemic began from an accident in the Wuhan laboratory.
"Well look, maybe the CHINA VIRUS CHINA VIRUS CHINA VIRUS was in a lab being researched and got out and then attacked the US more than any other country in the world for a reason other than the US's poor defense. I mean, why even have bat viruses in a lab, anyhow?"
To learn how to cure them.
"Yeah but...this is Obama's fault, the NIH was funding them.""Determining the molecular Achilles' heel of these viruses can allow scientists to identify novel antiviral drug targets that could be used to prevent infection in those at risk or to better treat those who become infected... [creating] a critical foundation for generating appropriate countermeasures and, ultimately, protecting the public health," Dr. Fauci and two co-authors wrote in a December 30, 2011 Washington Post article defending their work.
So was Trump.
"Look, Trump is just saying what we're all thinking: despite all evidence to the contrary, China somehow made a virus that was designed to spread in America faster than any other country and wipe out our economy with a deliberate targeted outbreak while they hoard all the medical supplies before Kushner could take them for his personal stash. And besides, what's a little declaration of intentional mass murder and military-precision attack going to hurt, anyhow?"In 2019, the NIAID provided backing for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to commit $3.7 million over six years to the WIV for research including some studies into gain-of-function. This money came after another $3.7 million, 5-year project for studying various bat coronaviruses. That project concluded in 2019. The NIH canceled the latest $3.7 million project on Friday, April 24, Politico reported.
"Well at least Trump is taking action! He's not just whining and blaming oth--"The public feud over the lab has coincided with the escalation of military tensions. Last Tuesday, the U.S. Navy sailed a second ship through the South China Seas, challenging China's claim to the disputed waters. China's armed forces, the People's Liberation Army (PLA), said that it had expelled the first U.S. Naval ship, the USS Barry.
The Chinese military's social media accused the U.S. of violating "international law and China's sovereignty and security interests" through "provocative acts," calling the sailing of ships "incompatible with the current joint efforts of the international community to fight against the Covid-19," according to the South China Morning Post.
"These provocative acts by the U.S. side ... seriously violated China's sovereignty and security interests, deliberately increased regional security risks and could easily trigger an unexpected incident."
Incidentally, I'd like to see the quote from Fauci that this was going to pass and not be a big deal. There doesn't seem to be such a quote in the time frame, and everything he's said in a full, dedicated lifetime in the field suggests he'd never say this.When asked about his slow response to addressing coronavirus, Trump said during a Fox News town hall on Sunday night that Dr. Fauci among others told him they expected the virus wouldn't be too serious.
"Nancy Pelosi was a month later saying it was going to pass—everybody, even Tony Fauci, was saying it's going to pass, not going to be a big deal," Trump said.
"Well why don't we ask him?"
Because Trump is blocking his testimony.